Cherry plum jam with orange – aroma of clockworkcitrus! Recipes разного варенья из алычи с апельсинами

Пт, 09 сен 2016 Автор: Марина Выходцева

Cherry plum and orange – a harmonious couple.

They are ideally friendly to jam.

Cherry-plum gives a pleasant taste, and an orange gives an unusual

But how best to make friends?

A selection of the best recipes for solar jam.


Cherry plum jam with orange – general principles

Cherry plum can be different. For jam, yellow is most often used.
varieties. Not always the bone easily leaves the fetus. If she does not
separated, use a knife to cut the pulp. Are meeting
recipes for a sweet treat using whole cherry plum
together with the bone. One such is below.

Orange sliced, ground or used only
zest. Citrus juice may be added. Sometimes in jam poured
part of the water, as plum is fairly dry. Sugar is added immediately.
It is advisable to let the ingredients stand together so that the juice appears,
part of the sugar melted.

The preparation intended for long storage,
laid out in clean containers hot. If the jam is cool
or the banks will not be sterile, the dainty may sour. Large
value for storage is the integrity of the dishes.

Cherry plum jam with orange “Sunny”

For preparations такого варенья используется желтая алыча.
Specified amount of product without stones.


• 1.4 kg cherry plum;

• 0.5 kg of oranges;

• 1.5 kg of sugar.


1. The cherry plum needs to be rinsed, released from the bones, folded in
convenient for cooking jam saucepan or in the basin.

2. Add sugar to the main product, stir. Leave on
some time.

3. Oranges should be thoroughly washed, cut into pieces,
remove from them all the bones. Then citrus need to grind. Do
This can be done with a meat grinder or blender. Skins do not remove
need to.

4. Shift the orange mass to cherry plum, stir and
leave the jam for three hours. During this time, some sugar will melt,
Alycha will release juice.

5. Put a container of jam on the stove, bring to a boil.
Periodically remove the dense foam, which will appear
from above.

6. Cook the cherry plum jam 25 minutes after boiling.

7. Clean and dry ladle pour into sterile jars.
We cork, remove the cherry plum billet for storage.

Cherry plum jam with orange slices

For such a jam does not need to grind orange, citrus
It is laid in pieces, like cherry plum. The blank is obtained
beautiful, bright, delicious. Prepared jam in three doses.


• 1 kg of cherry plum;

• 1.1 kg of sugar;

• 1 glass of water;

• 2 oranges.


1. Fill sugar with water, leave for a while, while cooking others

2. We divide the cherry plum into halves or cut it into pieces.

3. Oranges are scalded with boiling water, cut together with a crust on
segments, then each slice into triangles. Get beautiful
the pieces.

4. Turn on the stove, prepare the sugar syrup with water. Not important
bring it to a boil quickly, warm it over low heat to
the grains slowly dissolved. If oranges stand out a lot
juice, it can also be added to the syrup.

5. We shift cherry plum into boiling sugar, we immediately put oranges.
Cook, adding fire, exactly five minutes.

6. Turn off, cover, in order to accidentally nothing in the workpiece.
horrible, leave to cool.

7. Then boil again for five minutes, cool. Every time the foam
need to delete.

8. Cook the last time and pour the boiling cherry-plum jam into
jars. Cool down, demolish in the basement.

Twisted cherry plum jam with orange

Wonderful jam, thick, easy to prepare. This
the recipe will especially appeal to those who have a cherry plum are not well separated from
pits. We’ll have to take a knife, separate the pulp with it.


• 1 kg of cherry plum;

• 1 orange;

• 120 ml of water;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. Освобождаем алычу от pits.

2. Апельсин тоже разделываем, но шкурку удалять не need to.
Bones throw away.

3. We twist everything together, you can use a large or
fine mesh in the meat grinder. Do as you like.

4. Add water, sugar, stir.

5. Put the jam on the stove and bring the meleno to a boil.
The mass must be constantly stirred, as it is quite thick,
can easily burn.

6. Boil twisted cherry plum for 20-25 minutes.

7. Spread in containers, cork sweet billet airtight

Cherry plum jam with orange (with zest)

For such preserves no oranges are needed. Enough to remove from
citrus zest, in which there are aromatic substances.


• 2 oranges;

• 1.2 kg of cherry plum;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 0.5 cups of water.


1. Disassemble the plum in half. Can be cut into smaller ones
pieces if you want.

2. Складываем основной продукт в емкость для preparations
jam. Add sugar with water, leave for an hour.

3. Oranges first washed, then pour over boiling water.

4. Take the usual grater and remove from the citrus thin skin. Zest
can immediately shift to the rest of the ingredients.

5. Turn on the stove, stir the jam and, removing periodically
foam, begin to cook.

6. After half an hour of slow boiling the cherry plum can be
pour in jars.

Cherry plum jam with orange and zucchini

Variant of an unusual, but amazingly tasty and bright jam from
Cherry plum with orange. If you do not say that zucchini is added, then
no one would guess about it.


• 0.7 kg zucchini;

• 0.2 kg of orange;

• 0.7 kg of cherry plum;

• 1.5 kg of sugar.


1. Если кабачок молодой, то очищать его не need to. Simply
take out the insides, cut into small cubes about five
millimeters. The recipe indicates the weight of the zucchini pure, that is

2. Fill the zucchini with sugar, let the vegetable make juice.

3. During this time you need to prepare a plum. If bones
pop out easily, then parse the halves, then cut into
quarters The pieces should turn out a little larger than that

4. You can immediately shift the cherry plum to the zucchini, let them drink the juice

5. Rub the orange peel with, as was done in the previous
recipe. We shift in the jam.

6. Cut the flesh into small pieces, add to jam. White
skin and stones throw away.

7. Ставим на плиту, хорошо размешав Ingredients.

8. Boil zucchini with cherry plum 40 minutes. Do not give sweet
billet to actively boil. Fold until the jam is hot,
we cork.

Cherry plum jam with orange and apples

Recipe for mixed cherry plum jam with orange, for which
also need apples. We will not add them immediately to
keep the shape of the pieces.


• 1 kg of cherry plum;

• 0.5 kg of orange;

• 0.5 kg of apples;

• 400 ml of water;

• 2 kg of sugar.


1. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.

2. Режем кусочками апельсины, освобожденные от pits.
Add to syrup.

3. Then throw pieces of cherry plum, bring the mass to a boil,
remove the foam and cook for 15 minutes.

4. During this time, we slice the apples into slices, run into the plum

5. Bring the sweet mass to the boil again, re-remove
the foam.

6. After the second boil, prepare the jam for 20 minutes.

7. If the consistency does not suit you, you can extend the time.

8. Раскладываем в jars.

Cherry plum jam with orange in a slow cooker

Recipe for cherry plum billet, which turns out unusually
fragrant, it is very easy to cook in a slow cooker. For
jam on this option does not need to remove the bones.


• 1 kg of cherry plum;

• 1 orange;

• 250 ml of water;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. Remove grater or any other method of zest,

2. Pour water into the slow cooker, put the washed and chopped
алычу, кидаем zest.

3. Orange cut, squeeze the juice. Make sure that it does not
hit the bones.

4. Pouring orange juice to the rest of the ingredients.

5. Stir with a spatula.

6. Set the “Baking” mode for a sweet treat.

7. Cooking in a crock-pot for 35-40 minutes, laid out in containers,
until the mass is cold.

Cherry plum jam with orange, lemon and spices

For такого варенья с алычой и апельсинами, кроме цитрусов, также
need spices. It is advisable to use natural vanilla and
cinnamon stick. Synthetic flavors do not give the right


• 1 kg of cherry plum;

• 1 sticks of cinnamon;

• 1 clove asterisk;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 1 lemon;

• 1 orange;

• 1 g vanilla.


1. Разбираем алычу, освобождая от pits. Can cut

2. Add sugar, leave for 5 hours, you can withstand all

3. We wash citruses, remove the zest from lemon and orange.
We shift to cherry plum.

4. Squeeze out the juice from citruses, also pour into jam.

5. Grind cinnamon sticks, pour into the bulk,
we throw a clove whole, pour vanilla.

6. Stir, put on the stove.

7. Cook half an hour.

8. Then you need to catch a star carnation. In jam it is better
do not deliver, so as not to have a specific bitterness.

9. Разливаем кипящее лакомство в jars. Hermetically sealed
or close the capron lids and store in the refrigerator.

Cherry plum jam with orange – tips and tricks

• Often, water is added to the prescription jam. Instead, you can
use citrus juice.

• Jam becomes thicker after cooling. To check
the consistency, you can drip a small amount of syrup on the cold
a plate. Experienced housewives in advance put in the freezer a few

• You can put in jam not only fresh peel, but also
dried The preparation of aromatic raw materials can be produced in the winter.
a period when store shelves are full of citrus. Dried peel
beautifully stored for several years in a dry, airtight container.

• Cherry plum blends well not only with apples. Can
make jam with the addition of pears, quince, berries, but they are not
must be very sour.

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