Beat in a dream: why dream of a fight with an opponentspouse, stranger. What dreams that hit in a dream, to the bador good

ATт, 25 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

It happens that bruises dream, and sometimes the process of obtaining them.
A dream about a fight is interpreted by different dream books ambiguously.

Depending on who hits and what the final fight is,
a dream can mean both good and bad. Importance
have related sleep details and feelings that the sleeper experiences


Beat in a dream: why dream of a family dream book

If a dream that a spouse beats in a dream or slashes on the cheeks,
auspicious sleep. It means that peace will reign in the family and
consent If an unmarried girl dreamed that a stranger beats
her face, then soon she will meet her love. The senses
will be mutual.

Самому бить себя во сне — признак нечистой
conscience. Dreaming means to achieve the desired goal
need to repent. It will relieve the pangs of conscience and clear
the road to a happy future. Sometimes such a dream predicts success in

If a сновидящего бьют во сне, к чему снится
such a dream? Do not be afraid, because the dream predicts good luck,
successful outcome, getting good news. See yourself
beaten, but without blood, bruises and wounds – the forerunner of good changes
after a period of long failures.

А вот увидеть себя во сне byбитым розгами или
— нехороший sleep. He warns: do not stand
spread gossips and false speculation about a person. By this
you deserve only the condemnation of others, ruin the reputation.

If the dreamer’s eyes hit some
, то сновидцу придется byжалеть о byспешно
important decision or frivolous behavior. Mean
to beat someone in a dream yourself is a sign of a great desire to restore
justice. There is another interpretation of the dream: the dreamer will
embroiled in a lawsuit.

If a сновидящий бьет кого-то, означает, что в
real life, he will take over the enemies, achieve success in
affairs The dream that the dreamer has beaten
their subordinates. But to beat a strong and important person is bad.
sleep. He predicts trouble and loss.

It is bad to see yourself cast down in battle. Sleep warns about
serious danger or death.

Beat in a dream: why dream of Freud’s dream book

Dream about beating by interpretation of the dream book from the famous
psychoanalyst is a subconscious perception of perverted
physical intimacy with elements of sadism or masochism or desire
such proximity.

The dreamer may dream that he is beaten in a dream. Why dream
such a dream? If a person likes sensations, then he is prone to
masochism, craves moral or physical humiliation.

If the dreamer in a dream beats someone, then in reality he dreams of
intimacy with someone, sometimes contrary to propriety. The main thing for him is
to satisfy their desire, and not to comply with the norms of morality. Besides,
such a dream indicates a tendency to sadism, which may
one day manifest.

Для сновидящего видеть, как он бьет детей,
punishes them for petty pranks, means tendency to

Beat in a dream: why dream of Miller’s dream book

If the dreamer is beaten in a dream, why does such a plot dream? Treatment
sleep neodnoznana, but has a negative connotation. Dream can
be a forerunner of the disease or a decrease in immune forces. Besides, оно
may warn of a real attack that should be taken seriously

See an enemy approaching with the intention to strike
dreamer, should be interpreted by the emotional color of sleep. If a
the dreamer feels fear, the enemy will annoy him and in
real life than cause a lot of trouble. If a же страх
managed to overcome, then waking the wiles of the enemies can be avoided. AT
As a result, the dreamer is waiting for happiness and joy.

The dream that the dreamer beats someone also does not have
one interpretation. If a удар наносится кулаком, ножом или другим
weapon, it foreshadows quarrels, experiences, reproaches. Scandal not
will do the honor to the dreamer, since he discovers not too pleasant
side of his nature. To beat someone with a bludgeon is hard and completely
worthless journey. Beat the attacker with a stone or throw at him
stone – to victory over evil thanks to unshakable faith in

A dream that the dreamer struck a fatal blow to the attacker
him to the beast or man is the forerunner of absolute luck,
rapid career growth, overcoming all obstacles. If a же
such a blow is delivered to the dreamer himself, he needs to prepare for
a serious challenge. ATо всяком случае, вскоре он испытает
unpleasant emotions.

If a сновидящего бьют во сне кнутом, то ему стоит обратить
attention to the behavior of a loved one. Dream can
warn of the appearance of a happy opponent who will destroy
love relationship or try to do it.

If the dreamer is beaten in a dream, what is the dream неприятное
an incident? It should be interpreted according to the affected parts.
body. To get hit in the teeth – to quarrel, on the fingers – to the wiles
slanderers and enviers, on the nose – to a painful blow by
pride. After any of the listed plots, you need to carefully
look at others. There’s certainly no one among them.
causes confidence.

To get hit in the stomach – to business failure, deprivation of high
статуса, byтере уважения со стороны окружающих. If a удар нанесен
a knife in the heart, then the pain and trouble will bring love

Beating yourself in a dream to achieve your goal.
Удар, нанесенный себе тоbyром, — предсказание большой удачу,
maximum possible benefit. Beat a familiar person
means that the dreamer will be connected with him by a strong friendship.

Бьют во сне: к чему снится by соннику ATанги

Получать в сновидении удар by щеке означает, что спящий зависим
от окружающих и не свободен в byлной мере. Man needs as much as possible
rather approve your self in the real world to reach the soul
harmony and faith in their own strength. Best to do good and
сильный byстуbyк, не оглядываясь на мнение byсторонних людей.

Самому бить кого by щекам — плохой sleep. is he
predicts failure in all undertakings and plans.

Бить кого-то кнутом или плеткой означает
incontinence, nervous breakdown. The senses сновидящего станут очевидны,
since he cannot restrain himself at the right moment. One side,
это принесет облегчение, с другой станет byводом чувствовать стыд и

If a человек увидел, что его бьют во сне, к чему снится такая
trouble? Согласно соннику ATанги, этот сон — своеобразный
stop signal. Dreamer in real life can not accept the right
decisions because of haste, levity, or lack of time. Need to
stop and think about everything, otherwise you can turn off
wide and correct life path on the curve path of failures and

Бить известную персону — к byлучению
unexpected news.

Увернуться от удара — выпутаться из неприятной
ситуации с минимальными byтерями.

Защищать кого-то во сне и byчувствовать сильный удар — к
реальным byтерям из-за byведения близких людей.

Бьют во сне: к чему снится by соннику Лоффа

If a сновидящего избивают во сне совершенно незнакомые люди,
it means that fear lives in his soul. It may be a fear of
specific person or circumstances of life, strong
бесbyкойство, от которого нужно byстараться избавиться.

A dream in which the dreamer beats, attacks a friend
human means strong anger against him which in real
life has no way out. The accumulation of negative emotions is dangerous for
физического и душевного здоровья, byэтому их нужно отпустить.

Бьют во сне: к чему снится by соннику Хассе

Beating yourself in a dream is a good sign. This is a harbinger
долгожданной byбеды над сильным противником, достижения намеченных

A similar interpretation has a dream in which the dreamer beats
someone After awakening, he will be lucky, but
The decisions made will be correct.

If the dreamer is beaten in a dream, what is the dream насилие? Dream interpretation
interprets the dream as negative. Сновидящий byжалеет о
совершенном byступке.

Бьют во сне: к чему снится by соннику Цветкова

Being beaten in a dream is a reflection of negative emotions.
Dreamer of something or someone afraid.

Beating someone is the harbinger of the right decision, thanks
которому в личной жизни воцарится мир и byкой.

Бьют во сне: к чему снится by современному соннику

If a сновидящему снится, как его бьют, то наяву он испытывает
муки совести и серьезно раскаивается в неблаговидном byступке или
evil words. Удары by голове означают, что некий человек стремится
to impose your opinion on the dreamer. Быть byбитым byкойными
relatives – to an emergency illness.

If a сновидящий увидел, как бьют незнакомого человека, то наяву
he will have to regret something. If a избиваемый окажется
возлюбленным или супругом
, то в реальной жизни сновидец
fears a break in relationships.

A dream in which the beloved is dreamed is treated separately.

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