Complex exercises for morning exercises

  • 1 Morning exercises for children and adults
    • 1.1 Slimming
    • 1.2 For women
    • 1.3 For men
    • 1.4 For pensioners
    • 1.5 For children
  • 2 The benefits and harm of morning exercises for weight loss
  • 3 Video lesson

No matter how energetic you are, wake up
morning hard for everyone. In order to at least tune in a working way,
many prefer to charge their bodies with the necessary amount
Cheerfulness through charging.

At what, morning classes are useful not only to those who have to
hard day at work, but also for old people and young children. Read more
what exercises are best to perform in the morning, tell in
the following material.


Morning exercises for children and adults

Complex exercises for morning exercises каждому необходимо
select individually, taking into account the physical features and,
in fact, the inclination of a person to sports.

It’s no secret that morning exercises bring the body
exclusively health effect. It is recommended to perform it in
spacious room in clothes, not chilling movement.

Среди плюсов выполнения упражнений по утрам
such properties are distinguished as:

  • getting rid of irritability;
  • improving mood;
  • fight with sleepiness and fatigue.

Note that doing physical exercises in the morning applies
not only to replenish energy in the body, but it can also be
A great app for losing weight. Actually, about this
We will discuss the methodology in the paragraph below.


Of course, for effective weight loss of only one morning
charging will be small. With a strong desire to lose weight,
immediately review your diet. Morning gymnastics
combined with proper nutrition will provide you with fast effective
slimming, without prejudice to health.

Since the body tends to spend most of the delayed
fat in the morning, producing energy for physical exertion, pick up
A special set of training at this time. AT
no matter how worried you are overweight
Workouts should not be exhausting.

Похудению поспособствует выполнение следующих
упражнений, в виде утренней зарядки:

  • Squats. Heels should be firmly pressed to the floor. Posture
    straight. ATыполните 25 приседаний, не отрывая стоп;
  • ATыпрямьте верхние конечности и расположите их на спинку стула.
    First swing your left foot, then right. ATыполните по 50
    repetitions for each;
  • ATозьмите в руки гантели и опустите вниз. ATыпрямьте спину.
    Raise and lower the upper limbs with inventory 30 times;
  • Standing straight and taking one step forward, do 25
    attacks on each;
  • Take a prone position, leaning your back against the floor and
    slightly raise the pelvis. ATыполните 50 repetitions.

For women

For the fair sex, there is morning exercise,
including a special set of exercises. Women’s training
body to perform this kind of work start with the right
set breathing. First, take 5 deep breaths and
exhalations, normalizing heart rate.

Then you can proceed directly to

  • The slopes of the case. Lower limbs shoulder width wide
    shoulders, place your palms on the belt. ATыполните наклон влево, затем
    to the right. Do 10 repetitions on each side;
  • Rotary prone. Lie on your back and spread your arms to the side.
    Bend the limbs at the knees by 90 degrees and as close as possible.
    press to the stomach, lingering for 2-3 seconds. ATыполните 10
  • The bridge on one leg. For this exercise you will need to lie down
    bend one lower limb in the knee, straighten the other. Then
    raise your pelvis and stay in that position for several
    seconds, immediately returning to its original position. ATыполните 10-15

For men

Exercises for morning exercises for men are also calculated.
to replenish the body with the proper amount of energy and strength.
Effective charging consists of three basic exercises;
which each man will add more confidence and charge
vivacity for the whole next day.

Итак, рассмотрим основной комплекс утренних

  • Deep squats, performed in a quiet rhythm. Back with
    This should be straight, and heels tightly pressed to the floor;
  • To perform the following exercise, you must take
    lying position. Lower limbs should be straight. Lift up
    trunk, leaning in different directions;
  • The final exercise morning charge – pushups.

Give each of the above lessons in the morning 2-3

For pensioners

Despite their advanced age, older people also need
in an additional source of strength. AT особенности, по
mornings Morning exercise for retirees helps to improve
the work of the cardiovascular system and their general well-being.

К упражнениям для утренней зарядки, которые мы
consider below, be extremely careful when doing each in
quiet rhythm and without making sudden movements:

  • Running on the spot with your knees raised should be given no more
    одной minutes Remember that after all it is charging, but not full
  • Proper “boxing” should be done with legs apart.
    shoulder width and slightly bent. Hands must be bent into a fist and
    alternately, rhythmic movements, pull them forward;
  • Smooth squats, slightly bending the hips forward;
  • Lying on your back, tear the pelvis off the floor;
  • ATыпрямить руки, прижатые к туловищу, лежа на животе. Legs
    should be folded together. Lift up туловище, стараясь не
    tear off the lower body from the floor.

For kids

Morning exercise is most provided for children, since
they are most often recommended these exercises before going to the nursery
garden and school.

Charging for children is recommended before breakfast. So that
attract their children to physical activities in the morning, offer them
perform these actions in the form of a game:

  • When inhaling, raise hands up, while exhaling, lower them;
  • Walking on the spot in a quiet rhythm;
  • Alternate raising of hands;
  • The torso in different directions;
  • Quick squats, without lifting heels from the floor;
  • ATыставить руки перед собой и делать при этом махи ногами;
  • Jumps alternately on each leg.

For the normal functioning of the body, teach children to everyday
perform morning exercises.

The benefits and harm of morning exercises for weight loss

AT данном случае, похудение подразумевает собой правильное
food combined with exercise, in the form of everyday
morning charge. Alas, this technique to increase energy and
weight loss has its drawbacks. But first we will look at
основные ее плюсы:

  • increases endurance;
  • gives positive emotions;
  • speeds up the metabolism process;
  • improves brain activity.

ATред от утренней зарядки может заключаться в

  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • there is a possibility of stretching the muscles;
  • in the absence of any physical fitness, possible
    nausea, dizziness and extreme tiredness.

ATидео урок

If you decide to further devote every morning to charging for
improve the body, but are not sure of the correctness of the actions
We offer you to read the next video lesson.

ATидео — зарядка утренняя:

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