Bad advice: how to meet a girlson

Wed, Dec 21, 2016

There was nothing left until the X hour, but you still do not know how
keep in the company of the creature you call “this one here,
next? Well, first, what is it next, if you don’t
had to deal with the previous ones, and secondly, nothing complicated in
знакомстве с девушкой son нет. There are only some features, and
On this occasion, we will give you a couple of harmful tips.

Совет 1. Если сердце подсказывает вам, что барышня вашему
Petenka is not good for shoes, don’t you dare doubt. And her
Immediately make it clear that even she could not think about
continuation of the relationship. What about? My son categorically against the gap?
Come on, do not pay attention, you know better what he needs –
that’s what he is, this maternal instinct.

Совет 2. Ни в коем случае не падайте лицом в грязь.
It is impossible for a guest to suspect a beggar in you, therefore
borrow a chinchilla coat from a neighbor (July outside? Anyway!), but
at the same time borrow from a friend who buys scrap in the market, all
large ringlets. It would also be nice to put a couple on the table.
Antique Chinese services of the XIV century, in the extreme case, come down and
modern fake, who will be considered a stigma?

Совет 3. Продемонстрируйте молодой выскочке, что ваша
family is intelligent and educated. To do this, find in Wikipedia
some little known facts and use them on occasion, also
look through the dictionary in search of difficult-to-pronounce abstruse words.
The main thing is to practice their pronunciation and try to remember
values, and then suddenly this girl, unlike you, read everything
Stendhal and, at the same time, Jane Vercors.

Совет 4. Смотрите на девушку только свысока — пусть сразу
will understand who is the boss. Call her “darling”, but so that
the subtext of your statements guessed immediately. While eating
Give her more bread, with the words “eat as much as you like.”
In this case, you can pitifully groan and roll their eyes.

Совет 5. Если гостья пользуется косметикой и носит юбку
above the ankles, do not forget to hint to her that decent girls
look more modest. Didn’t work? Go to heavy
artillery – tell me that Petenka loves only
natural beauty and modesty, and she (what a pity!) meets only
times in a million, so he is still searching.

Well, that was the most important thing you need to know.
for a successful meeting with the future daughter in law. We hope, and this time you
act like a real woman, that is, read and do everything
vice versa.

Text: Matryona Barabanova

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