Attention, TOP 10 – the most dangerous dogs. Dogswhat breed should be feared more than all the rest?

Пн, 16 апр 2018 Автор: Анастасия Овечкина

Traditionally, a dog is a friend of a man, but it is known
also that under certain conditions she can become his enemy. AT
There are more than 400 breeds in the world, among which there are evil and
aggressive dogs.

The most dangerous of them came to the attention of American scientists.
They conducted a study in which they identified the 10 most dangerous
dogs The main criterion was the statistical study of cases
in which the dog killed a man.

Most breeds from the list of the most dangerous dogs are large and
strong dogs.

Often they do not have a pronounced aggressive character, but
in the absence of proper treatment, it can be dangerous precisely because
its size and strength.


10. St. Bernard

Originally this friendly breed was intended for
saving people, not hurting them. Dogsи участвовали в
rescue operations in the mountains after avalanches.
Thanks to the exceptional scent of St. Bernards, it was possible to find
people under a layer of snow up to 5 meters thick.

St. Bernards have a calm, loyal and obedient character.
But the reality is that in 20 years of research, when St. Bernards were
the most popular, there were dozens of attacks on people, 7 of them
fatal to humans. The fact is that St. Bernard –
one of the largest dogs in the world, at the withers they reach 70 cm. And
they are also very loyal to their masters and always stand guard over them
security. It is not difficult to guess what will happen to a person if
such a giant would attack him. Causes of aggression are called two: protection
hosts from danger and inadequate conditions of detention, which
lead to depression and behavior disorders.

9. Great Dane

Representatives of this breed are the real giants of the canine world.
Great Dane from Michigan nicknamed Zeus holds the record for
height – 112 cm at the withers and 220 cm in height, standing on his hind legs, and
another dog managed to move a record large weight – 3430kg. Such
The combination makes this dog dangerous to humans.

Despite the fact that today the Great Dane is considered homemade
a dog with a calm disposition, after all it is initially hunting
dog, and hunting instincts can make themselves felt. Mastiffs rarely
show aggression, but gaps in the education and training of such a dog
may have dire consequences. This is indicated by the numbers: in the account
Great Dane 7 deaths only during the study
by American scientists.

8. Chow Chow

A common phrase is applicable to this dog: appearance is deceptive.
fluffy ball of wool is not so fluffy in its own way
To character. Chow-chow belongs to the most ancient dog breeds in the world.
A dog’s DNA research has shown that its closest relative –
wolf. This fact alone makes it one of the most aggressive.
dogs in the world. ATосемь человек было убито этой собакой за время

ATыведенные для охраны скота и езды в упряжках чау-чау очень
active in everyday life. Lack of great physical exertion
contribute to the accumulation of energy that can spill out into
form of aggression. In addition, these dogs are very loyal to their owners.
They are amenable to training, but will obey only their own.
You should not approach her on the street and demand the execution of commands. TO
the same should be attentive to the Chow, if the family appeared
child. A new member of the family can cause jealousy in the dog and the new
a surge of aggression.

7. Doberman.

This breed is known as a bodyguard dog, often
used by police to catch criminals. TOак служебная
dog, Doberman is very dangerous. He has great speed
movement and a particular style of attack: he does not dig at the victim,
like other dogs, and works in short bursts, knocking down and
biting limbs so that the criminal could not hide.

Despite some of the danger, the Dobermans are suitable
pet. You just need to keep in mind some features.
her character. Dobermans are distinguished by their blind devotion to their master, and in
combined with their suspiciousness they can attack even in the case
�”Comic” danger for their loved ones. Leave the children with Doberman
need to be careful only if you are 100% sure. Not worth it
forget that according to American scientists for 20 years from the clutches and
Doberman’s teeth killed more than 25 people.

6. Alaskan Malamute.

The name of this dog breed speaks for itself: it comes from
Alaska, meaning its main activity – to carry people and
heavy loads in harness. The main features of character – pride
and stubbornness. They are difficult to train, in inept hands
превращаются в неуправляемых, а значит и опасных, dogs

Malamutes get along well with people, but they demand respect and
Attention. Negligent and ill-treatment causes them
appropriate aggressive reaction. We must remember that this breed
appeared as a result of the crossing of sled dogs and wild wolves, on
the account of the Siberian Malamute 26 fatal victims according to
scientists over a 20 year period.

5. German Shepherd.

This breed is known as one of the most intelligent and loyal. More often
just the German Shepherd can be seen in the service in the bodies
and in different roles: for apprehending a criminal, patrolling
territory, search for prohibited substances, etc.

A well-trained German shepherd will never
cause unpleasant incidents. More often всего это случается по вине
person The German Shepherd is one of the most manageable dogs: she
implicitly executes commands – this is both plus and minus of the breed. Herself
by itself it is not dangerous, but a person can
use it with malicious intent. Also in the service are not uncommon
�”Exceeding authority” when the dog does not calculate the ratio
of its forces and forces of the enemy and causes great harm to health
person По данным американских scientists по вине немецких овчарок
29 people died and over 100 were seriously injured and

4. Siberian Huskies.

This representative of sled dogs and descendant of wolves was bred
Chukchi tribe many centuries ago. Due to its specialization –
to transport people in a sleigh – they are not only well adapted to
communicating with a person, but they themselves need a society. Huskies require to
yourself a lot of attention and time, especially for trainings.
They do not tolerate neglect, so a person may lose confidence
dogs, and negligence in training will make a husky dangerous
the beast.

Today, this breed is gaining increasing popularity among
citizens, in connection with which there are problems. Inability to provide
sufficient activity leads to the fact that accustomed to large
loads the dog throws out its energy on the person and his
property The pogrom at home is the least it can do.

3. ATолкособ.

ATолкособ, или волкопес, как понятно из названия, это гибрид
wolf and dogs. This dog is used in security agencies, and
also in medicine. Exceptional scent allows you to capture not only
smells of various substances, but also determine the presence of a person
oncological diseases.

This breed is officially banned for sale due to its high degree
danger. ATолкособ поддается дрессировке, но в определенных
situations wolf instinct can take over. Not worth it и говорить,
that such a dog can not live at home. AT первую
all other pets and young children suffer
wolftail can be perceived as prey.

2. Rottweiler.

No wonder Rottweiler attributed to the most aggressive dogs in the world.
It is believed that chouteweilers appeared in ancient Rome, where they
participated in gladiatorial battles among animals, and they were also taken in
battles to attack enemies.

Today they have found another use. This is a great guard dog.
with a wonderful sense of “their” territory. If you want to find
reliable guard for the house, the Rottweiler is the most evil dog for
this goal. AT качестве домашнего питомца она не совсем подходит.
Attachment to the hosts makes her aggressive towards
outsiders, and strong jaws and a muscular body can inflict
значительный урон здоровью person Approximately 2 in the USA only
man dies every year from the attack of the Rottweiler.

1. Pitbull

First place among the most dangerous dogs, of course, occupies
Pitbull Their reputation is such that they are also called killer dogs.
The number of people killed by the jaws of this animal in only 20 years
exceeded 150, and seriously injured many times more.
Pitbull is banned in many European countries, and in many others
countries face severe restrictions on breeding, housing and
перевозке этих dogs

The reason for such an incredulous attitude towards the pit bulls, except
statistics of attacks, is their origin. Initially this
the breed was bred for baiting large animals such as
bears, bulls, etc., then began to be used in dog fights,
where she had no equal. This breed is small but
developed muscles and powerful jaws in conjunction with aggressive
character make her deadly.

It seems that the aggression is in them at the level
genotype, however, professionals argue that it is not. By their
Pit bull is far from being the most evil dog. Exactly
unscrupulous attitude, cruelty of a person makes her so

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