At what age is better to take a puppy: for a child,for breeding purebred dogs, for special training

Пт, 23 мар 2018 Автор: Ольга TOучерова

When you decide to have a dog, a huge amount
questions, and one of the first: what age should be a puppy?
It is better to take a little baby for whom you will become a mother, or
grown dog accustomed to the toilet and the main teams? At first
You must ask a question: why do you have a pet? For the soul,
for breeding, visiting exhibitions or you are interested in them
special qualities (hunting, search, etc.)?


Legal side of things

According to the law, in kennels puppies are issued passports of 1.5
month (45 days). By this age, babies are already starting to eat.
complementary foods, that is, become viable in the process of survival.
It was then that the experts inspect the knut for their
compliance breed, breeding values, exhibition requirements. AT
this age already shows tail creases, overbite, marriage by
color and other “deviations” from the norm. Allowed from now on
official sale of puppies. But this does not mean that they are ready for
independent living.

Dog like a friend

If you start a dog primarily for yourself, then the main
should be her physical and psychological readiness.

The first month after birth, the kutenok eats mother’s milk,
so you should not take it at this stage, as it is formed
the basis of his future health. In dogs, as in the entire animal world,
breastfeeding precisely gives strong immunity for further
life, will avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract and
susceptibility to allergies.

Yes, by the age of one and a half months the baby can already eat independently, but in
this period is his first socialization. AT возрасте 3-7
weeks with his mother, he sees himself as a certain
kind of animal that will later facilitate his relationship with
other dogs. By two months, he learns body language, rules
communicating with fellows, the laws of hierarchy, learns to bark, bite,
fight that makes him psychologically healthy.

AT два месяца кутенку делают первую комплексную прививку. Without her
it can be hard to get sick, so it’s important to wait for the first vaccination
and the recovery period after it (as a rule, this is a two-week

Therefore, it is better to take a puppy at the age of 2.5-3 months. TO
this moment he is ready for a new life. You can already
to walk outside, he is accustomed to a certain regime and
diet It is easy to train and open to communication.

Can I take a puppy older than 3-4 months

There is a misconception that the older the puppy, the harder
he gets used to new owners. No, an older dog is accustomed to perform
a large number of teams, go to the toilet, behave at home and on
the street has a stable digestive system. For the inexperienced in
raising dogs will make it easier to get used to the pet. Should also
Be aware that a puppy is any dog ​​up to one year old. Small
rocks grow up faster, large ones form later. Grown up
one year old puppy too quickly adapts to the new family and your
requirements. Often the last litter puppies are best in their
qualities, so the owners do not put them up for sale in a small

Dog for breeding and other purposes

If you plan to raise offspring, to expose a dog, then
it is better to take an older puppy, a month at 4, and sometimes a year old. WITH
On the one hand, a four-month-old dog already has a character;
easy to train. And it can already be announced at the exhibition.
ATыступая до юниорского возраста (9 месяцев), собака учится не
afraid of the ring, noise, other dogs, gets used to the unfamiliar
populous and multi-tuber. WITH другой стороны, окончательные
tribal qualities are formed in her closer to the year: so, the right
bite in a two-month baby does not guarantee that after the change
teeth, which ends by 7-9 months in large dogs and
10-11 months – for small ones, everything will be in order. TO этому же возрасту
hereditary diseases can be identified, for example, cryptorchidism,
dysplasia of the hip joints. AT годовалом возрасте уже можно
judge any exhibition prospects, and, as a rule,
breeders are already beginning dog training, teach her to ringovke
(special exhibition leash). Although it is clear that such a copy
will cost more than he, but in 2-4 months, but not
tempted in dog shows owner it will help.

If you start a dog with a different purpose, you want it
guarded the house, hunted, etc., in this case you need
adhere to the same recommendations as for regular puppies. They
they also get used to new conditions, people, primary training and in
двухмесячном, и в полугодовалом age But special
skills are usually taught to already mature individuals with
established mentality and established character in order to avoid
danger to others and the owners themselves.

What to remember

If you take a dog without documents, you should examine yourself.
offspring (no hernia, discharge from the eyes, nose, etc., bald patches
on wool, condition of teeth, bite, anal glands), condition
mother (she should not look exhausted, unhealthy), her
veterinary passport (whether vaccinations were given on time), conditions
cultivation. Observe the puppy’s activity, its reaction,

AT первые дни в новой обстановке малыш испытывает стресс, поэтому
it is better to give him a secluded limited space. Need to
give him time to get used to and not disturb him
manifestations of their feelings. Puppy’s stomach actively responds to any
changes in the diet, so the first time you need to give that food,
to which he was accustomed, and according to the schedule that took shape in the house
breeder. New fodder, the quality of which should not yield
previous, you need to enter gradually, mixing it with the fact that
willingly eats a pet.

By indulging in the whims and whims of a new family member, you
can form a psychological dependence on the host and
problems with socialization with congeners, so be reasonable in

The main thing is not at what age to take a puppy, but what if you
surround him with love and care, he will quickly become the favorite of the family,
obedient and faithful friend.

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