Apricot jam for winter – summer sun inthe bank! Recipes разных видов повидла из абрикосов на зиму

Вт, 19 июл 2016 Автор: Марина Outputцева

Apricot jam is an amazing billet with summer
aroma and bright color. Dessert is sure to cheer up and
decorate the winter day. But how to cook it?


Apricot jam for the winter – general principles

Apricots before use, you need to rinse, remove the bones.
Drying fruits is optional, as they are often added to them.
water Sometimes a sugar syrup is prepared in which apricots are dipped.
The jam is always cooked and the fruit is boiled or
hover under the lid until soft.

Grind the mass in the mash can be a variety of ways. Easier and easier
just use a blender. You can also take a meat grinder. On her
You can grind the ingredients before cooking or after it. Some
housewives prefer to do a gentle jam without skins and wipe
mass through a sieve. The method is good, but reduces the output of the finished

Jam hot is poured into sterile jars. Covers too
must be clean. For storage, the workpiece is removed after full
cooling down

Recipe 1: Apricot jam for the winter with lemon and

A variant of fragrant apricot jam for the winter, which
Prepared with the addition of vanilla. It is better to use real
pod, it turns out much more delicious.


• kilogram of apricots;

• 0.4 kg of sugar;

• 1 tsp. citric acid;

• gram of vanilla.


1. Free the washed apricots from the bones, put in
saucepan and pour half a glass of water.

2. We put on fire, we soar under a cover to softness. Halves
must fall apart.

3. Open the pan, turn off the heat and cool the apricots until
warm condition.

4. Take a sieve, you can not very small. Wipe steamed
apricots to get rid of the skins.

5. Add sugar to the already mashed mass, stir.

6. Put the mass on the fire, add a teaspoon without a slide
citric acid and pour vanilla.

7. Boil jam for 20 to 30 minutes. Very important mass
stir. Since it can easily burn.

8. Put the hot billet in jars, tightly
we cork and put in storage.

Recipe 2: Ukrainian apricot jam for the winter with

For this amazing apricot jam for the winter you will need
sweet almond It will make the harvesting delicious, fragrant and
interesting. Sometimes sweet bones are used instead of almonds.
apricot. From these ingredients you get about 6 jars of jam
0.5 liters.


• 3.0 kg apricots (weight without bone);

• 2.3 kg of sugar;

• 300 grams of almond;

• 0.15 liters of water.


1. Fold the washed apricot halves into a large saucepan,
steam under a lid with a little water for about half an hour. Cooling down.

2. We twist soft apricots through a meat grinder or interrupt
blender. If you wish, you can wipe through a sieve. Output
billet in this case will be a little less, but the mass will turn out
more tender.

3. Add sugar and almonds, stir.

4. Put the mass on the fire, cook fragrant jam after boiling
about fifteen minutes. Foam sure to remove.

5. Fold in sterile jars, close scalded

Recipe 3: Apricot jam for the winter through a meat grinder

A simple recipe for apricot jam, which is prepared very
fast and does not require wiping mass. It will take any meat grinder,
Better with a fine mesh.


• 1.5 kg apricots;

• kilogram of sugar.


1. Release apricots from the bones. Before this, the fruit need
rinse thoroughly.

2. We twist the halves through the meat grinder.

3. Add sugar in the recipe and stir.

4. Put the workpiece on the stove, make the fire a little. Dissolve
all sugar.

5. Add the fire, throw a little vanilla and cook until

6. Remove the white foam and reduce the fire again.

7. Cook the jam with a low boil for about half an hour. If owl
foam will appear, then remove with a spoon.

8. Fold the jam in jars, spinning scalded

Recipe 4: Apricot jam for the winter with gelatin

Option thick and rich jam, which can be called
jam Wonderful workpiece that fits perfectly into any
dessert. The desired consistency of sweet treats sets gelatin.


• 2 kg apricots;

• 2 tablespoons of gelatin;

• 100 ml of water;

• 1 lemon;

• 1.2 kg of sugar.


1. Crush apricots, washed and pitted
in any way. You can kill in a combine, fit and
meat grinder.

2. Add sugar, stir and set on a small fire.
stew. After boiling, cook jam for fifteen minutes.

3. Gelatin pour boiled, but chilled water. Desirable
do this in advance and let the product brew for half an hour.

4. We wash a lemon, we survive juice, we send in a jam.

5. Next, lay out the swollen gelatin and quickly stir.
Turn off. Boil the mass do not give, otherwise the gelatin after this is not
work, jam does not harden.

6. We distribute the hot mass in jars, we twist airtight
и обязательно стерильными lids.

Recipe 5: Apricot jam and apples for the winter

Variant of mixed jam from the outline with the addition of apples.
We choose soft and ripe fruits so that the harvesting pleased the summer


• 0.5 kg apricots;

• 0.6 kg of apples;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 50 ml of water.


1. We cut the apples from the stub and twist them. You can throw
pieces into a combine and grind this way.

2. Apricots are released from the seed and grind too.

3. Add prescription sugar to the fruit mass.

4. Отправляем сладкую массу stew.

5. Regularly stirring, prepare the jam for about half an hour. Watch out
so that the thick mass is not burnt.

6. Simultaneously sterilize the jars and scald with boiling water.

7. Spill the workpiece, twisting. Keep until cooled in
upside down, then return to the natural position,
remove for storage.

Recipe 6: Apricot jam for the winter with oranges

A variant of the amazing jam, which is made from apricots
together with oranges. Its aroma is difficult to convey in words and it is
just need to cook. Optionally, the number of oranges can be
change up or down but keeping to the common
masses of fruit.


• 2 kg apricots;

• 3 kg of sugar;

• 1 kg of oranges;

• 0.3 tsp. citric acid;

• 1 glass of water.


1. We pour boiled water over washed oranges to remove
citrus chemicals are treated for

2. Take the grater and remove the zest. Then the fruit is peeled, divided by
wedges and remove from them all the bones.

3. We also remove the bones from the washed apricots, throw them to

4. Combine sugar and a glass of water, put on a small fire and
Cooking concentrated syrup.

5. Add apricots, trace and oranges along with grated

6. Cook jam to complete softness of all fruits. Then a little

7. Omit the immersion blender and press it.

8. Add a pineapple.

9. Before laying the jam boil for another five minutes.
Spill the hot mass in jars.

Recipe 7: Chocolate apricot jam for the winter

Apricot jam with cocoa is an amazing delicacy for
sweet tooth Dessert is very similar to chocolate paste, but much
more natural and useful. To jam it turned out really
tasty and fragrant, we use high-quality cocoa powder.


• 1.2 kg apricots;

• 3 spoons of cocoa;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. We sort out apricots, we wash, we throw out stones.

2. Fold in the saucepan, add a glass of water and turn on
the fire.

3. We pour out sugar, but not all. Glass leave.

4. Steam apricots under the lid for about 15 minutes.

5. Остужаем повидло, перебиваем blender. Can twist
through the meat grinder.

6. Return the sweet mass to the pan, put it back on
the slab.

7. Combine the previously left sugar with cocoa powder. Pounding
spoon to break all the grains and get rid of the lumps.

8. Spread sugar in apricot mass, stir.

9. Boil jam for about ten minutes and it’s done! Can
spill, cork.

Recipe 8: Apricot jam for the winter with carrots

The option is very bright and useful jam, which is prepared from
carrots with apricots. The billet is thick, can
used to fill sweet cakes and for other


• 1 kg pitted apricots;

• 0.5 kg of carrots;

• 1 tsp. без горки citric acid;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. Cut the peeled carrot into circles, add 150 to it
ml of water and cook until soft in a saucepan. Immediately take a big

2. While the carrot is boiling, we sort the apricots in halves.

3. Add apricots to the finished carrot.

4. Next, pour the prescription sugar.

5. Cook the jam until soft apricots and throw lemon

6. Cool slightly, then grind to any assistant.
in a way.

7. Give the jam to simmer another five minutes and can be sent to
jars. After cooling, the mass will become thicker.

Apricot jam for the winter – tips and tricks

• Cooking any jam is complicated by the fact that the mass is constantly
wants to burn and it can not be left unattended for a minute.
To prevent sweetness from sticking to a pot, you can use a saucepan.
or stew pan with non-stick surface.

• Apricot billet will be more aromatic if added during cooking
cinnamon stick or clove asterisk, vanilla pod. When casting
flavored additives better to remove.

• If there is nothing to chop apricots to a state of mashed potatoes, then you need them
longer boil until soft skin, and then just knead

• Citric acid must be added to the jam at the very end
preparations, иначе фрукт будет долго жестким, и время варки может
a little delay.

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