Cat tricks: reasons for getting rid of them.Preventing the appearance of mats in cats with long hair

Пн, 26 фев 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

Often, pet owners do not understand the reasons why
Cats are formed by mats. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how
fight mats and how to get rid of them.

The mats appear in cats of long-haired breeds. Many
owners fluffy often without thinking about the care of wool,
acquire just such cats. It is very important to get rid of
Problems. Otherwise, you can permanently spoil your fur beauty.


How mats affect cat health

The appearance of tangles on the cat’s fur is not only aesthetic.
problem. They interfere even not so much with the owner as with the very
pet Wool falls to shreds, pulling neighboring
hair and skin of the animal. There is practically no cats
opportunities to lick themselves.

A favorable environment is formed in the places of the felted coat, in
fungal diseases or various
microorganisms. These are fleas and lice that can cause
dermatitis. Lishai and other fungal lesions of the skin
pet, diaper rash and allergic rashes.

Animal psychologists claim that if you don’t get rid of
koltunov, cats become irritable. In some cases,
Pets with a less stable psyche may fall into depression.

Causes of tangles

Veterinarians identify a number of reasons why a cat appears

– One of the main ones is physiological. Untimely care
wool, irregular combing contributes to stalling wool.
The villi are constantly being updated, the new ones have already grown, and the old ones have not yet
removed. Cats of long-haired breeds are not always capable
independently get rid of them. Under the neck and between the paws
mats are formed due to natural movements

– Wrong and unbalanced diet. Need with
great attention to pick up the cat food, if it is purchased. And better,
when it is recommended by a veterinarian. If food is homemade
cooking, it is necessary to include in the diet is not
fatty meat (beef, rabbit or chicken). Vegetables, complex
vitamins and minerals that improve the structure of long hair.

– Proper hygiene – not always cat owners know how
need to bathe long-haired pets. There are special
шампуни, для длинношерстных пород animals. While swimming no
In no case should you rub the hair or wash it against hair growth.
Shampoo should be washed off in the same way. You need to wipe the cat very
gently, do not rub the pile with a towel. Otherwise, then not possible
will comb. Better light, absorbing movements to walk
towel from ear to tail.

– Another and more disturbing reason, health problems
an animal. There are a number of diseases that result in fatty
imbalance of wool is disturbed. Therefore, it is best to contact
veterinary clinic and exclude all possible diseases.

How can I remove small mats

If a cat is regularly combed out, mats may appear in
period of seasonal molting. They form around the neck, under the front.
paws and abdomen. Felled wool is very easy to divide.
hands, without causing injury to the cat.

It would be better to ask someone for help to get rid of
problems and at the same time calm the animal. Need as much as possible
distract the cat, stroke it and treat it to something delicious. Otherwise
tools for removing mats will eventually cause
pet aggression. Then you need a special brush-comb
remove residues of dead hairs.

How to get rid of large mats katunov

If hairballs of impressive size, they are terribly pulling the skin
to the cat. He is initially already irritable and the slightest touch to
such a place will cause a defensive reaction in fluffy. Animal heat of the moment
may even throw himself at his own master to scratch him.

Here we can not do without outside help and radical methods.
All problem areas need to be cut with special scissors with
blunt rounded edges. Similar tool cut nails
small children.

First, you should fix the cat as much as possible. To do this
so that she was comfortable, and inadvertently did not injure the animal.
Next, each koltun immediately cut along its formation. If done
correctly, he himself will begin to finish, which is significantly
will facilitate further work.

Careful movements, slowly it is necessary to cut the koltun from
wool. To some breeds of cats (Angora and Persian),
veterinarians recommend applying special sprays, with their help
get rid of koltunov easier.

There are special приспособления, колтунорезы, с помощью
which is easy and painless for a cat you can get rid of
koltunov. Outwardly, they resemble a brush for combing with sharp
teeth. The teeth are wavy or straight.

This device is suitable for use with small
образованиях комков wool. And they need to use with
be careful not to hurt the cat.

Preventive measures for the formation of mats

It is better to prevent the problem than to get rid of it. For
this, veterinarians recommend periodically combing the animal, not
less than twice a week. Persian cat breeds, especially during periods
molting need to scratch every day.

There are special пуходерки, с помощью которых удаляют
falling hairs during molting. In another period she should not
to enjoy.

Bath your cat regularly with specialized shampoos and
air conditioners. In order to avoid static voltage apply dry

If the wool is still felted, before unraveling it should be
apply a spray. After applying to use a comb,
only with blunt tips. Or disassemble the lump by hand.

In the summer, it is desirable to completely shave off the wool, leaving
millimeter length. This will help to survive the heat fluffy without
overheating of the body and heat stroke. Prevent education
diaper rash, koltunov and other irritations.

Proper nutrition, the right amount of vitamins and fats
значительно снизит уровень образования koltunov.

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