Causes of acne (black spots) in cats onchin, possible complications. What if the cat is onchins appear acne?

Пн, 12 мар 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

Acne in cats on the chin is quite common
disease. Cat owners make a big mistake by ignoring
this problem. What are the causes of black dots and how they are dangerous, should
know every pet owner.


Why do black dots appear

Comedones, so in veterinary medicine are called black dots, which
often appear on the lower lip and chin of a cat. Why u
animal sebaceous glands in the skin? Uniquely on this
No veterinarian will answer the question.

It is worth noting several factors related to this

– Ware for water and food of poor quality, this applies
plastic plates. The structure of the plastic is such that its pores are as
the sponge collects all the dirt and bacteria. Therefore, you need a bowl
regularly wash not only food, but also water;

– Poor hygiene, not all cats can
to wash oneself well;

– Weakening of the immune system due to stress and abnormal

– Skin diseases that lead to abnormal development
sebaceous glands;

– Incorrect (abnormal) development of the hair follicles;

Almost everybody has black dots on the chin.
purring pet. Their appearance does not depend on the breed of the cat,
what gender or age.

Comedones are inflamed in different ways, they can appear immediately.
disappear forever. Some animals have acne in chronic
form, when the metabolic processes in the skin are impaired. And if not treated
cat, there is a high probability of attaching a secondary

What are the symptoms of acne?

The first and most important symptom is that the skin on the beard begins
blush. Then appear small eels. Pimples with white or
black tops cone-shaped. They will become everything
more, in the process of inflammation acne will increase in size. Highly
often cat owners think that this is ordinary dirt that has accumulated on

Then the lower lip becomes edematous. Due to inflammation and
The constant itch of the animal will comb acne. On this spot
wounds and purulent inflammations will form. Damaged
hair follicles can no longer recover, so the place
on his chin is balding.

How to diagnose a disease

It is almost impossible to make a correct diagnosis by external
featured. Acne can be confused with other dermatological

During the examination in the veterinary clinic, the doctor must
take scraping to eliminate parasitic and fungal lesions.
Individually, you may need a skin biopsy.

Skin diseases whose symptoms are similar to acne –
allergic reaction and demodicosis, scabies and dermatophytosis,
eosinophilic granuloma.

Treatment methods

After examination by a veterinarian, treatment is prescribed. It
happens complex or local. It all depends on how was
started the disease. The most important thing to remember is everybody.
cat owner, you can not squeeze or rip off acne.

Therapy lasts no more than three weeks and almost always
passes as follows. Must be washed regularly
affected areas with a special shampoo with antiseborrheic action
or tar soap.

Before treating the acne on the chin, they are disinfected with
miramistina, chlorhexidine, 3% hydrogen peroxide, iodine or
salicylic alcohol. These drugs should be used with a large
care not to cause burns.

If a long-haired cat is better during the treatment
shortly cut the wool in the places where the black dots appeared.

Before applying the drug, it is worth cleaning
the affected area and using antiseptics to remove dead skin
skin layer. You can brew tincture of chamomile or calendula and
apply cotton pads soaked in broth for a few minutes,
to safely clean the skin of your pet.

Until the complete disappearance of the rash twice a day to use the drug
on the basis of furatsilina – Perkutan.

If the disease is too advanced and there are obvious signs on the face
folliculitis, the cat is credited with a course of antibiotics.

During treatment, the animal must eat only dietary.
feed. It is unacceptable to give the cat anything fat, fried and
smoked Additional vitamin supplements are needed for nutrition.
in the form of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids.

Preventive measures

Cookware should always be clean. Wash it after
every meal. Plastic bowls should be replaced with ceramic
or glass. Drinking water needs clean and fresh.

Animals prone to acne, every time after eating
wipe your chin and treat with antiseptic.

To avoid disruption of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to exclude
from the diet of the cat all fat.

Maintain the pet’s immune system. To balance
food, do not allow those situations that can bring the cat to
stressful condition.

Nontraditional Acne Treatments

Fresh or dried yarrow flowers (1 tea spoon),
pour boiling water and insist 15-20 minutes. Wipe with this decoction
already affected places or for prophylaxis every time after eating.

Lotions from broth celandine well pressed and dried
sore acne. It should be brewed with care, strictly
according to the instructions, otherwise you can cause burns on the inflamed skin. Need to
2 tsp. add water, boil and simmer on low heat
more than 5 minutes. Strained broth ready for use. Them
process chin three times a day.

Highly эффективное средство — обычная сырая тыква.
Immediately before use, cut a thin piece of pulp
pumpkin. It will immediately become noticeable how droplets will start to stand out on it.
juice. Themи протирать пораженные участки кожного покрова. Before
each treatment cut off only a fresh piece of vegetable.

Two tablets furatsilina crush in a mortar and mix with 25
grams of decoction of calendula and chamomile. To drug well
dissolved, you need to take the liquid too hot. This tincture
treat the affected skin after each meal.

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