Bran for slimming

Bran is a dense outer shell of grain, which in the process of
Flour cleansing and bleaching – remove. Actually it is waste.
Milling production, almost 100% composed of fibers
vegetable fiber.

Useless for the food industry thing, but very valuable for
losing weight Bran is practically not digested and not
digested, they transit go through the food chain, swelling
inside the ballast and creating the illusion of satiety.

Bran for slimming 1. Bran help suppress appetite.

Having eaten one tablespoon of bran, you get only 20 kcal. With
this feeling of saturation will be comparable with a portion 10 times larger
size. Withчина в том, что клетчатка отрубей имеет пористую
structure resembling activated carbon. Thanks to this
features, bran absorb a huge amount of fluid,
increasing in volume several times and filling the intestinal lumen. Her
stretching deceives the saturation center in the brain and for a long time
suppresses hunger.

2. Save from constipation.

Hard fiber fibers stimulate intestinal peristalsis, and
pass through it like a brush, cleaning off all that is superfluous. Chair will be
regular, bulk and soft, most importantly, drink bran enough
amount of water.

Important: for fiber to work, you need to drink extra
less than 1 cup of water for every spoonful of bran eaten. Otherwise she
for swelling will suck out of the intestines the body needs
fluid draining the skin and muscles, thickening blood. Then not possible
only constipation, but also painful cramps in the abdomen.

3. Bran maintain normal blood glucose levels.

The main cause of sudden breakdowns and gluttony while losing weight
– hypoglycemic state, when, after eating fast
carbohydrate blood sugar jumps up and then drops, causing
strong zhor, forcing to absorb food in huge

Bran fibers, once in the body, are partially split to
�“Slow” carbohydrates of healthy colonies living in the intestines
microorganisms. This process lasts for several hours: all the time,
until bran pass through the small intestine. As a result, the blood
constantly comes a small amount of sugars, which are just
enough to not cause sudden level fluctuations
glucose and prevent states of hypoglycemia.

By the way, the most useful ones are actively growing on fiber.
bacteria that provide strong immunity, healthy complexion,
normal digestion, elimination of toxins, protection against tumors and
regular stools. So it turns out not even double, but triple
use: weight loss, health and beauty.


Which bran is more useful

An important advantage of bran is the content of grain in them.
embryo. This tiny inclusion consists of full
proteins whose amino acids are not synthesized in the human body,
and in other foods are present in meager amounts,
either they are not at all.

Shells of wheat grains are considered the most valuable. In them
contains the maximum amount of proteins, beneficial micronutrients
and vitamins. Wheat bran is especially rich in antioxidants.
zinc and selenium, responsible for the work of the immune and endocrine
systems for the health of the skin and hair. Thanks to these substances
the human body is able to withstand any harmful
exposure to: ultraviolet radiation, infections, toxins.

In second place in nutritional value and benefits are rye
bran. They are advised to those who suffer from constipation, edema and
obesity. Rye bran will not only help get rid of
accumulated excess fluid, but also better than others will save from
sharp jumps in blood sugar levels. This property is especially important.
for people with diabetes and impaired tolerance to
glucose. The third place in the popularity rating is rice
bran. In them мало цинка и селена, больше всего жира, но при этом
It is a lot of potassium, vitamins of group B.

In what form to use bran for weight loss

The “purest” product is the dry powder obtained on
flour mill His brown hard granules do not have their
specific smell or taste. Therefore, they can be added
in almost any dish. You can sprinkle bran salad, dilute
in a lactic acid drink and drink the mixture. In stores bran more often
just sold in the form of powder. Sometimes they are glued together in
�”Sausages”, balls or plates using gluten free flour that
slightly increases calorie and gluten content. Sometimes
manufacturers add various flavors and flavors to bran
fillers. There is one benefit to this: it is more pleasant to eat.

It does not matter in what form you will eat bran, try
eat at least 20 g daily. This portion is advised
nutritionists – for weight loss, and to preserve health.

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