Basics of water aerobics for weight loss + listexercise

akvaaerobica-dlya-pohudeniyaMore recently, all the techniques
for the correction of the figure seemed to us difficult and exhausting event,
to which you resort only in case of the last necessity. But with
the emergence of aqua aerobics in the market
has changed.

Water aerobics is an effective and very inexpensive way.
getting rid of overweight and cellulite.

And the more women prefer this care option.
body, the clearer becomes the obvious benefits of aqua aerobics
for weight loss over other types of physical activities.


What is the essence of aqua aerobics for weight loss?

Кроме сброшенных килограммов  и отсутствия «апельсиновой
crusts “involved improve mood and normalization
sleep, as well as a complete lack of fatigue after exercise (which
It is important for working women, because the sore after classes
sports does not increase productivity).

The question may arise: “If the exercises that are performed
when training, differ little from those that are performed on
why is it then necessary to enter the water? ”

The answer is! The fact is that in water your body weight is significantly
decreases, so doing the exercises easier. On the other hand,
water creates resistance, overcoming which you lose a lot

Classes also have the effect of massage. Moreover, being in the water,
you constantly consume calories to maintain body temperature,
even if the water is not cold. The undoubted advantage of aqua aerobics
is that the body becomes slimmer and there is no increase in muscle

Water aerobic exercise for weight loss (45 minutes) consists of:

  • 8-10 minutes of warm-up. Walking, running, raising your knees, hitting the water
    – these exercises help to warm up well;
  • основной комплекс exercise;
  • stretching exercises for the main leg muscles. This stage takes
    about 8-10 minutes.
  • final stage. Calm stretching exercises for
    cooling 10 minutes more.

Even if you still have not learned to swim, do not refuse
It’s a pleasure to do water aerobics. First, the lessons
held at the depth of the water on the chest or shoulders. Secondly, with you
there is always an experienced instructor nearby.

People who have long been engaged in water aerobics, resort to
increase the load by increasing the resistance of the water,
using special gloves and foot weights, 
aquaganteli and aquapolis, flippers, etc.

Your main companions in training will be:

1. Closed swimsuit. 2. Rubber cap and flip-flops. 3
Personal hygiene items. 4. Also you will need a bottle of water for
maintain water balance.

By the way, another advantage of aqua aerobics for weight loss is
no feeling of sticky skin, because water constantly washes away from you

The exercises “aerobics in water” are shown even for pregnant women who are
the reason for their interesting position are devoid of joy permanent
physical exertion, especially if the sport has become integral
part of the life of a woman.

Contraindications for practicing are cystitis, genital
infections and colds. People with bronchial asthma
need to be especially careful when conducting classes in shallow
water under the supervision of an instructor. The reason for this is because the pressure
may cause feeling of difficulty breathing.

You should also be careful of people with osteochondrosis,
damage to the eardrum, as this may
promote imbalance in water. To such people
advised to start classes in shallow water, and increase the load

Основной перечень exercise аквааэробики для похудения:

1. Jumping on two legs. Go into the water on the shoulders. Commit
jumping, pushing from the bottom with two legs. Try to jump like
can be higher. Сделайте 12-15 повторений.

2.  Прыжки на одной ноге. Exercise to perform like
the previous one, but the difference is that this time you
alternately jump on each leg. Perform – on 15 jumps.

3  Подъем ног. Put your hands “on the water” and alternately, as
can be higher, lift straight legs in front of you. Run on
12 lifts.

4.  Наклоны тела. Commit наклоны в разные стороны:
forward, backward, left, right. Repeat for 8-10 tilts.

5.  Бег на месте. Run on the spot on
over 4 minutes.

6.  Выпады. Run on 12-15 «выпадов» поочередно каждой
by foot.

At the end of the classes aqua aerobics for weight loss is necessary
align your breath, for which you take 4 deep breaths.
Then leave the water.

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