Astragal – healing properties and use inmedicine

Mon, Jun 27, 2016


Astragal – general description

Astragalus is a single or perennial herbaceous
plant of the legume family. Its main forms are herbs,
shrubs, rarely shrubs with numerous shortened
stems. The leaves are oblong, pinnate, consist of 10-16
pairs of lanceolate leaves, like acacia. Astragalus root
many-headed, its core is dense.

The flowers are collected in the spike or capitate inflorescence, in which
there are about ten yellow, purple, white, less often motley
moth flowers. Astragalus begins to bloom in late May, breeds
in July. The fruits are usually round shaped, enclosed between two
leathery doors have a direct resemblance to other legumes.
by cultures.

Astragalus – types and places of growth

More than 1,600 species of astragalus are known and they all contain
a storehouse of beneficial substances: natural antioxidants, selenium,
tocopherol, the most valuable macro-and microelements, BAS-s, necessary
weakened body. And yet, let’s consider those types
which are most often used for medicinal purposes.

1. Astragalus Danish – grows throughout Russia,
Caucasus, western Siberia, in Ukraine, in the Far East. This view
dwells mainly in forest glades, meadows, stony
slopes in the steppes.

2. Astragalus marsh – its ranges are: Eastern,
Western Siberia, Asia, the Far East. It grows mainly in
light forests, steppe and floodplain meadows, river valleys, on the banks
lakes, sometimes astragalus marsh found on the outskirts of dark coniferous

3. Astragalus holoddolistny – concentrated in the European and
the central part of our country, as well as in the Caucasus and Ukraine.
Prefers oak-pine forests, forest edges, clearings, floodplains and
adjacent to shrubs of other cultures.

4. Astragalus woolly-flowered – this species can be seen in
forest-steppe zones of Russia (Kursk, Voronezh, Volgograd
region), as well as in Moldova and Ukraine. Grows on the plain
surface covered with dense vegetation.

5. Astragalus Saralinsky – found in the Altai, in Krasnoyarsk
region, Khakassia, Irkutsk region, Buryatia. Grows on
subalpine meadows, in deciduous-cedar light forests, tundra.

Astragalus – healing properties

It has been experimentally proven that substances in astragalus
favorably affect all body systems, slow down
aging process. The elite medicinal plant is used in
народной medicine многие нации.

Astragalus contains the most important BAS groups:

– polysaccharides – play the role of immunostimulants; – organic
acids – help the digestion process, prevent the development
putrefactive processes; – flavonoids – absorb ultraviolet and
fight against cancer; – tannins, rutin –
strengthen the walls of blood vessels, clean them, and also have
bactericidal properties; – vitamins C, E; – essential oils,
anti-inflammatory, sedative and antimicrobial

Astragalus has a tonic, hypotensive, sedative,
hemostatic, diuretic, diaphoretic action, dilates
vessels, thereby improving blood circulation. Astragalus solodistolistny
used as a laxative and expectorant; as well as
dermatitis, scrofula, STDs and rheumatism.

Astragal – dosage forms

As a medical raw material used all parts of astragalus. The roots
dug late in the fall, washed well and dried in
ventilated areas. Grass, leaves and flowers are cut in the period
flowering, dried in a crushed form.

Astragalus Recipes

Infusion to treat hypertension and maintain
cardiovascular apparatus. Preparation: per glass (200 ml)
boiling water put 2 tbsp. spoons of dry grass, soar in water
bath 10-15 minutes, then cool, filter, bring to 200 ml and
take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 r / d. The course of treatment is 6 weeks.

For the treatment of vascular atherosclerosis, it is advisable to take
tincture of Astragal woolly-floral on the basis of 70-degree
alcohol and herbs (in a ratio of 3: 1). Drink courses (ten days
receiving alternate with a weekly rest) at 30 drops 3 r / d to

Tonic and hemostatic decoction: a steep glass
boiling water add 20 g of grass, take 2 spoons three times a

Treatment of constipation: 10 g of dry root extract diluted in a glass
boiling water, insist 15 minutes, cool. Use the infusion rectally
– through enema. To strengthen the immune system, sedation
apply it inside: for 3 s. spoon two p / d for 4 weeks. AT
As a sedative, such a decoction can be added to the bath
washing time.

Astragal – contraindications

– individual intolerance of components; – pregnancy (all

Caution should be taken by persons suffering from severe
stage of hypertension.


Galina 04/17/2016 No, well, this is apparently a really good plant!
Elite. It’s just that they won’t say simple weed. And if
although it helps to slow down the aging process, then the price is just
not. Need to try on imagine this miraculous weed. Ianina
04/17/2016 Astragalus – even the name is a bit mystical.
ATернее, связанное с космосом, астралом. And externally – nothing more
attractive weed. Well, flowers grow, and grow. Not in vain
before people were treated only with herbs, and lived for a long time. ATалерия
04/17/2016 I come from Khakassia, and in our neighboring town
the village, this grass is very well known. Know, precisely as a curative and
prophylactic agent. AT этой деревне, живет немного народу, и
Some of them take this decoction – they never have a heart ache!
Taisiya 04/17/2016 I read it and immediately wanted to try this
weed in action. I, like any woman, really want to extend
my youth And here, so many properties in this
directionality. Now summer will come, and I will definitely collect this
the grass. ATалентина 17.04.2016 Как много полезных свойств у этого
plants! ATедь, все перечисленные болезни, так популярны среди
our residents. Starting with cardiovascular diseases, and indeed
the general condition of the body often leaves much to be desired.

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