Cellulite Coffee Scrub: Basics, Recipes,wishes

kofeynyy-skrab-ot-tsellyulita-pravila-primeneniyaDo you know
you that “good morning” is practically at 2/3 of inhabitants of our planet
starts with a cup of fragrant, invigorating and often quite
strong drink called coffee.

Coffee is the greatest traveler of all time.
peoples. His amazing taste is known to mankind.
already more than a thousand years!

Despite many different opinions, it can still be argued
that coffee is more beneficial to the body than harm.
After all, scientists have repeatedly proved that natural coffee
able not only to improve the state after sleep, but he
perfectly affects the mental state of a person, reducing
with the risk of developing depression and stress.

Caffeine is able to improve the blood supply to the brain, which in its
queue has a positive effect on the activation of memory and
ability to quickly make important decisions.

Coffee also boosts the level of physical activity and
improves digestion. Regular consumption is good.
protects against diabetes, liver problems (including
cirrhosis), the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, the risk
development of colon cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and others. And unsweetened
coffee will help to avoid problems such as caries.

Due to its high content of antioxidants, coffee
able to cope with free radicals,
have a negative effect on human skin and
forcing her to age prematurely. This drink stimulates
the work of the heart, properly activates the metabolism,
positive effect on the body with bronchial asthma. And the most
the nice thing is that the list goes on and on.


Coffee scrub for cellulite – what is its secret !?

However, now it will be a little about something else. After all, today
perhaps the most troublemaker of the day
most women are, of course, overweight and cellulite. AND
the latter is actually the number one problem, because even
slender and slim girls are not always able to from him
get rid of.

To combat this “visible enemy”, a lot of means were invented, to
the number of which include massage treatments, baths, and various
cream and mousse. However, the most effective of these is a scrub, o
which will be discussed today!

As is known, the composition of most anti-cellulite scrubs
enters the previously presented natural coffee, which is capable
not only to actively combat the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, but also
copes with the appearance of cellulite.


Above, we have already figured out how good coffee is for the body.
person But what effect does it have as a scrub? All very
just – caffeine works on cellulite with
increase blood circulation, resulting in rapid
the release of fluid and sodium from under the skin, but the opposite is potassium
begins to more actively penetrate into the fat cells, thereby
splitting them.

The scrub can also positively affect the vascular
network, reducing the likelihood of varicose veins,
well cleans pores, removes dead skin cells, removes
swelling, which has a very positive effect on the skin condition

If you use an anti-cellulite coffee scrub regularly, then in
As a result, you can slow down the aging process of the skin, plus it will become
more elastic and taut, the water balance will be restored, strengthened
its protective layer. And also there is a constant development
enzymes that are able to limit the level of “bad”
blood cholesterol.

How to make a coffee scrub at home!?

You can make a coffee scrub with your own hands
in ways. For the simplest, you will need the usual coffee.
thick which can be used both for the whole body and for the face
in particular. ANDтак, возьмите 3 – 4 ложки натурального кофе, залейте
water and bring to a boil, then drain the water, and mush,
which remained, use as a scrub.

However, do not forget about the most important thing – the peeling procedure
must be carried out only after pre-cleaning
(an ordinary shower is best), then you can easily
on a slightly wet body you can apply a coffee scrub,
cooked with his own hand.

Massage the problem areas of the skin with light circular movements.
You can also supplement the scrub with a small amount of shower gel,
which greatly facilitate its application.


Other recipes for making homemade coffee scrub:

1. “Great mood”

For its preparation you will need: three spoons of ground
natural coffee, the same amount of sea salt, five drops of olive
oils, if desired, a pinch of cinnamon can be added to the aroma or
some essential oil to choose from. All ingredients are required
mix thoroughly.

Before applying such a scrub it is better to steam your body in
hot bath to open well pores, and then received
composition to massage problem areas of the skin for five
minutes Flush it in no hurry, let him work a little
you, while giving the skin all the useful.

2. “Coffee and honey”

Honey and honey scrub is one of the best combinations, so
how coffee perfectly cleans the skin, and honey works as a
anti-cellulite massage tool. For its preparation you
need: 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey and a small amount
coffee grounds.

All this is mixed, and another is added to the resulting composition.
a few drops of lemon or juniper essential oil. Then
after showering, it is applied to the body with massaging movements for 10
minutes AND только после впитывания кофейного скраба с медом можно
proceed directly to the massage, strongly pressing his hand, and
then letting go sharply. Everythingго в течение 7 minutes

3. “Sea mud”

For its preparation you понадобится: небольшое количество
coarse sea salt, olive oil or fat cream for
body (you can replace them with shower gel), and, of course,

Three tablespoons of ground coffee must be mixed with three spoons.
sea ​​salt, then to the resulting mass add cream or oil according to
to desire. All mix well so that you have
get a homogeneous mass. Ready scrub applied to the body in
for 10 minutes with light massaging movements, after which
wash off with warm water. 4. “Delicious”

For its preparation you понадобится такой очень вкусный и
healthy product is yogurt. ANDтак, уже привычную кофейную гущу в
In this case, you need to dry well. Then into it
add yogurt in the ratio of “spoonful of thick to three spoons

You mix all this and apply on the body with massaging movements.
в течение 10 minutes Then скраб смойте теплой водой и смажьте кожу
moisturizing or nourishing cream.

5. “Fragrant”

For making such an unusual coffee scrub you
need: a couple of tablespoons of coffee grounds, one spoon
sour cream and 3 – 4 drops of essential oils of your choice. All ingredients
mixed in a homogeneous mass and applied to the skin massaging
movements for 5 to 7 minutes using a massage mitten or

6. “Burning Brown”

For the preparation of the next scrub from cellulite you
will need: 100 gr. green coffee beans, 30 ml of hot tincture
pepper (sold in pharmacies) and a small amount of olive
oils. ANDтак, кофе необходимо перемолоть максимально мелко и
добавить в него настойку перца и пару капель oils. All good
mix, put in a jar and send the mixture to dark
place for 7 days.

Only after the scrub infusions will it be possible
use the usual way. After taking a shower put it
massaging to problem areas of the skin for 10
minutes and rub well to slight redness. Then
wash the skin with clean water, and rub the problem areas with cubes


7. “Sour cream clay”

For its preparation you понадобится: обычная косметическая
clay, a small amount of sour cream and coffee grounds. ANDтак, все это
mix and apply to the skin only after taking a hot bath,
and leave so for an hour. After that, the scrub is washed off with warm

8. “Sour”

For its preparation you понадобится: 3 – 4 ложки натурального
ground coffee and the same amount of ordinary kefir. All this is mixed
until a homogeneous mass, then massaging movements
Apply on the affected areas of skin cellulite, while actively
втирая в течение 10 minutes Rinse as usual warm
some water.

9. “Oatmeal coffee”

This recipe is one of the most popular among
cellulite scrub. For its preparation you понадобится: 4
spoons of coffee grounds, exactly the same amount of small oatmeal
cereal, one egg white and a small handful of walnuts. Everything
mixes well and is massaged on the skin
движениями в течение 10 minutes Then скраб необходимо смыть
warm water and use a moisturizer.

ANDнтересные факты и полезные советы:

  • For the preparation of anti-cellulite scrub need
    use only natural coffee or coffee grounds after
    drunk drink.
  • ANDспользовать его необходимо несколько раз в неделю для более
    effective result.
  • Coffee scrub can be used even during
    of pregnancy.
  • Caffeine has antibacterial properties, so it
    perfectly fights against various infections.
  • Coffee in itself is an excellent tool for the avid.
    smokers, because it reduces the harm from smoking.
  • And also he is able to protect you from gout, cirrhosis, relieve
    muscle pain.


Cellulite coffee scrub: reviews and opinions

Christie: “… Personally, I am delighted with the coffee scrub! First of all,
it is a natural product, which does not cause any
allergic reactions, secondly, such cosmetics are obtained very
приемлема для кошелька – и кофе выпить, и от целлюлита get rid of.
In short, the topic is very cool, I NRA! … “

Sofia: “… I have been using this scrub for a very, very long time!
I buy an inexpensive sort of ground coffee, but I do not drink it, but immediately
mix with coconut oil. The result fascinates me – the skin
becomes clean, soft and silky, plus everything else
moistened with oil! Here’s a recipe, maybe someone
тоже понравится… “

Svetlana: “… I take coffee beans (middle category), at home
grind on a coffee grinder so that it turned out of medium size,
that is, a little more than for brewing. Then высыпаю все в
a special jar, and when I take a shower, I mix some coffee with
gel and apply to the body with a washcloth. It is not necessary to rub,
so as not to damage the skin! … “

Lena: “… I first learned about such a scrub against cellulite from
ANDнтернета, начиталась о нем кучу положительных отзывов и решила
to try. True cellulite is not pronounced in me, but still
In stock. Found a pack of coffee at home, brewed and decided
spread all problem areas (buttocks, abdomen and legs), but
before that, steaming well in the bathroom. After a week
regular procedures along with cellulite on the hips began to go away and
лишние сантиметрики… “

Alina: “… Previously, the scrub was bought in a store (and a certain
stamps), but it lasted until one friend I knew
advised to experience a natural homemade coffee scrub
the thick I tried, and my joy knew no bounds! Shop
production is not at all something, because chemistry is added there, and
quite a lot … But homemade cosmetics is really different
level! … “

Also read: “Folk remedies for cellulite: from hand to hand”
and “Health Disk – the best exercises for the home.”

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