- The benefits of cinnamon for the figure
- Honey Cinnamon Slimming
- Recipe with kefir and cinnamon
- Ginger and Cinnamon
- Cinnamon Slimming Tea
- Red pepper and cinnamon
- Water with cinnamon
- Bay leaf and cinnamon for weight loss
- Fragrant tea with lemon and cinnamon
- Cinnamon Wraps
- How to use cinnamon oil for weight loss?
It is difficult to find such a person who would not like the aroma of cinnamon.
This spice is widely used in cooking, but the greatest
it got spread in the preparation of pastry shops
products. Perhaps no one will resist the fragrant bun
cinnamon. But having eaten it, women, by all means, are afraid that
This delicacy will result in extra centimeters at the waist. There is no
less, cinnamon can serve not only as an excellent flavoring agent,
but also a very effective way to lose weight.
How does cinnamon work?
Before you start using cinnamon, you should deal with
its mechanism of action to ensure its effectiveness.
So, getting into the body, cinnamon helps to ensure that glucose
as soon as possible processed into energy, and its concentration in
blood decreased. Thus, glucose will not settle in the form
fat, which acts as an energy reserve. Besides,
Cinnamon has a beneficial effect on the intestines, significantly speeding up the exchange
But you should not naively believe that cinnamon can solve all your
weight problems without any additional measures. This ingredient
acts rather as a catalyst for the process of losing weight. And especially,
deciding to lose weight, do not lean on buns and other sweets with
Cinnamon, and keep proper diet and active image
of life.
Cinnamon and honey
One of the most effective product combinations that
promote weight loss, can be considered cinnamon and honey. Action of these
components are not only aimed at reducing weight, but also at
complete cleansing of the body. Not surprisingly, after such a diet you
you will not just find harmony, but also notice a significant improvement
skin conditions, as well as feel light throughout
the body.
This recipe helps, first of all, to reduce
waist and sides. If this is a problem area for you, feel free to
proceed to action. Judging by the reviews of women who are already
tried on themselves a similar tool, it helps to reset to 2
kg per week.
To make a fat burning cocktail, stir it first.
half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass of water. Next you need a mixture
boil, then cool completely. At the last stage
preparations need to dissolve a teaspoon in the resulting liquid
honey (you can not add this component in too hot water, so
as a result of high temperature, it can release harmful
substances). The resulting amount of honey-cinnamon drink is enough
for the day. One half should be drunk in the morning (on an empty stomach), and the second –
before bedtime.
Cinnamon and kefir
This recipe allows you to combine the benefits of cinnamon and kefir,
each of which contributes to weight loss. To prepare
useful drink, you need a glass of yogurt low fat
add a teaspoon of cinnamon. This drink should be drunk from the very
in the morning, while you haven’t had breakfast. If you do not notice the desired
effect, you can enhance the effect of the cocktail, if you add to it
a small pinch of red pepper. Kefir will be beneficial to
intestines, as well as soften the effects of pepper and cinnamon, which will
promote fast weight loss.
Cinnamon and Ginger
This is probably the most effective combination, thanks
which, you can get rid of excess weight in a matter of days. For
Begin to make ginger tea. For этого чайную ложку
rubbed ginger need to pour boiling water, or add it to
ordinary black or green tea. On a glass of this drink you need
add a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon. A glass of tea you need
drink in the morning and in the evening. This tool not only contributes
weight loss, but also helps fight colds.
Cinnamon tea
You can lose weight even while drinking your favorite
green or black tea. For этого к нему достаточно добавить чайную
a spoonful of cinnamon. Spice will significantly improve the taste
traditional drink, and will also contribute to the burning of fat.
This drink is very useful for diabetics, as cinnamon
helps to reduce blood glucose levels. But from sugar
have to refuse, otherwise the tool will not bring the desired
To prepare жиросжигающий чай, нужно взять чистую заварку,
add cinnamon and pour boiling water. By the way, cinnamon can be
use not only in the form of a hammer, but also in the form of a stick,
which will give a more delicate flavor and significantly speed up the process
losing weight In addition, in the form of powder spice can leave
sediment or make the drink cloudy, as in water it does not
If the aroma and taste of tea seems too harsh, you can
add some lemon to it. It is also helpful to drink such a drink with
milk It will not just make its taste more tender, but also
soften the effect of cinnamon on the walls of the stomach.
Kefir with cinnamon, ginger and red pepper
For приготовления напитка вам понадобится стакан нежирного
kefir, as well as the following set of spices: half a tablespoon
cinnamon and ground ginger, as well as some red pepper. All need
mix well (if there is a shaker, then you can use
This fermented milk drink with spices should be drunk for breakfast and
for dinner. The course is about a month (depending on how
quickly you will achieve the desired result). At first, you may
It seems that no weight loss process occurs, but it
not this way. Do not stand on the scales. It is better to measure every day.
waist and hip volumes, comparing results.
Кефир с пряностями не только помогает сбросить вес, but also
helps to improve skin color, which will be noticeable after a couple
weeks. Thanks to ginger, you will make your immunity more
sustainable. True, one should not abuse such a drink if
you have stomach problems. It is better to refuse it or
reduce the number of receptions to one.
Cinnamon with water
The easiest recipe for a slimming drink is to dissolve in
liter of warm water a tablespoon of cinnamon and twice as much honey.
This mixture should be drunk during the day instead of regular water. But not worth it
exceed the rate of 2.5 liters, as there is a risk of harm to the stomach and
Cinnamon with bay leaves
For приготовления средства нужно положить на дно кастрюли
cinnamon sticks, as well as 4 bay leaves. All this needs to be poured
liter of water and cook for about 20 minutes. Next, the decoction should
brew, and when cooled, you need to take it on a certain
graphics. So, every morning, drink 5 tablespoons before meals.
Course duration should not exceed three days.
Fragrant Green Tea
Green tea in itself is good for the body and contributes to
weight loss due to the high concentration of antioxidants. What if
add to it a little lemon and cinnamon, then efficiency
increases several times. For начала, нужно заварить зеленый
tea as you do it normally. In a separate vessel connect
a teaspoon of cinnamon and a quarter cup of boiling water, after which
add the mixture to the tea. Before use, add to drink
lemon juice or lemon slice. If you prefer sweet tea,
you should not add sugar, it is better to use honey.
Cinnamon can also be applied externally, in the form of various
Honey Cinnamon Wrap
Wraps are quite effective in body fat
outside. They are especially good for those who, due to problems with
stomach is contraindicated to use cinnamon inside. For обертывания
Melt some honey (as much as you need to apply to
проблемные зоны) и добавьте к нему чайную a spoonful of cinnamon. Apply
the mixture on the skin, wrap in cellophane or film and leave for 20
minutes For усиления эффекта можно укутаться одеялом. Do such
procedures need a month in a day.
Coffee cinnamon wrap
As a basis for wrapping is to take any vegetable oil in
the amount of 6 tablespoons. Here also add two teaspoons
fresh ground coffee and cinnamon powder. Apply evenly
the resulting mass on the abdomen and thighs, as well as other problem areas.
Next you need to wrap the skin with a film, get comfortable and be in
relaxed state for about half an hour. After the specified
time, remove the film and massage your skin a little to
coffee and cinnamon abrasives also acted as
scrub. After a few procedures, you will notice not only a decrease
объемов, but also невероятную гладкость кожи.
Seaweed with cinnamon
The combination of seaweed and cinnamon is one of the best.
вариантов для wraps. While the algae is taken out
toxins from the skin and have a tightening effect, cinnamon
warms its surface and increases blood circulation.
For начала 2-3 ложки сухих водорослей замочите в теплой воде,
so that they soften well. If your skin is dry and
sensitive, it is better to immediately add to this mixture a little
vegetable oil. Add a spoonful of cinnamon here, mix and
Apply the mixture on the skin with massage movements. Wrap the skin
целлофаном и укутайтесь в одеяло на 40 minutes After rinsing
the composition of the body, be sure to use moisturizing
Cinnamon oil for wrapping
It is worth taking a little bit as a basis for wrapping.
olive oil and add to it a couple of drops of cinnamon oil. To
the wrapping worked even harder, the mixture needed to be reheated.
Putting on the skin the resulting composition, be very careful, hot
You can burn yourself badly with oil, so for starters make sure that
that his temperature is comfortable and safe.
The oil solution must be well rubbed into the pre
steamed skin, after which you need to tightly wrap the film and
wrap yourself in a thick towel or blanket. After 20 minutes, rinse
wrap for shower gel. Repeat the procedure for a month.
in one day.
Cinnamon oil and chocolate
Chocolate wrap is very pleasant procedure, and therefore
is very popular. And a few drops of cinnamon
oil can greatly enhance its effectiveness. Melt the tiles
dark bitter chocolate and mix with a teaspoon of olive
oil and a few drops of cinnamon. Mass on the body needs to be applied
хорошо теплой и оставить на 40 minutes As in all the others
cases, do not forget to wrap the film. The effect of this wrapping
заключается не только в уменьшении объемов, but also в его
beneficial effect on skin condition.
Who are contraindicated cinnamon wraps
Unfortunately, in some cases wrapping using
Cinnamon is strictly contraindicated. If a woman suffers
varicose veins, suffered cancer
or has problems in the field of gynecology, then from such procedures
better to abstain. Also wraps can be dangerous for
diabetics, as well as those who have heart disease.
Naturally, pregnant and lactating women are also not worth it.
experiment with similar procedures.
Cinnamon is based on a wide variety of recipes.
that help fight off extra pounds. Can be carried out
treatment from the inside, outside, or to act in a complex. The main thing –
is to choose the right recipe for you, as well as to be sure
no contraindications.