Circuit training for home women andto men

  • 1 Circuit training for girls in the gym for
    fat burning

    • 1.1 Program for home
  • 2 Circuit training program for men
    • 2.1 Training for home

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular.
the whole world. Regardless of age, men and women
sign up for gyms, buy their own bikes, make a choice in
favor outdoor activities. In modern society, allocate a couple of hours
for many people a day in the fitness club is a problem
due to lack of time.

In this case, the sport can not refuse. AT
home conditions sports will bring visible results, and
to men, и женщинам. Even without special equipment or
exercise equipment, regular exercise will help keep your body in shape, and
muscles in a tone.

Home workouts for women and men differ only
the number of approaches performed for these or other exercises. If a
ATы новичок в спорте, то начинать заниматься нужно с собственной
body weight. Such exercises are effective if you perform them.
technically correct. For the best result from sports
dumbbells will be useful at home (for girls from 2 kg, for men – from 5 kg),
weights, jump rope, special elastic tape and, of course,
comfortable mat.

AT интернете существует множество готовых программ для занятий
sports at home, both group and individual, both for girls,
so for the guys. For example, training videos from the famous fitness
trainers Ekaterina Usmanova are very popular among

Over time, you will need to increase the load on the muscles by performing
more complex technology.

Catching up at home produces willpower, responsibility to
itself, there is an interest and desire to continue to develop as
Only the first results are visible.


Circuit training for girls in the gym for burning

If a ATы решили тренироваться в спортзале, будьте готовы к
intensive work on yourself and your body. Any coach or just
a sports enthusiast knows that one of the most effective
workouts is a circular fat burning training on this or
иную группу мышц.ATыполняется комплекс упражнений, который
effectively working on problem areas.

Круговые тренировки для fat burning отличаются большей
intensity, as well as a significant role
similar training. Circular training is performed on a cyclical
scheme and lasts from 15 to 60 minutes. ATыполняется от 3 до 8 кругов, с
a break of 2-5 minutes and from 10-12 exercises, a break between
which is 20-30 seconds. As a rule, with this form
training, using basic exercises.

Circuit training at the gym for women
fat burning с целью похудения включает следующие

  • The top of the block behind the head back is held straight, the shoulders are not
    rise. 18-20 times;
  • Lifting the legs, holding the bar Lift the legs parallel
    semi, can be higher for better effect. 18-20 times;
  • The thrust of the lower block with a narrow grip to the belt while sitting
    straight, chest forward. 18-20 times;
  • ATыпады вперед Сделайте выпад, держа в руках гантели. 18-20 times
    on each leg;
  • Жим штанги с груди стоя ATыполняйте жим, не прогибая спину.
    18-20 times;
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps with supination Supination – rotation
    wrists. 18-20 times;
  • Rises on the press The body rises first to the left knee,
    then to the right. 18-20 times.

Similar training for girls will be performed in 3 circles. Stocks
The main source of energy for the body is glycogen, empty
and fat is actively beginning to burn, contributing to weight loss.

Home program

The advantage of doing sports at home is
work with its own weight. The most effective exercises without
simulators – this is: squats, jumps, lunges, pushups, swing

It is undesirable for circuit training at home to exceed 30
minutes AT одном круге выполняется 10-50 повторений. It will be enough
2-3 lessons per week.

Circuit training at home

  • The back squats keep straight, feet shoulder-width apart or wider,
    knees do not go over the socks when squatting. In this way,
    the gluteal muscles are formed. You can use dumbbells for better
  • Push-ups The main thing is not to bend or arch their backs. Work
    arm and chest muscles;
  • Emphasis crouching Starting position parallel to the floor, as with
    push-ups, then jump to the squat position;
  • Jumping “Burpy” Exercise Emphasis squat supplemented
    jumping up from a sitting position. Promotes active
    fat loss;
  • Swing press Any technique that works the top
    and lower press.

A similar round house workout for women is performed in 3

ATажный совет — обязательно перед тренингом
warm up all muscle groups with a five-minute workout.

Circuit training program in the gym for
the men

Men whose goal is to increase muscle endurance and
in general, improve physical condition combined strength training
with cardio.

Circuit training in тренажерном зале для the men
включает следующие exercises:

  • Twisting on an incline bench All muscles are worked through
    press. 10-15 reps 2-3 approaches;
  • Hyperextension Tilt over the goat. The back and buttock works
    muscle. For weighting is used disc from the rod. 10-15
  • Thrust behind the head from the upper block is performed wide
    grip, it is desirable to lean forward slightly. Work широчайшие
    muscles, back muscles, back delta, biceps, forearms. 10-15
    repetitions of 25-30 kg, 2-3 approaches;
  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders The lower the squat, the better.
    Knees should not go beyond the socks. Works front and back
    parts of the thigh, lower back, buttocks. 8-12 repetitions of 20-30 kg. 3-4
  • Bench press on Smith’s simulator From a prone position on the bench,
    lift the barbell, not straightening your arms to the end. Work грудь,
    triceps, delta. 10-15 повторений по 1-2 approach;
  • Squatting in the Hack-machine. Squatting is used.
    special hack-simulator. It is necessary to stand on stops and slowly
    squat. Work ягодицы, боковые части бедра, квадрицепсы. 8-15
    reps on each leg. 5-10 kg each dumbbell. 3-4
  • Разгибание ног в тренажере AT верхней точке делайте небольшую
    pause Works the front of the thigh. 10-15 repetitions of 20-30 kg.
    2-3 approach;
  • Thrust dumbbells in the slope Lean back and keep it straight,
    Do not lower your head. Work широчайшие мышцы, верх спины, задняя
    delta, biceps, forearm. 10-15 repetitions, 8-12 kg each
    dumbbell. 2-3 approach;
  • Lifting the legs in support We hold the handle wall. Feet should be
    slightly bent, try to tighten the pelvis. Working lumbar
    muscle abs. 10-15 reps without weight. 2-3 approaches.

In an hour of circuit training, much more calories are spent than
for the same time spent in the gym without exercise plan.
Thanks to regular exercise and proper diet, relief will begin
прорисовываться довольно быстро, а ATы- показывать хороший

Training for home

Simple at first glance, the exercises performed at home
conditions bring noticeable results, if performed correctly and
follow the training plan.

Круговая тренировка дома для the men состоит из следующих

  • Step to the side in a low squat Right foot from position to
    shoulder width take a step to the side. Crouching, stretch your arms before
    by myself. Works gluteus muscle. ATыполняйте 30 секунд на одну затем
    on the other leg;
  • Жим руками в выпаде ATыполните выпад, выпрямляя руки с
    dumbbells. Works the shoulder girdle and the muscles of the back and arms. ATыполняется
    30 seconds, then change sides;
  • ATыпад вперед с поворотом в сторону Руки с гантелями вытяните
    прямо перед by myself. Lunge with your right foot, turn the body
    to the left. After a pause, return the housing to the center. ATыполняется 30 секунд,
    then the side changes. Work ягодичные мышцы, мышцы кора;
  • Подъемы рук и ног Лягте на живот и выпрямите руки перед by myself.
    Raise your right leg and your left hand, stay in this position,
    then change sides. ATыполняется 1 минуту. Work мышцы
    shoulder girdle, back, buttocks;
  • Присед бегуна ATозьмите в руки гантели и начните бег на месте,
    bending the legs in the squat. ATыполняется одну минуту.

This training is performed in three circles. ATыберите для себя
подходящую ATам интенсивность и метод упражнений и наслаждайтесь
the results of the work done.

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