Cat in the house: signs and superstitions

Cat in the house: signs and superstitions

Cats from ancient times live side by side with
by man. These animals are often credited with magical properties,
cats are supposed to be related to the other world,
see spirits, brownies and other entities.

Another cat is considered a witch’s pet, and
exactly black.

With these animals is connected a lot of signs and superstitions.
We will look more closely at how a cat lives in a house,
what does this neighborhood promise man.


Mystic feline look

Cat’s eyes attract, fascinate, seem like something
mysterious. Cats may notice more than what is available.
man In deep and long look, always lurking deep
meaning. No wonder the cat decided to let the new house first. let’s
let’s see why?

If a pet stares at the same time
– возможно, там находится скопление негативной

Когда кошка долго смотрит и заметно нервничает,
she is clearly following something. She can see the brownie or the unclean
force At the same time with the brownie cat can make friends, play with him and
caress, but she drives away evil spirits, gives the owners peace.
That is why before the cat was always allowed into the house first, now, to
Unfortunately, this ritual is observed less and less.

There is another sign associated with the cat’s eyes, –
you can not look into her eyes for a long time.

If some time to look into the eyes of a cat, you can run
the process of sucking energy from a person. Can you feel
fatigue, apathy, sadness. A long exchange of eyes with a cat is usually not
bode well. Better not to do this.

Cat in the house: signs and superstitions

Cat Behavior Language

A lot of beliefs associated with the behavior of the cat in the house. These
knowledge was accumulated by our ancestors and preserved until our

It is worth listening to the signs emanating from the behavior
your pet:

  • Если рядом с молодой девушкой чихнул кот или
    the cat is a good sign, you can count on a quick wedding. With
    This betrothed will fall docile and loving.
  • Однако есть еще одна примета – кошка или кот чихнула
    трижды рядом с хозяином, ждите плохую погоду
    и возможное
  • Если питомец начал вылизываться против шерсти
    – the weather will deteriorate, and it will not be the usual rain, but
    a real torrential downpour.
  • Кошка легла и спит животом кверху, значит,
    warming will come soon, the sun will appear.
  • The animal often lies on the person, and on a certain place.
    Do not chase away, negative energy is being taken from you. Try
    wait for the animal to go away from you.
  • It is very important that the cat befriends the brownie, otherwise the animal
    can run away or get sick and die. It used to be believed that
    better to take cats of the same color as the hair
    the host.
  • If a cat or cat ran away from your home, they are distracted from you.
    imminent disaster.
  • Has a cat come to your house? This is a good sign to you.
    good luck and prosperity will come soon.
    Kota not chase,
    take to your residence. In the old days they believed it was coming
    the soul of the deceased relatives, to protect the house.
  • The one who harmed the animal or even killed it will not see
    happiness and peace seven years.
  • If the cat washes for a long time – wait for the arrival of guests.
  • Когда питомец скручивается во сне клубочком, закрывая
    лапками мордочку
    , скоро будет похолодание, зимой –
    frost is near.
  • Если ваша кошка убила голубя, в скором времени
    you will get nasty news.
  • Do not allow the animal to lie on the dinner
    . So a cat can survive someone from home.

These are superstitions and signs exist. In fact their
much more, the most famous and proven are mentioned. They
concern exactly the behavior of pets.

Cat in the house: signs and superstitions

Color contrasts

With the color of cat fur is also connected a lot will. Can
talk endlessly about the beauty of cat fur, admire the soft
fur. We will consider the superstitions associated with the color of the cat.

Black color

The black cat often personifies beauty, mysticism, gives
animal some mystery. No wonder cats witches are always black.
And when we see a black cat running across the road, we spit over the left
Shoulder from the evil eye. People believe that the appearance in the house of a black cat or
cats promise only misfortunes and misfortunes.

However, there is a belief that the black cat scares away with its presence

Ginger colour

Most often, red cats and cats are associated with material
well-being in the house, well-being. It is believed that such pets
can really heal their master, come to the sick
man and are near for a long time.

Red cats – family comfort, happiness, warmth of the home. if you
there is not enough harmony in the house, get a red cat or a cat.
unmarried young girls ryzhiki attract his betrothed.

If you picked up from the street or took from the orphanage a red cat,
you took luck with you. It is also believed that ginger pets are better.
the evil eye, the damage and the bad intentions in relation to
to the owners.

White color

The white animal also heals, gives positive energy,
has a positive effect on the person. Snow white pets
attract good luck in all things. Can сказать, что white cats and
cats act as a kind of talisman in the house.

If a white cat often lays down on a person, then on a specific
place – check your health, the animal felt weak
a place.

Grey colour

Gray cats and cats perfectly protect the owners and family members and
negative magical effects. They могут показывать свою
hostility to people who come to your house with bad intentions.

Gray pets – talismans that help overcome financial
the difficulties.

Tricolor handsome

It is believed that tricolor cats and cats get along best with
home-grown, have a special connection with them. Such pets are brought into the house.
good luck and prosperity.

Also a tricolor cat attracts a constricted or constricted when
long can not find your soul mate.

With such a color is not associated with no bad omens.

Loss or gain of an animal

Signs are also associated with the arrival or departure of cats. Everybody knows,
that cats love to walk, may disappear for a few days, and
then come back.

Бывает, что питомец уходит навсегда. One of
belief is the belief that the animal has distracted its
hosts Cats take a strong negative to themselves and go away from

Есть примета, если животное уходит, оно как бы
освобождает место для нового члена семьи
. For example, this
there may be an acquaintance with the future spouse or spouse, birth

Cat care may be associated with another phenomenon. For example you
переехали в новый дом, питомцу так и не удалось подружиться
with brownie.

Бывает, что к дому прибивается кошка или кот.
This is a good sign, they send you a defender. This works especially
noticeable when in the family for a long time there were hardships and problems.
Higher forces help, take the animal to yourself.

If the animal is gone, did not return for a very long time.
время, а потом оказалось у порога дома
– это дурной знак.
This promises only the bad, even the death of someone in the family.

Only it is up to us to decide whether to believe in omens or not. AT
in any case animal care, custody, help leaves only
good mark Caring for the weaker always helps to find peace and
peace of mind. Moreover, cats give love a hundredfold
sometimes very loyal and

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