Breathing exercises for weight loss at homeconditions

  • 1 Principles of breathing exercises for weight loss
    • 1.1 Efficiency of respiratory gymnastics
    • 1.2 Pros and cons
  • 2 How to do?
    • 2.1 For slimming the abdomen and sides
    • 2.2 Set of exercises for women after childbirth

For any human body overweight is
not only an aesthetic problem, it also carries a hidden
health hazard. With the need to lose weight, all people agree
overweight, but how to do it effectively and without
harm to health?

Lose weight and make the body elastic can be achieved through compliance
dietary intake, self-discipline and regular
perform special techniques exercises. One of these techniques
является дыхательная гимнастика, называемая также бодифлекс
или оксисайз
, которую легко можно выполнять в домашних
conditions для снижения лишнего веса.


Principles of breathing exercises for weight loss

Popular and effective methods of respiratory gymnastics –
прекрасная альтернатива спортивным упражнениям
. She can
perform at a convenient time, not adapting to the mode of operation
sports club. The main condition during the passage of the complex –
proper implementation and responsible approach to the lesson as a whole.

Breathing exercises will help those people for whom the choice of
the benefit of strict diets and exhausting workouts will be impossible.
The first results of hard work will appear after a few
training days.

Система бодифлекс для похудения будет
effective while adhering to several principles:

  • Regular exercise;
  • Compatibility of the exercise program with any diet and
    strict nutrition principles;
  • Class time – mostly in the morning, and only on the hungry
  • Breathing exercises for weight loss takes 15
    минут в день
  • Meal is possible one hour after completion.

The effectiveness of respiratory gymnastics

Диафрагмальное дыхание доказало на практике свою
efficiency. Положительный и довольно мощный эффект от
exercise breathing is possible by the following

  • The abundance of oxygen helps nutrients better
    всасываться в ЖКТ;
  • Oxygen helps break down incoming food, turning it
    in energy for the body;
  • Deep breathing helps maintain acid-base
  • Breathing exercises help the body to remove
  • Oxygen is able to oxidize fatty deposits, which
    promotes weight loss;
  • The amount of stress hormones is reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since breathing exercises are a completely natural technique.
recovery and weight loss, it is extremely useful for
most people. But like all other ways to lose weight, and
There are some contraindications. To avoid unpleasant
consequences, before starting classes it is better to find out what the advantages and
cons breathing exercises for weight loss.

Pluses of the exercise complex:

  • Extra pounds are removed harmless to the body
  • There is a general recovery;
  • Improves the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • The work of the digestive system passes with greater
  • The body becomes toned;
  • The immune system is strengthened.

Cons of the exercise complex:

  • Short-term oxygen deprivation during delays
    breathing can be harmful;
  • Not recommended for people with pathologies
    сердечно-сосудистой системы
  • Не подойдет людям, перенесшим травмы
  • Не рекомендуется людям с патологиями щитовидной
  • Упражнения вредны в период
  • Not recommended for people
    с имплантами.

How to do?

For maximum effect of weight loss and recovery,
should know how to do breathing exercises in
домашних conditions. This does not mean that in everyday
жизни люди дышат неправильно
. The essence of bodyflex in
maximum body saturation with oxygen, much more
comparing with ordinary breathing.

How to properly perform the respiratory technique
гимнастики для похудения в домашних conditions:

  • Take a standing position;
  • Inhale and puff up the belly;
  • Exhale and tighten the stomach to the back.

To control the correctness of the movements, you can put your hand
just below the rib cage.

Slimming belly and sides

Среди многообразия методик дыхания существует комплекс,
направленный на коррекцию и похудение зоны живота и боков
At the same time, morning exercises for slimming the abdomen at home
conditions позволяет повысить тонус всего организма за счет
additional stimulation processes
life activity. Breathing exercises for the abdomen can
perform in several ways.

Breathing exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides
— упражнения в домашних conditions:

Algorithm of actions with a universal method:

  • Quickly inhale air through the nose;
  • Slowly exhale air through the mouth for six bills.

When exhaling, be sure to strain the abdominal muscles.
and relax them while inhaling.

Algorithm of action for women from 40 years and older:

  • Slow breath through the nose and exhale the same;
  • Slow inhale through the nose, then two sharp exhalations;
  • Inhale slowly, then exhale at the same rate, and add more
    two exhalations at a fast pace;
  • Slow inhale through the nose, exhale a little and finish exhaling

It is recommended that when inhaling to the maximum to draw in the stomach, and at
exhale – relax.

В домашних conditions гимнастика для похудения предполагает
Exercise three times three laps per workout.

Complex exercises for women after childbirth

The young mother’s body needs recovery and tone,
for this purpose, experts often recommend respiratory
a set of exercises for weight loss after childbirth.

A set of exercises from breathing exercises
allow young mothers:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • increase the rate of metabolic processes in
    the body;
  • strengthen the muscular structure of the abdominals, which
    weakened after giving birth.

The body of a woman after childbirth is restored gradually
therefore, a complex of breathing exercises involves
phased introduction of loads with gradual complication.

Postpartum Gymnastics Slimming Looks

  • Setting breathing techniques. Take the starting position
    – stand right on your feet. Maximum inhale the air. When you exhale
    tighten the stomach to the spine. This is the key
    принцип диафрагмального дыхания, который полностью отличается
    from traditional and everyday;
  • Breathe in the stomach and nose. After exhale to do
    minimal pause and immediately go to a noisy breath through the nose. With
    a sharp breath requires simultaneously to inflate the abdomen;
  • Close your lips tightly so that they are not
    it is seen.
     Then you need to tilt your head back and with force
    exhale The mouth must be kept open until all the air is out.
    from the lungs.

This breathing exercises for losing weight after childbirth
Mom is shown and after cesarean section.

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