Cheerful fitness at home – be optimistic!

fitnes-doma-tri-programmy-videoWhy for many people
fitness at home turns into a mandatory workout that
bored after a few lessons? Deciding to raise the vital
tone, lose weight or pump up your muscles, many are unaware
that will have to deal with completely different programs!

But the main thing that unites all home athletes –
the need to bring a good mood. Look at your
reflection in the mirror … Smile on the spot? Then proceed!

To begin with we create the fitness program suitable for ourselves. After all
for those who will train the heart and blood vessels, will need
cardio load; those who attended to their excess weight –
intense aerobic and anaerobic exercise; and the athletes – a whole
the science of modeling your muscles.


Main recommendations: how to train at home?

The key to future success is at the initial stage of training.
If you are optimistic, start with the first lesson in your
программе «Fitness дома для начинающих» прикладывать максимальные
efforts to build up your muscles then chances are that
The next 24 hours you will need to recuperate. therefore
weight training we build on a cyclical schedule: one day
we train, another – we have a rest.

Muscles can be modeled by raising the maximum weight, which
only be able to withstand, but at the same time you need to reduce the number
repetitions and be sure to rest the next day without exercising.

How to increase the endurance of their muscles? You need to reduce weight by 50%
which will be used, and increase the number of repetitions. So
the heart muscle and the elasticity of the vessel walls are trained.

People who dream of a slim figure, lose weight will help
load, which should be enough for 20 minutes
work intensively non-stop.

It is important at this time to monitor the pulse !!!

  • Fat burning occurs in the “corridor” to be counted.
    according to the formula: 220 minus your age. This is the upper limit.
  • Lower – 60-70% of this value.
  • For example, if you are 40 years old, then: 220-40 = 180 beats / min x 60% = 108
    beats / min Коридор сжигания жира равен 108-180 beats / min
  • At 70-80% of the upper limit – endurance trains.
  • From 80 to 100% – cardio load.

Athletes need to make a program with a maximum elevation.
heavy loads, heavy load and long rest between sets.
Strong Muscle Program

In order to simulate any muscle group or every muscle
separately in the home gym, you need to pick up
the right technique. This goal can be achieved by applying a small
or even minimal weight. Take any load and do with it 3-5
perfect movements, and only then you can go directly
to obtain a real load.

To increase muscle strength, use maximum weight.
burdens in which, by following the correct technique, you can
perform no more than 4-6 reps in 2-3 sets. Rest between
Approaches 2-3 minutes.

To increase muscle endurance will need to use weight.
from 40 to 70% of the maximum. The number of repetitions is 8-12, then
one-two-minute break.

Cardio Program

Beginners who would like to strengthen their heart health,
You need to create a home workout program in such a way that
had the opportunity to stimulate the heart rate for half an hour. BUT
в программе «Fitness дома для похудения» эти упражнения необходимо
perform at least 60 minutes.

What level of heart rhythm, judging by the pulse, gives you
brisk walk? From this value we make the program of the first
stage cardio. In a few minutes we will
stick to that heart rate.

The next stage – you need to increase the load before you start.
to sweat and breathe will be harder. A few minutes should be given to this.
aerobic training.

In conclusion, you can increase the weight being lifted, but consider that
for several minutes your muscles can wear out. The program “I –

Anyone who maintains fitness, and does not engage from
occasionally, it is also possible in the home gym to strengthen your
heart and muscular endurance. For this you will need:
low weight, but many approaches and intense pace.

Try to perform a circular motion with a maximum weight, then
move dumbbells using acceleration, like in basketball games
or on the tennis court. If beginners only strengthen and “build”
your muscles, then the athlete has to increase the strength
every muscle.

For training the heart muscle, we use two minutes.
sprint pumping and a 30-second pause-rest. In the beginning you can do
one minute pause for the body to adapt
to similar loads.

Before embarking on active anaerobic fitness programs,
consult a doctor!

Does a smile still light up your face? In fact, the body
in a similar way remembers muscular joy. It will come in handy
when you do not want to make an effort or start classes.
Remembering how much joy and optimism brings fitness at home, you
Be sure to continue training!

Fitness дома: видео lessons for beginners

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