Beware of tea bags: what is its harm?Features of tea in the bags, is there any benefit

Пт, 15 июн 2018 Автор: Яна Додина

Scientists have long proven that tea is useful for
health, but in moderation. For example, tea with milk can
harm the body, and its consumption on an empty stomach is negative
affects the stomach. All these problems can be avoided if
know which tea to use.

• There are no people in the world who would never drink tea in
bags, because without him it is difficult to imagine life. This type of tea
helps out on trips and travels, at work, school and others
life situations when there is no time to brew a drink
and have a tea party.

Teabags are made from tea dust, i.e.
waste of tea leaves. Can it harm the body? And what
has useful properties? It’s time to learn from this.


Harmful properties of tea bags

Tea bags can seriously harm, if you do not know
what kind of drink to use it and how to use it
use. If you buy only good, moderately expensive tea, without
additional flavors and additives to brew it properly,
do not overdo and do not use one sachet several times, then
It will not bring any harm to the body.

• But if the tea is made from waste (leaves of oak or birch
often found in low-quality beverage),
cost suspiciously cheap, have too catchy smell and
instantly dye water, then from such a product is better
refuse, otherwise it may affect health.

Low quality tea harms the body as follows
in the following way:

• Weakness of teeth and bones due to excess fluoride concentration in
tea bag.

• Liver disease that causes a dangerous substance under
name aflatoxin, which is a product of life
fungi. With a large amount of its accumulation in the body, it can
there is a risk of cancer cells.

• Osteoporosis

• kidney disease

• Metabolic disease

Tea bags can cause these ailments, but only when
provided the person really drinks it often. Dangerous dose –
4-5 times a day. But if the packaged tea is used not so
often, the likelihood of poor health is quite small. In that
In this case, everything will depend on the brand, product, price, availability
chemical additives. Also very important is the material of the tea itself.

Tea Bag Material

Tea of ​​this type was invented a little more than 100 years ago and
throughout the century for the manufacture of bags used various
material such as gauze, paper, silk and even hemp.

In today’s world, tea bags are most often made from paper,
a little less – from nylon. A paper napkin as well as a bag for
tea, made from cellulose. But is leaf tea or
packaged to wrap in paper as it gets wet and
breaks. But why the same does not happen with the bag itself? A business
in that it has high moisture resistance due to
its components – thermoplastic and wood fiber.
Therefore, no matter what external influence the bag was subjected to,
remains intact. Bind it more often than usual
metal clip, thread or glue. Can also use
heat treatment. Glue is the most unfavorable element for
bonds, as it does not just have an unpleasant smell, which
manufacturers drown out flavors, but also adversely affect
human body.

Tea packaged in nylon bags will always cost.
much more expensive. This is a very durable material, and its most important
the advantage over paper is that through it you can easily see
the contents of the hot drink and make sure that before the buyer
really tea, not “tea waste”. Well proven
Tea brands in the consumer market are always used to
manufacturing nylon sachets.

But with regard to nylon, one cannot fully argue that he
safe for health. The material is still synthetic, which means
may also have a negative cumulative effect for

Useful properties of tea in bags

Despite the negative impact that may have
This product is on human health, with beneficial properties.
still has. Of course, packaged tea is much inferior
sheet, which is often used in medicinal properties. Tea in
tea bags consists of raw materials that do not always match
acceptable standards. But a properly selected product can still
give benefit. So, the advantages of tea bags:

• Perfectly suited for a mobile image
of life

The modern world does not stand still and all the people living on
the planet are in motion. No time to brew tea –
there is always a bag at hand, which is useful both at work,
and on the road.

• Tea bag is a good way to treat some

Beauticians recommend applying wet bags on closed
eyelids. These “compresses” remove redness and bags under the eyes, and
also give freshness to the face. Also, applying wet cool
bag on the affected areas of the skin (burns, irritation or warts),
You can get rid of them.

• Use in cooking

Chefs of various famous restaurants give advice to soak
tough meat in black teabags. Thanks to this you can
improve the taste of the dish, as well as soften the fibers of the meat.

• Regulation of tea strength

Unlike leaf tea, when brewing a bag, you can
regulate the strength of the drink.

• Fertilizer for indoor plants

Green tea bag gardeners use as a fertilizer for
flowers and plants in an enclosed space. Everything, that
it is necessary to add the dried contents of the bag to the soil with
a plant.

• The taste and color

Also, tea bags are a great solution for tea drinking. Have
each person has their own taste preferences. Leaf tea
restricts the choice, and packaged creates it, so
everyone can drink what they like.

How to choose tea in a bag and do no harm

Lovers of tea bags should pay attention to
what he drinks. When choosing a product, be sure to follow
some rules that will help maintain health.

1. • Before you buy tea, you need to read

After reviewing the composition of the product, you can understand how many
chemical elements, flavors, dyes and various
flavoring additives it is present. Sometimes tea is not tea at all, but
one solid chemistry, which only impersonates itself for this drink.

2. • Do not save

Do not buy the cheapest tea in the store. Here is just
that case when the price most often corresponds to quality. And if
the product is sold at a low price, it means that it consists of
�”Tea garbage”.

3. • Brew tea only once!

The most important rule that few follow. Bags always
disposable. Not only does the tea itself have minimal
the number of useful properties, so in the second and subsequent times
just won’t. If the second use of tea is also strong
paints water and smells delicious, you can be sure that it is
bad product with a lot of chemical ingredients.

4.•Haveпотреблять чай только комнатной

Too hot tea bags can cause burns.
mucous and the cooled or completely cooled drink contains
many harmful substances.

By following these rules, you can avoid many diseases and
problems. When used properly, tea bags can be
not only tasty, but also very useful product.

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