Consequences of love for the customer and the victim. ABOUTwhat you should think before the ritual

Consequences of love for the customer and the victim. ABOUT what you should think before the ritual

Unrequited love pushes people to rash
deeds. For the sake of being close to the beloved, some
Appeal to psychics, magicians and sorcerers, asked to bewitch
person Some conduct the love spell themselves. AT
Both cases, people do not think about the consequences, which are quite
lot. The sad outcome overtakes not only the victim of the love spell, but also
customer or performer. ATажно тщательно изучить этот вопрос,
clearly understand what threatens the spell for all participants


White and black love spell

Among experts in the field of esoteric, there are such concepts
both white and black spell. The difference between the two is
атрибутах, которые используются для ritualFor белого приворота
most often used are church candles, icons and the like. For
black – blood, hair, attributes from the cemetery, pads.

It is believed that the black spell completely suppresses the will
man subordinates to the customer, and white only corrects and
sends in the right direction.

Many believe that the white spell is safe and does not carry any
consequences. This is not true. Any energy impact on
another person entails a change in internal balance, this
applies to both the victim and the performer or customer. Any
love spell – violence against a person, no matter how it was
done by Most wizards attribute spell precisely to damage, this
says a lot.

Implications for the customer

When deciding whether to conduct a love spell, it is necessary
to understand what the consequences will be, to avoid them will not work. Any
love spell – a kind of magical enslavement of another person
the balance is disturbed, there is an invasion of foreign energy and
biofield. Violating this balance, the customer harms, and for any evil
Retribution comes sooner or later. ATысшие силы ничего не прощают.
ATозможно, для заказчика получится отсрочка последствий, затем
children, grandchildren, future generations will suffer.

For проведения обряда приворота требуется большое
amount of energy. Therefore, if the performer has a weak
energy, it just will not work.

ABOUTднако после проведения обряда, неважно, успешного или нет,
must come general malaise. If black was held
love spell, well-being deteriorates to a large extent, on
recuperation takes a lot of time.

ABOUTднако, это лишь энергетическое истощение после обряда.
There are consequences that can occur almost immediately.
either delayed:

  • illnesses and afflictions difficult to treat, ill
    diagnosed by doctors;
  • financial difficulties that cannot be solved;
  • deterioration of mental state, for example, insomnia, nervous

Another sad consequence of the love spell for the customer –
fate will never be reduced to a man who is truly
intended to create a family. This feature is completely
is blocked.

ABOUTчень опасно проводить обряды на кладбище или с использованием
paraphernalia from this place. ABOUTсобенно это касается неопытных людей.
It is known that in the twilight world there live entities, as a rule
hostile to ordinary people. Interact correctly with them
can only experienced psychic. Any mistake, inaccuracy may
cause the entity to attach to the person who conducted
the rite will follow him everywhere, feed on his energy.
The manifestation of such a presence – a healthy person begins abruptly
often sick, literally wither on the eyes.

If the purpose of the love spell was an attempt to destroy a strong family,
built on true love, the consequences will be just
catastrophic, will affect all areas of life of the customer.

Consequences of love for the customer and the victim. ABOUT what you should think before the ritual

Consequences for the victim

As mentioned above, the love spell is violence, in the energy
plan, over another person, the suppression of the will, literally
zombies. Each of us is able to reflect negative
impact from outside to one degree or another. ATсе зависит от силы
energy and biofield. If a love spell was placed on a person
having a strong energy, the result of the rite will be
opposite. The victim will be with the customer of the love spell,
however, it will vehemently hate him. At the same time, the strength to leave the customer is not
will be due to a love spell that will cause the flow even more

There are also other consequences of a strong conflict.
energy and love spell. For example, for a man, this is:

  • impotence;
  • alcoholism;
  • the appearance of bad habits and addictions;
  • aggression.

ABOUTбщие последствия заключаются в проявлении депрессии, жертва
loses interest in life, peace of mind. ABOUTщущение постоянной тревоги
do not give full life, there is insomnia, overcome night

It turns out that the life of the victim of a love spell sooner or later
it becomes just unbearable.

Of course, a person periodically experiences some euphoria and hot flashes.
the joy of the presence of the customer nearby, but everything changes
sadness, irritability. Intimate life is not brings no
pleasure, perceived as a duty. It happens that the victim
even hates the customer after intimacy.

As it is influenced by the will of man, they can change
his habits, lifestyle. Problems start at work
loss of close friends, social life collapses.

Consequences of removing the love spell

Consequences of love for the customer and the victim. ABOUT what you should think before the ritual

If a love spell is detected, it is urgent to take action and
shoot this magical effect. To reduce negative
consequences to a minimum, you need to properly remove the spell,
do it extremely carefully. Most rituals can be performed
self at home. ABOUTднако, необходимо тщательно
prepare, study everything thoroughly to prevent
an error.

If you conduct the ceremony of removing the love spell is wrong, then
negative consequences will remain with the victim for life: health
will be weak, the will to live will not be the same.

It may be possible to eliminate the imposed love
attraction, but the negative echoes of the rite remain.

After the ceremony of removing the love spell is very important literally
surround the victim with care, love, attention. ATедь на человека было
twice exerted a magical effect, energy forces depleted
– the victim also feeds the spell magic. ATажно избегать
reproaches, scandals, quarrels and proceedings related to the behavior
the victims. ATсе это было вызвано магией, необходимо понимать это. Not
it’s worth finding out the relationship, demanding an explanation, waiting for a confession
love, the victim needs rehabilitation.

If you have the idea to use magic for
retention of a person, it is extremely important to weigh the pros and cons.
Even if the spell has the desired result, it will be created
family – fate will not let everything take its course. This pair is expected
severe tests that will lead to separation.

Remember that a real family is built only through
true love, the couple must hold out in a difficult moment, confidently
look into your future. No one in a pair should think that
union was created on magic and not sincere

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