Allergies to cat food – symptoms and treatment.How to choose a cat food, so as not to have allergies, which feed more oftencause allegria

Сб, 17 мар 2018 Автор: Виктория Банникова

Allergies in cats for food – quite common,
which can bring a lot of care to the owners. What if u
Are cats allergic to feed?

Allergic manifestations are familiar to almost every one of us. Ours
Pets have their allergens and irritants. To them more often
altogether include external environmental factors, for example,
perfumery, tobacco, chemicals, various harmful plants
and insects. But also allergy can manifest itself on special
cat goods, such as toilet filler or feed. Such
cases make up the third place among all allergic reactions in
cats It is about the type of food allergy today will be discussed.

So, food allergies are a reaction of the animal’s body in the form
irritation and individual intolerance to its ingredients
power supply.


Causes and most common allergens

With the constant use of the allergen and its accumulation in
the body may react in the form of irritation. Important
Note that this is not necessarily a quick process. That is the reaction
will be only if the pet is constantly using
specific product over a long period. More often
allergy is manifested in six months – a year of use, and it is to
age about a year may have problems.

That is why the statement that allergy is a reaction to a new
product, wrong. Such случаи очень редки, ведь пищевая аллергия
has a cumulative nature.

The most common allergens are the following:

1) chicken meat, beef

2) dairy products and eggs

3) cereals

4) of vegetables: beets, carrots and pumpkin

In dry food, allergies can cause:

1) the meat composition itself

2) wheat gluten

3) soy

4) additives like taurine.

The last manufacturers add for “cheerfulness, activity and
extra energy. ” However, not all animals tolerate
additives, even if its about 0.15% of the total composition.

Important отметить, что аллергия очень часто вызвана не
the use of a particular feed, and the protein that is in it
contained. Manufacturers often add vegetable and animal
белок в состав для сбалансированного power supply.

Symptoms of food allergies in cats

First of all, you should distinguish between allergies to food in cats from
just intolerance to certain products. Allergic
the reaction manifests itself fully with skin redness, problems
with coat, itching and so on. And intolerance specific
product leads solely to disruption of the digestive system.
system, without manifestations of skin problems.

Manifestations of food allergies:

1) Irritation and itching on the face and ears, paws and sometimes
the stomach. It is even possible that hair patches appear due to
constant desire to scratch the site.

2) Discharge on nose, ears and eyes.

3) Increased level of sweating. It is a symptom that highlights
food allergies from others. If the animal has become worse to smell and
sweat more – pay attention to other symptoms.

4) Puffiness – manifested on the paws, along with heavy breathing.
Apathy may appear, lack of interest in the environment
the world.

Another important point – food allergies manifest themselves in winter, in
while various allergic reactions to plants and pollen
flowers – only in the warm season.

To find out the exact diagnosis – contact the nearest
veterinary clinic. Having passed tests for sensitivity to parasites
and other types of allergens, and eliminating them, you can accurately find out

Allergen Detection and Treatment

When you are sure that you are allergic to parasites
to exclude, it is necessary to start searching for a specific allergen in the diet
power supply. This requires a special diet:

1) The duration of the diet should be from 8 to 12 weeks, for
In order to have time to withdraw all the old elements.

2) It is necessary to completely replace all food, protein and
carbohydrate should be significantly different. The problem may be exactly
in one of all contained proteins.

3) You can use hypoallergenic dry and wet ready
stern. They do not contain elements that may cause irritation.
The main thing is to check the composition with that used before.

4) With homemade food, you can also change the diet to
diet food with a complete change of ingredients.

5) Follow the new diet strictly, as any deviation can
change the final result.

6) Do not allow other food sources, such as treats or
outside food from the street.

7) If you have several pets, then transfer all the cats to
such a diet, because otherwise there is the possibility that a sick cat
carry off a piece of allergenic food.

8) Replace the tray or set a separate one for the patient.

9) Do not let the cat in the kitchen, especially while cooking and
food intake. Make sure the cat does not eat anything from the floor.

10) If something was still eaten, then
be sure to write it on future.

11) Completely eliminate from the diet: any delicacies, toys with
flavors, dietary supplements and vitamins, toothpastes and products from

After 2-3 weeks you can see positive results
more than a quarter of cats no longer experience severe symptoms. AND
almost all cats have a positive trend after 12 weeks.
Therefore, be sure to strictly observe the entire period.

Confirmation of the diagnosis of food allergies is considered a return
симптомов аллергии с возвращением обычного power supply. This method
called “provoking test”, that is, during a diet there is
improvements, and after that the old diet and allergies
is returning.

If there is no improvement even after 12 weeks of a strict diet, then
Be sure to contact your vet. Check for missing
allergies to something else and change diet until irritation is gone
cleaned up. Unfortunately, a more accurate, and most importantly fast method is not
exists. No blood test or other test can help.
выяснить точный stimulus.

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