All signs about the keys: found, disappeared, fell -what can happen?

All signs about the keys: found, disappeared, fell - what can happen?

At the mention of a key, the first thing that comes to mind is
the tale of the golden key that unlocks the secret door leading to
riches. He was very valuable, on what only Karabas went
Barabas to get him. In our life we ​​have great
the number of different keys: from home, car, cottage, book
cabinet, dresser or jewelry box. Each of the keys
has a special energy, depending on the significance of the castle,
which he unlocks. Will take associated with the keys of different
appointments and situations, a lot.


Loss of one key or the whole bundle

Usually, when telling news, asking, start with
good or bad. We suggest first to consider good
signs associated with the loss of a key or even the whole bunch.

So, what promise us good superstitions:

  • Single girls and young people can expect a quick acquaintance
    with the future second half.
  • You had a streak of bad luck, everything went from bad to worse, and
    suddenly the key is lost – rejoice. A new one opens in your life.
    the door leading you to the bright strip of life, good luck and success in all
  • If at work you expect to sign an important contract,
    promotion or profitable business offer and suddenly lose your keys
    – do not worry, on the contrary, rejoice, everything will come true and everything
    work out.
  • Do not worry if the key is lost right before any
    an important event. All conceived to be fulfilled, will be held “with a bang.”
  • The husband or father has lost the key, which means that he will not be needed anymore.
    You can prepare to receive a new one, for example, from an apartment or
  • Losing keys before the wedding means housewarming in a new one.
    home, the old couple will not return.

And now not the most pleasant. What does losing keys mean
according to the negative interpretation:

  • A wife or mother has lost her keys, which means that someone considers her bad.
    inhospitable hostess, while she will soon be told about it openly.
    Perhaps it will be relatives or friends who have visited recently.
    After losing the keys, housework will go from bad to bad to her husband
    will begin to complain, the children will become capricious and naughty. Worth
    clean up, put everything in order to
    neutralize the omen.
  • If a young man lost his keys before leaving
    serve in the army, relatives can not wait for him back home.
    In wartime, it was really worth worrying, and in peacetime
    could be interpreted as getting a promotion with good
    conditions. That is, the young man just does not want
    return to the parental home, he can continue his service in another
    city ​​or region, while quite successful.
  • Loss of keys directly during the move – bad
    omen In the new house you are not accustomed.
  • Gathered on a trip and suddenly realized that the keys were lost? From
    the trip can not wait anything good, there is also the risk of visiting
    your house by thieves during the absence of the owners of the house.

It is clear that the loss of keys can promise both good and
bad Each medal has two sides. Also needed
Understand the situation.

All signs about the keys: found, disappeared, fell - what can happen?

Found someone else’s key to the apartment or car

It happens that we not only lose our keys, but also walk strangers.
There are signs and in this case of life.

Usually, the found key is quite favorable.

However, there are some pitfalls here.

Do not immediately pick up the found keys, it is important to understand that
they promise in this or that situation:

  • Found a single key right on the road or somewhere nearby,
    for example, in the grass – expect an increase in material well-being,
    solving major problems. Only the key should be brilliant
    practically new. If you find a broken, bent, scratched
    or with a touch of rust – minor things will happen soon
    trouble The found key is very old and rusty, problems will be
    large. However, if there is a noticeable thread on the key
    take it away. Such a gift of fate will close the path to your home by any
    adversity and misfortune.
  • There was someone else’s bunch of keys – you will soon decide and forget everything
    your problems. Each of the keys found will unlock the output from each
    bad situation. If you have a long-standing conflict with someone from
    environment, found a bunch of keys will push for reconciliation.
  • Never pick up the keys found at the intersection
    or in the water! Crossroads – a place where magical
    rituals. It can be said that many of the items found in this
    place, it is better not to touch. As a rule, at a crossroads
    leave what they want to get rid of, while giving the subject
    negative energy, their failures or even transmit the induced
    damage. The same goes for water. Otherwise you risk
    pick up the negative that you wanted to get rid of.
  • If you find your own keys, lost long or literally
    recently – soon you will begin a happy stage in life.

Interesting: time of day also matters. If you find the key
in the morning or afternoon, this is a good sign. Nothing is better in the dark
not to find. Most likely in the near future you can commit
fatal mistake or expensive to pay for rash action.

What happens if you drop the keys

For once in everyone’s life, something fell out of their hands. Keys
slipped out of hand on the way to the house, warn about serious
problems. Dropped your keys while going out? Expect trouble
related to the case for which you left the house. It is better to postpone
conceived for a couple of days, if possible.

If the keys fell in the house, for example, from the table – nearing
family quarrel or scandal.

Important: you constantly drop a bunch of keys from day to day.
day – higher forces warn you of danger. Probably,
you are robbed if you leave the house for a long time.

All signs about the keys: found, disappeared, fell - what can happen?

Forgotten keys – heralds of trouble or ordinary

Of course, there are such loose people. They constantly forget their
things in many different places, especially at home. It could be a wallet
phone, documents and keys.

If the person himself is scattered, then it is not necessary
be serious about accepting how to leave the keys at home,
at work, on a visit or other places.

However, if a person is not prone to absentmindedness, always
attentive, rarely forgets his personal belongings anywhere, while
forgot your keys, for example, from the house or car he needs
beware of thieves. Thieves, car can get into the house
will try to steal.

About the same danger and the loss of one key from the bunch.
Take precautions you will not lose.

General signs associated with the keys

There are superstitions that are not related to loss or finding
keys, and with their use or location. They are no less
important, better know about them and abide by:

  • The key starts to rust, so you will soon be presented dear
  • As soon as you change the locks, for example, in the house, throw it away
    old keys. They are not energetically connected to your home, not
    protect it from various encroachments.
  • Do not store the keys on the windowsill, otherwise they will attract
    problems, poverty and quarrels in your home.
  • If the usual key is hidden under the pillow, it will protect from
    negative impact.
  • Previously, married women laid under the mattress in the conjugal bed
    key. He helped her husband maintain his masculine power.
  • Returning home, hang the keys on the hook or put in
    allotted space so that no one will hear. If doing this
    calmly, peace and understanding and good will reign in the house
    mood. Follow this rule even when you return to
    bad mood. Do not throw in the hearts of the keys with a loud ringing – you
    charge them with your negative, and the keys will give it to the house and everyone
    family members.

So, we have dismantled the most famous and relevant signs and
superstitions concerning the keys. We can say that we are armed
knowledge. Однако важно уметь и neutralize the omen.

How to cheat fate

For example, someone from your household brought home found
the keys, and according to the sign, it was not worth doing. Or you
it will be quieter if you neutralize a sign associated with the key,
found or acquired.

If you drop the key, or it fell, take it in your hand.
and drop purposefully.

So eliminated the bad events of our ancestors. Brought home
found the key, hold it in salt for three days, then rinse under
running water – this will clean his energy.

Also, this item can be turned into a charm. After
energy cleansing hold it in your hands, thinking about the good,
charging positive. You can imagine how you solve a problem
long haunting you, or get a gift, find a wallet with
With money, your relative is recovering. It can be all that
whatever The main thing is to have good thoughts.

Затем вслух скажите: «Как замок ключом отпирается, так и
my problems are solved.
Hide the key in the wallet
secret compartment, in your purse and carry with you.

The key is an energetically strong subject, so it’s not
worth treating him with disdain, especially if you
superstitious. Try to observe all of the above, so that you and your
the house did not leave luck.

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