Can a puppy give chicken meat? What kind of chicken(raw, boiled or fried) can be given to a small puppy

ATс, 01 апр 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

For a dog to grow up healthy and physically developed it needs
high-quality and proper feeding. Nutritional Diet Should
consist half of the meat.


What kind of chicken нужно давать щенку

Chicken meat is a very necessary and healthy food for a little puppy.
Although it is in the top most allergenic products,
the amount of protein contained in it.

Many veterinarians have long disputed this issue and argued that
almost all hypoallergenic feed includes chicken meat. AND
more often an allergic reaction in puppies happens to the protein of beef, soy,
eggs and milk.

The chicken meat protein has the highest biological value.
delivers amino acids into the growing organism

Therefore, the developing organism needs chicken protein. Worth
know that it is not recommended to give raw meat, even if
was frozen. Having eaten it, there is a high probability
helminth infections, because there are some types of parasites that
withstand low temperatures and do not die.

Veterinary doctors recommend heat treatment
product before giving it to your puppy. Meat chicken boil,
cooled and crushed, in this form it is ready for use. it
full main course.

If we talk about fried or baked chicken, in small
age, it is strictly contraindicated. Eating such a meal
is fraught with liver disease and other ailments.

Already an adult dog as an additional bait can
give a couple of pieces of fried meat, but no more.

Worth ли давать щенку куриный бульон

ANDменно куриный бульон считается самым аллергенным продуктов. AT
It accumulates a large concentration of protein, which causes
allergic reaction of the body puppy.

If the little dog cook soups or porridge in chicken broth, then
The first two need to merge. AND только на третьем бульоне готовится

Is it possible to give a puppy chicken liver

Liver birds can and should be given. AT ней содержится огромное
количество витамина AT12. Не стоит забывать, что именно витамин AT
responsible for the proper development of the nervous system.

The liver is boiled and offered to the puppy in small quantities in
the form of bait. You can not give a dog such a product every day,
two or three baits per week will suffice.

Worth помнить, что избыток этого витамина способен навредить
a growing animal body that is fraught with deformation of the bones.
The baby may lose weight or become allergic.

Chicken neck in puppy’s diet

itт продукт можно начинать давать собачонке с трех месячного
age The bones in them are absolutely safe, they are not capable
injure the esophagus or stomach wall.

The only feature of the offal is that with long
heat treatment is lost almost all the nutritional value. therefore
no need to cook them. The boiled neck meat has such a structure
which can clog the stomach and intestines of the puppy.

Consequently, chicken necks give whole or grind, but
Before eating them it is necessary to cuddle steep
boiling water. This method will kill all germs and particles of parasites.

Chicken stomachs and hearts

Very easy to digest and low calorie meat. It is especially
well suited for small puppies, as it does not affect
developing liver.

It will be better before giving offal to the baby, previously
grind in a meat grinder and boil.

Do not give small pets chicken skin. In addition to large
the amount of fat there is nothing nutritious and beneficial to
an animal.

Chicken heads in a puppy’s diet

This by-product is very useful, as it contains brains.
AT составе птичьего мозга огромное количество полезных компонентов,
необходимых для развития an animal.

Great nutritional value of course in raw chicken heads. But
перед употреблением их обязательно обдают boiling water.

Small puppies of a bird’s head need to be ground.
Pre-remove the beak and inspect so that no
sharp parts. For older dogs, it is permissible to give heads
entirely, be sure to chop off the beak before feeding.

Chicken Feet

A controversial issue among dog breeders. Some argue that
they feed their paws without fear for their health. ATторые
treated with caution to such offal.

Undoubtedly, the legs are very useful, they contain cartilage and
nutritional values ​​are equated to heads. But, чем опасен
product – with its claws and tubular bones. therefore собакам
it is possible to give paws older, having chopped off claws and having removed the main
tubular bone.

Puppies useful to cook aspic from the paws of the bird, it is only
contributes to the strengthening of bones and skeletal development.

Chicken bones

On the question of whether the puppies can give chicken meat the answer is unequivocal
– can. But, кроме куриных костей. They are tubular, the puppy will be their
nibble and certainly gnaw.

Shards of tubular bones as sharp as a knife blade. They can with
ease cutting the dog’s esophagus, stomach wall or intestines.
Eating them with small dogs is life threatening. You can already
more adult puppies of large breed dogs to give skeletal bones,
who do not have a tube inside.

Even if the bone is boiled soft, it can
to fill the stomach to the baby. The broth, cooked on the bones, is fine
for cooking cereals and soups doggy.

Signs of an allergic reaction

Signs that the dog is allergic to chicken
protein, there will be the following symptoms:

– The puppy starts to itch and lick pads often

“Something like dandruff appears on his skin;

– It can be observed syt on the skin;

– Wool will fall out, only this happens not totally
throughout the body, and in some places. On these sites with time
bald spots are formed;

– The baby may often sweat or it will smell bad from

Finding these symptoms must be attributed to the pet
veterinary clinic, to conduct a survey and establish the cause

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