Blueberry Pies – for great joy!Recipes for Homemade Blueberry Pies: Baked and Fried

Ср, 20 июл 2016 Автор: Марина Входцева

Blueberry – one of the most exciting fillings for pies.

The berry is tasty, juicy, affordable and asks itself into the dough.

Baking with it will please not only in the season, but in the winter.

Indulge in homemade pies?


Blueberry Pies – General Cooking Principles

The foundation of any pie is dough. More often it is cooked with yeast. This
option allows you to get a lush, porous product, regardless of
cooking method. For baked cakes, dough is good
squeeze and climb twice. Fried products can be sculpted
a little earlier, one full lift and rest on the table are enough
during formation.

In honor of many puff pastry, which is sold in the store.
Convenient and simple product that can also be let into the patties.
Products from it more often have a square or rectangular shape. it
made from savings to avoid cuts and unnecessary expense

Blueberries for the filling does not necessarily use fresh.
Frozen berries also fit. Add sugar to the product,
cinnamon, cottage cheese, other products. Often it is cottage cheese, fruit.

Recipe 1: Baked Blueberry Pies

Option ordinary pies with blueberries, which are baked in
the oven. Yeast dough is put on a mixture of milk and water.


• 150 ml of water;

• 150 ml of milk;

• 11 g yeast;

• 60 ml of oil;

• egg;

• flour;

• 0.2 tsp. vanilla.

For the filling blueberries and sugar.


1. Dilute milk with hot water to make the liquid
warm. Add sugar with yeast and pour a glass of flour.
Leave the brew in a warm room for forty minutes.

2. Beat a fork with a half teaspoon of salt with a fork.

3. Add protein to the brew, pour flour and introduce vegetable
butter. Flour sypem to the desired thickness of the dough, the mass should not
crawl on the table. We shift in a large pot.

four. Cover with a napkin. In an hour you need to look at it, press it and
leave another twenty minutes.

5. Blueberries are simply sorted, washed and mixed with sugar by
to taste.

6. The left yolk is diluted with two spoons of milk and well

7. Divide the dough into 100 gram pieces, roll out of each
bun small cake. Spread the berries with sugar and sculpt
classic pies.

8. We shift on the baking sheet. Be sure to leave a distance
so that in the process of lifting the cakes are not stuck together.

9. We give a little approach. With a brush we lubricate
cooked yolk.

10. Bake at 190 ° C for about 15 minutes, focus on the outside

Recipe 2: Blueberry patties with puff pastry

Option fast pies, which can be taken as yeast,
and the usual puff pastry. The product is usually frozen, get it.
you need it from the freezer beforehand.


• layer of dough;

• 0.35 kg of blueberries;

• 0.1 kg of sugar;

• 1 egg;

• 1 spoon with a mountain of starch.


1. Mix the berries with sugar and immediately add to them
starch. Stir.

2. Roll out the dough to a thickness of three millimeters. Rzhem squares
by 10-15 centimeters, depending on the desired size

3. Beat the egg, take a brush and lubricate all the edges of the squares,
which will stick together among themselves.

four. Spread the berries in equal quantities on all the squares.

5. Защипываем края pies Get rectangles. Can
make triangles.

6. Lubricate the egg that remains after processing the edges.

7. We bake, temperature 200 ° C.

Recipe 3: Quick blueberry patties (fried)

Option of quick and easy dough for fried pies with
blueberries. It does not require rest in warmth, and savor fragrant
products can be in half an hour.


• 500 ml of kefir;

• 1 tsp. salts;

• spoon of sugar;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• 550 grams of flour;

• egg;

• 20 ml of oil.

Blueberries and sugar for the filling. Can взять черничный джем
or thick jam.


1. We throw prescription soda with warm kefir.

2. Beat the egg with salt and combine with the previous mass.

3. Add flour with butter and the dough is ready. Carefully
knead, put in the bag and keep on the table for a quarter of an hour.

four. While you can sort out the berries and fill with sugar. Or stretch
jam, pour the jam.

5. We make pies, we don’t roll dough thickly.

6. Before frying the product gently flatten.

7. Fry on both sides until brown crust. Before serving

Recipe 4: Yeast Patties with Blueberries on Kefir

Another option kefir dough for blueberry patties, but in
This time the recipe contains dry yeast. Standard is used
small bag.


• 600 grams of flour;

• 200 ml of kefir;

• 70 grams of butter;

• yeast;

• salt;

• 2 eggs;

• 60 grams of sugar;

• 100 grams of water;

• 0.5 kg of blueberries;

• sugar in the filling.


1. Dissolve a small bag of yeast in prescription water, give
stand for a bit to make the grains swell.

2. Add sugar, throw eggs, leave one yolk for
lubrication pies. Stir.

3. Add an incomplete teaspoon of salt, pour kefir.

four. We melt the butter and pour the dough into the future.

5. Knead everything together with flour, cover and let go two
times After the first lift, the mass should be slightly kneaded.

6. Blueberries combine with sugar. Berries do not need to knead.

7. We sculpt the pies, let them come up on a sheet and send them into the oven.
Before baking, we grease the top with a previously set aside yolk. For the best
yield add some milk or water to it.

Recipe 5: Puff pastries with blueberries and cottage cheese

Вариант изумительной начинки для пирожков из слоеного test.
It is important not to use liquid and weak cottage cheese, it should have
medium consistency, but not dry.


• puff pastry;

• incomplete glass of blueberries;

• 300 grams of cottage cheese;

• 1 egg;

• 120 grams of sugar;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 2 tablespoons butter.


1. Milling the cottage cheese through a sieve, you can beat the kitchen
combine harvester.

2. Add sugar and melted butter, pour
vanilla and mix everything again.

3. Add dried blueberries at the very end, stir
carefully and try not to knead the berries.

four. Разворачиваем пласт из теста на припудренном мукой столе,
we roll a rolling pin. Divide into squares with sides 10

5. Spread on half the pies stuffing.

6. Lubricate the empty squares with an egg, turn over and cover
dough stuffed, pinch the edges.

7. We send to bake, but before that you can unusual pies
smear the rest of the eggs.

Recipe 6: Fried Blueberry Pies in a griddle

To make these pies, yeast dough is prepared on
water. It is good because it is suitable for different fillings: sweet and
salted. Can замесить, разделить на несколько частей и
приготовить несколько видов pies


• 500 ml of water;

• 1 tsp. salts;

• 1.5 tablespoons of yeast;

• 0.5 cup sour cream;

• 0.5 cups of any butter (melted margarine);

• 2 spoons of sugar;

• flour.

Blueberries with sugar for the filling.


1. Heat water. Making it a little warmer than body temperature.
We start the yeast, sugar, throw a glass of flour. Stir and give
about fifteen minutes to stand for the activation of yeast.

2. Add salt, add any butter and add flour.
Knead soft dough. We give a rest. It is desirable for the mass to approach
twice and only then proceed to making

3. We divide the dough that has come to readiness into pieces, roll it out
cakes and lay out the blueberries, sprinkle with sugar.

four. Защипываем края обычным способом, формируя классический
closed pie.

5. Fry in a skillet in deep fat. Excess oil from finished
pies remove paper towels.

Recipe 7: Blueberry and Apple Pies

Variant of fragrant pies that are molded from any yeast
test. Can использовать покупной продукт или приготовить по
the above recipes.


• 1 kg of dough;

• 3 apples;

• 1 tsp. cinnamon;

• 1 cup blueberries;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• 30 grams of oil.


1. Cut the apples into slices. They should be a bit big

2. Heat the oil in a skillet, add apples, a little
fry, evaporate the juice. Making the maximum fire.
Cooling down.

3. Add to the apples blueberries, pre-sorted and

four. Заправляем начинку сахаром, корицей.

5. We make patties of any size and shape. By the way, with this stuffing
you can cook half-closed products with a flirty looking

6. Даем постоять на противне, смазываем и печем в the oven.

7. Either form closed pies, flatten in the palms and
fry in a skillet.

8. With this filling you can make one big pie, then

Blueberry Pies – Tips and Tricks

• Instead of fresh blueberry filling, jams are often used,
jam, jam. But such products are too sweet, and
lay in the product a lot does not work. Yield – dilute
fruits. Ideal for this purpose are apples, pears, berries
cherries, stalks. Not bad blueberries combined with pumpkin.

• The pie will shine with amazing gloss, if before baking it
grease with a mixture of yolk, a spoon of milk and a pinch of sugar. All need
beat thoroughly. For even application it is better to use

• Ate the dough dried from the top, a dry crust appeared, no need
rush out of it to sculpt something. It is better to sprinkle the usual pieces.
water, you can spray, cover with a towel and give a crust
break up.

• The dough with butter is more delicious, and with vegetable fat
no longer hardens and turns soft. Ideally, you can mix both
kind of.

• It is important not to put a lot of sugar in the dough. Such baking will be
heavy, quickly burned and not baked inside. Ideally on
a kilogram of dough goes no more than 5 spoons of sugar. Additional
sweetness will give the filling.

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