Cheese tortillas on kefir – multinationalproduct. Variants of cake with cheese on kefir: with pumpkin, onion

Сб, 03 сен 2016 Автор: Елена Саблина

Cheese cakes among many nations are considered very useful and
delicious ancestor of bread.

Although not even an ancestor, rather a harbinger.

There are many types of dough for cheese cakes and many
cooking methods. In oil, without oil, in a griddle, in
stove, yeast, bland, salty, sweet …

The taste of flat bread depends for the most part on what kind of cheese you
are using.

Cheese tortillas on kefir are very popular. In such flat cakes you can
and put the stuffing: standard like ham, sausage, or
unusual in the form of nuts, raisins and so on.

In addition to hard cheeses, processed cheeses are used;
cream cheese.

It all depends on your imagination and fiction.


General principles of making pellets with cheese on kefir

So that the cheese cakes on kefir are not burnt, they are necessary
bake very quickly.

If you use butter, it is preferable to fry the tortillas
on olive, then there will be more benefit from it, and cholesterol

The pellet stove is needed with the lid closed.

Fry the cheese cakes on both sides.

It is advisable to rub the cheese on the largest side of the grater.

Use only flour of the highest grade, depends on it,
how soft will the cheesecakes be.

If you have conceived cheese cakes on kefir with greens, use
only fresh greens. Dried greens will not give cakes
required flavor and taste.

It is necessary to strictly maintain the necessary proportions. If you
go too far with the flour, the cakes will taste like rubber.

Finished flat cakes should lie down for a while after roasting,
not long, about five to seven minutes.

If you хотите получить максимум пользы, то советуем печь сырные
cakes on kefir in the oven.

Cheese cakes on kefir: taste from a distant childhood

The cakes in this recipe are very similar to those with which
we were once treated to grandmothers in their village kitchens. AT
recipe one of the ingredients listed ham, but you can with
clean conscience to replace it with sausage, or else completely eliminated from
composition. It will turn out not less tasty.


• a pair of glasses of flour

• a glass of kefir

• spoon of sugar

• half a pack of margarine

• one egg

• spoon of soda

• a pinch of salt

• medium piece of cheese

• dill

• The third part of the ham sticks

• olive oil

• pepper and spices


To prepare the dough for the cheese cakes, we need not
so much time.

AT первую очередь смешаем соду с сахаром и яйцом, добавим туда же
kefir and mix it all neatly.

Margarine must be melted and poured into kefir.

Stir flour with salt and add to kefir and margarine. ATсе
Stir well and prepare the dough.

Готовое тесто оставляем минут на 10. AT это время можно заняться

Hard cheese must be grated.

ATетчину порежьте очень маленькими cubes.

Dill must be finely chopped. ATсе смешать.

We start making cheese cakes. Divide the dough into three parts. Every
roll out. In the middle of the cake lay out the filling and neatly
connect the edges of the cakes. After that, turn the cheesecake
down the seam and roll out to the size of the griddle.

We warm the pan, heat up a small amount of oil and
fry the cake. Five minutes on each side.

Give ready-made cakes a little rest and serve not a table with
sour cream or cream.

A quick and simple recipe for cheese cakes on kefir

This recipe for many housewives is one of the first to
mastering culinary science. Cheese cakes are prepared very simply,
products are also not used very much. A budget option
treats for unexpected guests.


• a glass of kefir

• the third part of a spoon of soda

• salt

• spoon of sugar

• a pair of glasses of flour

• middle piece of cheese


Flour before cooking cakes with cheese on kefir is necessary
first sift through a sieve.

Kefir mix with sugar, soda, add salt.

Cheese is best to take solid varieties, wipe it through a large

Mix flour with cheese, add to kefir. Make dough but not
very cool.

The finished dough must be divided into three lumps.

Roll each to the size of the griddle.

Glow the pan, and lay on the bottom of the cakes. Required
bake cheese cakes on each side for 10 minutes with the closed

Serve with sour cream, milk, cream.

Mexican Kefir Cheesecake

Mexicans use dry cakes when making cheesecakes.
milk and water, but on kefir cheesecakes turn out to be thicker and
more satisfying. To make the cakes more airy, you can
increase the amount of soda or baking powder.


• a pair of glasses of flour

• salt

• a small piece of butter

• a glass of kefir

• middle piece of hard cheese

• half spoon of sugar

• a small pinch of soda


Mix soda with salt and sugar, add kefir.

Mix all with pre-sifted flour.

ATыкладываем в массу сливочное масло и растираем тесто, чтобы
turned out baby

Cheese three grated and mix with the test crumb. Knead
Dough neatly so that lumps do not remain.

Grease the pan a little with oil, glow.

Divide the dough into 6 parts, each roll out as thick as a couple

ATыкладываем лепешки на сковородку и накрываем фольгой,
fry for about 10 minutes.

Turn to the other side and also 10 minutes

Such cheese tortillas should be eaten while they are hot.

Cheese cakes on kefir: use proven by the ancients

It is believed that the benefits of cheese and kefir were mentioned by the ancients.
by the Greeks. They proved that cheese is nutritious and contains many
vitamins, and kefir is rich in minerals. Many replace
yogurt yogurt, its composition both products are similar, but
cooking cheese tortillas is still best to use


• middle piece of salted cheese

• spices

• mint

• a glass of kefir

• green onions

• a small piece of butter

• a pair of glasses of flour

• salt

• spoon of sugar

• half a spoon of soda


Gently mix the kefir with sugar and salt, add there
soda and flour, sifted in advance.

Knead тесто, нужно, чтобы оно получилось очень

Leave the dough for half an hour under a clean towel.

Mint and onions are washed and crumbled, three grated cheese, all is well
mix, add spices.

Тесто делим на 6 частей, каждую roll out.

AT центр лепешки выкладываем сырную начинку, края соединяем. These
�“Pies” gently rolls to the size of the griddle.

Heat the pan, do not lubricate it with anything, fry on it
cakes. Every сторону по пять minutes

When the cakes are ready, grease them with butter.

Cheese cakes on kefir: Chechen note

These лепешки готовятся с начинкой из тыквы. It turns out the dish
very juicy and tasty, such flat cakes will be worthy rivals
real Chechen cakes Hingalsh.


• half a liter of kefir

• one onion

• kg of flour

• spoon of soda

• sugar

• one medium pumpkin

• a pair of eggs

• a small piece of butter

• salt

• a piece of cheese


Mix eggs with salt, soda and sugar, pour kefir into the cup and
mix gently. Gradually add the sifted flour,
knead softish dough.

Leave the finished dough for 15 minutes.

Rinse the pumpkin, peel off the seeds and peel, cut into small

Peel the onion and cut it into small half rings.

AT кастрюле потушить тыкву с луком на сливочном масле. When
the filling will be ready, you need to cool it.

Divide dough into 20 parts. Every тонко раскатать. AT центр
put the pumpkin stuffing, spread it over the whole cake.
Sprinkle with grated cheese. Put another tortilla on top, put together
the edges.

AT сковородке, ничем не смазанной и накаленной, печем cakes.
Every с обеих сторон по пять — семь minutes Smear grease
butter and serve hot.

Cheese cakes on kefir: there is something to surprise your relatives

This recipe is similar to chapati. Only when preparing the dough
используется не вода, а kefir. The cakes are tasty and
Perfect for soup or borscht.


• a glass of kefir

• half kg flour

• spoon of vegetable oil

• salt

• a piece of butter

• dill

• garlic

• basil and parsley

• middle piece of hard cheese


Mix sifted flour with kefir and vegetable oil,
salt up. ATымесить мягковатое тесто. Leave it under clean
towel for half an hour.

After that, you can prepare a mass for the filling. Crumble
greens, rub cheese, put garlic on garlic press. ATсе посолите
and mix well.

Divide the dough into 10 lumps, each roll.

AT центр лепешки выложите начинку, края соедините. Again
Roll and fry in a griddle. Do not grease the pan.
Fry the cakes on both sides for five minutes.

Serve hot on the table, you can decorate finely chopped

Tips and tricks cooking cheese cakes on yogurt

  • To make the dough soft and elastic, add flour
    gradually. The perfect dough for cheesecakes does not stick to

  • For cheese cakes for kefir, you can use a variety of
    Greens: from dill and ending with rosemary.

  • Preferably, the pan fry no more than 10 minutes,
    if you grease the pan with oil, then you need to fry the tortillas
    еще less.

  • To make the cheesecakes juicy, grease them after
    cooking butter and let steamed under the lid

  • Remember, to make the dough elastic, do not overdo it with flour.
    It is better not to sleep than to pour.

  • If you вместо соды используете разрыхлитель, увеличивайте его
    the amount is double compared to soda.

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