Checked signs associated with the clock

Checked signs associated with the clock

Nobody knows the exact date of the wristwatch.
It is only assumed that this happened at the beginning of the 20th century by
improvements to pocket watches. In the process of human evolution, all
more pursued the need to keep track of time. Its not
the power of manila and frightened, but because the clock was attributed to a lot
magical and mysterious properties. Over many centuries will take and superstitions
piled up plenty.


How to buy a watch

Choose a watch yourself or as a gift is quite difficult. So folk
beliefs say that men should prefer watches with
square dial. This accessory will help in your career and in
personal growth. The square symbolizes strong masculine qualities.
develops them. This talisman promises to help in family matters.

But girls better to choose an oval shape. Flowing lines
discover the softness in character, femininity. Will contribute
happy married life and carefree ease. While,
how the square will pull out the hidden masculine qualities that are not
decorate the girl: the rigidity of behavior, the firmness of judgment.

By choosing a square as a talisman, she risks all
life perform male functions.

It is not recommended to buy watches with hands. The product saves and
conveys someone else’s energy, which is rarely positive.

Hours can transmit illness, failure, financial

It is also considered to be the most common subject for
damage control, and the accumulated negative message moves to a new
the owner. Therefore, such savings can turn into

But it is worth noting that watches passed from generation to
generation, have powerful protection, and therefore serve as an excellent
family talisman, attracting only well-being. Important condition:
man must pass them in life. The same goes for watches that
man carries with him constantly. They are saturated with his energy
and start working as a talisman. If changes are required, according to
Signs need to buy a new watch. Properly selected product
will attract luck, direct energy in the right direction, help to fix

Watch as a gift

One of the most famous will take about the clock – they can not
to give.
What is the reason for such a belief to explain quite
difficult. But there are a huge number of versions for various
peoples. For example, the Japanese believe that such a gift
foreshadows the quick death of the one who is given. Chinese interpretation
is similar. They think that giving a man a watch is tantamount to
an invitation to his own funeral. Other nations predict less
dark but still negative future. Giver will be many
to be ill, to fail in everything, to quarrel with loved ones.

Give the clock – count down the time until the upcoming

If you really want to make such a gift, you should ask
a coin in return so that the donated bought them. Then the omen is not
will work. Or go shopping together, choose an accessory and
hand money to a birthday boy. But give the clock to the newlyweds for the wedding
highly recommended. Argued that the couple will be many
quarrel and soon divorced. Give watches to your beloved
man – to fast separation.

You should not give a clock for 40 years or later anniversaries. People
tend to believe in everything mystical, and in middle age begin
think about the transience and inevitability of the passage of time. Not
it is worth reminding about it once again.

Other signs about the clock

Потеря часов имеет различные толкования. Alone
signs say about the upcoming stagnation in development, career, family
relationship. Time stops, and with it the whole course slows down.
events. Another interpretation suggests that time itself reminds
man about the futility of his pastime. Time worth spending
for more useful things, change yourself, redefine your lifestyle.
The third option predicts the end of one stage of life, and with it
the beginning of a new, more interesting period.

А вот найденные часы нужно сначала аккуратно
inspect, and then only seek interpretation. Broken, broken,
stalled products better not even touch them. In America
It is very common that with the last breath of a person,
the clock on his arm stops. Therefore, without knowing the history of this
subject, do not take it. He will draw trouble.

At the same time, find good, working hours are very favorable.
omen Such a discovery promises new opportunities, success in work,
personal life, creativity. Now you can take on new business,
meet people, take a little risk. Soon possible
finding the second half or just a good friend.

Если часы разбились или сломались, хранить их в
home is not recommended. Such a product will attract
trouble accumulating negative energy that will affect
on all households. They must be taken to repair or
throw away. Although some omens are advised to hide such an item in
red silk fabric and hide away from prying eyes. Material
neutralizes the negative effect.

Услышать 13 ударов часов – плохая omen
Also warn about the bad suddenly earned old or
broken clock. But see the same on the electronic dial
numbers to luck. You need to immediately make a cherished wish, while the numbers
not changed. This is one of the most common signs.

Отдельного поверья удостоились часы на фасаде театра
dolls them. S.V. Obraztsova in Moscow.
Instead of numbers made
houses in which different animals hide. At noon and at midnight
they simultaneously look out of their shelters. According to belief
at this very moment you need to voice your dream aloud, then she
will certainly come true. At midnight it’s harder to do that, because
night silent mode is triggered. It is worth waiting for the moment,
looking at his watch.

Everybody has a watch. Compliance will take when buying and
operation of the product will help to get the right attitude, execute
cherished desire to achieve their goals. But not worth it
rely solely on beliefs. It depends on the person
much more.

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