Baked apples in a slow cooker – and the oven is notit is necessary! Variants of simple and stuffed baked apples inmulticooker

ATт, 26 июл 2016 Автор: Марина ATыходцева

Baked apple is a healthy and tasty dessert!

What else does? To make a treat easy and fast.

Excellent multicooker copes with this task.

It is a pleasure to make baked apples in it.

Do not believe?


Запеченные яблоки в multicooker — общие принципы

Apples are baked whole, halved and with different fillings. Everything
depends on the recipe and ingredients used. For baking
You can use any kind of fruit, but they should not be
broken and damaged. Whole apples just stab in a few
places and sent to the slow cooker. But much more interesting to cook
fruit with various additives.

What is used for the filling:

• sugar, honey;

• nuts, dried fruits;

• berries;

• cottage cheese, cream cheese;

• different cereals;

• cinnamon, vanilla.

Often mixed several types of products and fill the fruit. AT
apples cut a hole on the side of the stub. You can pre
cut off the plate, which will serve as a cap. Large fruits can
just cut it in half and select the middle with the seeds
original boats.

Multicooker before laying the stuffed fruit smeared
oil Готовят блюдо на программе «ATыпечка». ATремя подбирается
individually, depending on the apple variety used, composition

Рецепт 1: Простые запеченные яблоки в multicooker

Замечательный способ preparations запеченных яблок в
multicooker, которые можно использовать для детского и диетического
power supply. If necessary, sugar can be eliminated or reduced.


• three apples;

• 3 tsp. Sahara;

• 1 tsp. without a hill of ground cinnamon;

• a piece of butter.


1. Take a piece of butter and rub the bottom

2. ATключаем режим «ATыпечка», пусть агрегат пока нагревается.

3. We wash the apples, remove the top lid, about 0.5

4. Take a small spoon and remove the stub together with the seeds.
But do not pierce the fruit from the opposite side.

5. We shift the apples to the slow cooker.

6. Mix sugar with cinnamon. You can add instead
a little vanilla or put both spices.

7. Spread the fragrant sugar evenly into each apple.

8. Cover the previously cut off caps.

9. Close the slow cooker.

10. ATремя запекания яблок во многом зависит от сорта и сочности
fruits. Sometimes 20 minutes is enough. Some apples and half an hour
few. Therefore, we regularly check the degree of readiness.

Рецепт 2: Запеченные яблоки в multicooker с творогом

ATариант фаршированных яблок в multicooker, для которых
need ordinary cottage cheese. Can be as sweet mince
use already prepared curd mass, but it should not
be liquid. Fruits for this dish is better to use large ones.


• 3-4 apples;

• 180 grams of cottage cheese;

• 2-3 ложки Sahara;

• 1 pinch of vanilla;

• 20 grams of butter;

• a little sour cream.


1. We wash the apples, cut out the middle so that we have

2. Mix cottage cheese with vanilla and sugar, can be used for
honey fillings Add one or two scoops of sour cream to the filling
turned out to be more tender.

3. If ready curd mass is used, then just
mash with a spoon.

4. Fill the apples with a sweet filling.

5. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker, spread the stuffed fruit
at the same distance from each other.

6. Закрываем крышкой, включаем режим «ATыпечка» на 40 минут. If a
apples are soft, 25 minutes is enough. AT любом случае через 20
minutes you need to check readiness.

Рецепт 3: Запеченные яблоки в multicooker с орехами и

ATариант запеченных яблок в multicooker с необыкновенным
aroma. ATкусней всего получается с грецким орехом. At his request
You can fry a little, it will turn out even more tasty.


• three apples;

• 30 grams of nuts;

• 70 grams of honey;

• some cinnamon;

• butter.


1. Chop the nuts into pieces. Finely not doing.

2. Add honey with cinnamon and stir.

3. ATырезаем у яблок серединку, делая не очень большое

4. Fill the cooked dredging with a sweet filling.

5. Fold the stuffed fruit in a greased bowl.

6. Close and cook on the baking program for half an hour.

7. We take out fruit, we shift on a dish, we give apples to cool.
The filling will be very hot.

8. Serve honey apples with ice cream, whipped cream,

Рецепт 4: Запеченные яблоки в multicooker со сладким рисом

Для preparations таких яблок понадобится отварной рис. Him
optionally cook, leftovers can be used
garnish if no spices are present in the porridge.


• 0.12 grams of boiled rice;

• 50 grams of raisins;

• 1 ложка Sahara;

• 3-4 apples;

• 30 grams of oil.


1. Wash the raisins, put them in a bowl and pour them hot.
water Leave for half an hour.

2. Drain and mix the swollen raisins with boiled rice,
refilled with sugar. But you can do without it, because grapes
sweet enough. Or add a spoonful of honey.

3. Remove the “lid” from the apples, cut the stub, make a big
opening for filling with rice.

4. Fill the recess with a sweet filling.

5. Смазываем дно мультиварки oil

6. Divide the rest of the butter by the number of apples and
кладем поверх stuffing.

7. Перекладываем фрукты в емкость для preparations, накрываем
cut off caps.

8. ATключаем на режим «выпечка» и готовим около двадцати минут.
If necessary, time can be added.

Рецепт 5: Запеченные яблоки в multicooker с геркулесом и

ATариант изумительных яблок, которые наполняются овсяными
cereal. We use the product of fast cooking. Also need
some strawberries. Similarly, for the filling you can use
raspberries, blueberries, blackberries.


• 2 large apples;

• 2 spoons of rolled oats;

• 1 spoon of honey;

• 5-6 berries;

• butter.


  1. We wash the apples, cut out of them kegs with walls of 0.5.
    centimeter. Either cut into two halves and make the boat.
    ATыбираем наиболее привлекательный вариант. We set aside for now
    the side.

  2. Pour cereal into a bowl, add honey and grind.

  3. Cut the strawberries in half. Large berries can be in four parts.
    Смешиваем с cereal. If a используется черника, то кладем целиком,
    то же самое со смородиной и другими мелкими berries

  4. Fill the apples with oatmeal.

  5. Перекладываем фаршированные фрукты в емкость multicooker,
    pre-lubricated with a piece of butter.

  6. Запекаем на «ATыпечки» полчаса. Open, check the softness
    apple toothpick. If a фрукт остался жестким, то продлеваем время
    preparations на десять минут.

Рецепт 6: Запеченные яблоки в multicooker с Рикоттой и

ATариант запеченных в multicooker яблок с нежнейшей начинкой.
ATместо рикотты можно использовать другой десертный сыр, например,
Almette. Not bad with mascarpone. The number of ingredients
for two portions, we take large apples.


• 2 apples;

• 70 grams of ricotta;

• 50 grams of raspberry;

• 1-2 ложки Sahara;

• some oil.


1. Combine the washed berries with cream cheese, add sugar.
If a яблоки кислых сортов, то можно добавить больше песка. Taste
его можно заменить honey.

2. Cut the tops of the washed apples, which will

3. Из большей части фруктов вырезаем вместительные kegs

4. Наполняем яблоки начинкой из десертного сыра с berries

5. Cover with lids and ship to the greased container.

6. ATыпекаем на соответствующей программе около двадцати минут. AT
this dessert the main fruit should stay a little hard and
it is important that it does not fall apart.

Рецепт 7: Запеченные яблоки в multicooker в слоеном тесте

ATариант изумительных запеченных яблок в multicooker, которые
prepare in the test. These buns will be enjoyed by everyone,
without exception. Dough use ready-made puff, how many
will leave.


• 2 apples;

• puff pastry;

• 2 spoons of raisins;

• 2 spoons of honey;

• some cinnamon;

• butter;

• one whole yolk or egg.


1. ATырезаем у яблок выемку со стороны огрызка, крышечку можно не

2. Смешиваем изюм с honey, наполняем получившиеся отверстия. By
желанию grapesины можно перед этим размочить, чтобы они были

3. Roll out puff pastry, thickness not more than 4

4. ATырезаем два куска, в которые можно завернуть яблоки.

5. Byмещаем в центр фаршированный фрукт, края смазываем и
we pinch together. We make an effort to connect
stuck together.

6. Similarly, we pack the second apple into the dough.

7. We shift in a greased multicooker.

8. On top of the dough grease the egg, try not to fall on
a pot.

9. Close and bake for an hour. Install the appropriate
the program.

Запеченные яблоки в multicooker — полезные советы и

• Apples do not darken, the pulp will remain natural if after
slicing sprinkle fruit with lemon juice or diluted acid.

• Наполнять фрукты можно не только творогом или berries Highly
delicious apples with chocolate marshmallow fillings,
marmalade. You can pour jam in the hole or lay

• To keep the apple from baking, the skin is punctured into
several places. You can do this with a fork or toothpick.

• Effective baking of baked apples will make just dishes
amazing dessert. Fruit can be supplemented with ice cream, whipped
cream, jam, sprinkle with powdered or chocolate. And the role of apple
Leaf perfectly executed sprig of mint.

• To prevent stuffing from apples, fill the hole with
not up to the top and leave room for lifting stuff when

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