The most important thing in losing weight – is to lose weight permanently, and to achieve
this is very difficult. But you can – provided that you will
use a balanced diet for weight loss in combination with
exercise Competent product selection is crucial
value for a balanced diet. But first let’s
let’s figure it out, and what we actually eat?
Slimming products
And we eat, from a scientific point of view, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and
fiber Let’s see what of them can be included in our rational
nutrition for weight loss, and with what will have to say goodbye, reluctantly
a heart.
- Carbohydrates: a balanced diet for weight loss
All carbohydrates can be divided into “bad” and “good”. TO
�”Bad” carbohydrates include bread and all sorts of pastries, cakes and
cakes, chips, muesli, pasta, potatoes, white rice. They are very
calories, and since exercise, we usually
very low, then all these calories, transforming, are deposited in
fat reserves.
TO «хорошим» углеводам относятся хлеб из цельного зерна и с
bran, brown rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, flour pasta
wholemeal, mushrooms. There are a lot of them also in green vegetables, tomatoes,
peas, red beans, soybeans, dairy products, fresh fruit,
freshly squeezed juice and bitter chocolate.
The consumption of “bad” carbohydrates should be reduced as much as possible, and
�”Good” – to maximize.
- Proteins: rational nutrition for weight loss
Proteins are a source of amino acids from which our
organism, therefore their balanced receipt is very important
with food. Squirrels are plant and animal
origin, and we need both, although the number
plant proteins can and increase.
Most animal protein is found in meat and poultry, fish,
eggs, milk, seasoned and soft cheese.
The source of vegetable protein is soy, beans, nuts, lentils,
seaweed and germinated wheat, oatmeal, brown
rice, dark chocolate and whole grain products.
You can not reduce the caloric intake due to protein, otherwise
the body will take them out of the muscle mass. That is, you will
lose weight, but not due to the loss of fat, but due to a decrease in muscle
- Fat: a balanced diet for weight loss
Fats are also conventionally divided into “bad” and “good”, although here all
not as straightforward as with carbohydrates. �”Bad” some
nutritionists consider all fats of animal origin, including
However, in reasonable quantities, these fats are also needed, since
are the source of many necessary substances for example
fat soluble vitamins. Fats are a source of energy, they
promote the elasticity of blood vessels
the work of many body systems and the synthesis of the substances it needs.
For health, harmful only excess fats, especially if
wrong to use.
�”Good” fats are found in unrefined vegetable
oils, especially olive; in sea fish (salmon, mackerel,
tuna, sardines); in nuts, avocados.
In more detail about nutrition for weight loss we wrote here.
Be slim!