ATторой брак: как не допустить тех жеmistakes?

ATторой брак: как не допустить тех же mistakes?

White dress, wedding ring and promises to love
друг друга вечно.… ATсе это прекрасно и каждая девушка, выходя
married sincerely believes in their happiness and cloudless life after
weddings But this is not always the case; marriage will often fall apart.
Such relationships leave a deep imprint in the soul, after which a very
it’s hard to trust and love again.

To find happiness, you can only understand the mistakes
which were made earlier, draw conclusions. In addition, should
be aware of the “pitfalls” of remarriage, and that may interfere
happy union


Ex spouse

ATы будете сравнивать (пусть и подсознательно) своего нынешнего
a man with a previous one, and you need to be ready for this. Household
questions, intimacy and other situations that are not for you
novelty, can cause disagreement. If the marriage is repeated
only for a woman, this problem is much easier to solve, but
if for a man, conflicts are provided, so how to compare
there will be two.

Tip: you should get married when you
really ready for this, carefully considering everything and weighing it.
Leave the past behind and start everything from a white sheet, no need
compare, just live and rejoice.


They say that children are not strangers, but in life, everything is much
more difficult. The partner may not be ready to take your child and
love him with all my heart, there may also be conflicts over
education, its methods. It happens that the child himself opposes
A new man: in every way attracts attention with his behavior and
trying to embroil the newlyweds.

Advice: when choosing a man, consider the interests of your
child, and be prepared to accept the children of your man. Laska
and patience can endear any person – do not forget
about this and use this method in dealing with children.

Repeated image

Often, the girls themselves, without noticing, attract the “identical”
men. ATнешне они могут отличаться, но повадки, а также характер
will be the same. The fact is that our subconscious has
certain set of characteristics that interest us. TO
For example, a woman may like a strong man who decides
all the problems, but in the family he may not listen to the opinions of others
and do things your way. Paying attention to this type of woman
doomed, to go through the already familiar scenario of relations, which entails
for a new disappointments.

ATыходя замуж, девушки склонны идеализировать партнера и семейные
relationship in general. ATажно понимать, что недостатки можно только
adjust, but not cancel.

Совет: ATозьмите лист бумаги и подробно опишите «своего»
a man Understand yourself, it may be worth changing the usual

No understanding

The reasons for divorce can be listed endlessly, it can be
treason, lack of money, alcoholism, violence. But if you “dig”
deeper, it will be seen that these are not causes, but their consequence. Sometimes
women themselves bring themselves and the husband to divorce: reproaches, lack of
loyalty, misunderstanding, and whining. AT ссоре виноваты оба, и
it is a fact. It is easy after saying goodbye to say “they didn’t agree”,
much harder to admit their guilt and try to correct their
limitations. Just summarizing past relationships, you can not repeat
a mistake in the future.

Tip: Tell your partner what you expect from
talk about problems, seek a compromise and demand that
same from husband.


After bitter experience, many abstracted and minimized
their investments in the family. This applies to both emotions and feelings, and
material resources. In this scenario, there is nothing surprising that
relationship failed again. Do not let everything take its course
direct resources to a new family, creating strong and
harmonious relationship.

ATажно иметь общие планы и цели на будущее, не жить прошлым.
It happens that a marriage breaks up as soon as they fade away.
harassment of ex-husband.

ATсе дело в том, что партнеры бросают все силы на отпор и
discussion of the past and do not think about the new family.

In the early stages, you with the new husband will have enough
work hard to be considered a couple. Not acute
реагировать на подобные вопросы: «TOак там дела у твоего мужа
(of course the former)? ”. Persistently but delicately let us understand
that you have a new life and these questions come to nothing.

Unforgivable mistakes

If the divorce was the initiative of the husband, then the woman may appear
obsessive fear of parting.  AT результате, когда женщина
will lead a new relationship, she will strive with all her might
to bind a new man to yourself, starting to curry favor with him,
please everyone, forgetting about yourself. Do not forget that a man by
nature hunter, and when a woman makes it clear that she is completely
belongs to him, then her efforts are no longer appreciated properly.
TOроме того, такая женщина быстро надоедает, что означает
crack formation relationships.

The desire of women to be the main generates a lot
disagreements and quarrels.

If in first marriage she suppressed a man, then surely
will try to repeat this in the second. The wise wife knows: “man
– the engine, the woman – the driver. Anyone can be led to
a solution that benefits you and he will not even notice it is worth
Only apply some tricks, as well as its charm. AT
As a result, no one’s pride is hurt and everyone is happy.

Children are good, but they should not be constantly put on the first
a place. Paying all the time to the child, the relationship with the husband can
spoil it. For a harmonious relationship, observe the “golden
middle “, taking into account the interests of each family member.

Gold recommendations

Creating a family again, be guided not by emotions, and mind.
Do not hurry, take a look, weigh all the qualities of a partner,
look at his relationship to you, what he is ready for the sake of the family.
It’s important to listen and hear your man, talk about your
to be able to be silent and supportive in time, and also to go on
compromise. Treat the problems with humor, they will be so much
easier to solve.

Normal female happiness is available absolutely every
woman, the main thing – the desire, and there will be funds.

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