All about magic tattoos: successful andunsuccessful

All about magic tattoos: successful and unsuccessful

More recently, it was believed that
only sailors and criminals improved their tattoos. AT
In the first case, the tattoos indicated that their owner belonged to
sea ​​elements, in the second – on status in the criminal world. Today
the art of drawing on the skin has gained massive
prevalence. So, tattoos can boast
representatives of different age and gender groups

In addition, for some, the tattoo serves as fashionable accessories, for
others – a way of expression, for others – a reminder of
something or someone important.

Some in tattoos see sacred magic


Origin of tattoos

Few people know that applying patterns to the skin is
primitive art form accompanying human
civilization from prehistoric times.

About the exact place and time of the birth of the custom
painting of the skin is unknown.

But it happened, most likely, at the moment when a person
first noticed that the scars on his body, obtained in a fight with
a wild beast or a member of an enemy tribe, distinguishes him from
others, talking about his strength, courage and luck.

The oldest tattoos found to date
belong to the Tyrolean “ice man” Ötzi, whose mummy
was found in the Alps in 1991. On its dried body, scientists
spotted 57 tattoos from points, lines and crosses. At the same time he lived
Etsi over 5 thousand years ago. However, this is only the age of the oldest
tattooed mummy, and the custom of drawing on the skin
appeared much earlier – tens, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of years

All about magic tattoos: successful and unsuccessful

For many ancient peoples, tattooing on their bodies was
sacral Body art had a wide variety of meanings –
it was a mark in the “marital status” column, and an indicator
social status, and distinction, and the key to returning home
from military campaigns and distant wanderings. But the most important thing is she
was a way to protect yourself from evil spirits and bring good luck to life,
health and wealth. At the same time, a special protective force was attributed
images of totem animals that were considered “guardians”

All about magic tattoos: successful and unsuccessful Tattoos
were an important component of the life of ancient people, but today many
peoples are convinced that the drawings on the body have magical

For example, many Indochina residents still believe in a special power.
tattoos in the form of yantra – a powerful mandala, focusing on
which is believed to lead to a final comprehension
своего единства с ATселенной.

Aborigines are confident that such a tattoo, in addition to assistance in the spiritual
improvement, protects from the evil eye and brings good luck.

All about magic tattoos: successful and unsuccessful AT Таиланде
tattoos in the form of images are very popular
Buddha – it is believed that such a pattern on the body makes its
the owner is wiser and protects him from making wrong decisions. BUT
Here are the people of Myanmar consider the most successful tattoo
depicted on the shoulder of a parrot – they believe that this bird, everywhere
�“Following” its owner will protect it from various

Despite this, nowadays more and more people think
tattoo is nothing more than decoration. Once in Europe, art
drawing on the body of the pictures lost its magic veil and became
everyday, practical affair. People make tattoos in the form of
animals and mythical creatures, astrological signs, mysterious
�”Letters” of Eastern alphabets, Buddhist and Muslim symbols,
without fully understanding the power they possess. BUT между тем
a properly selected and applied tattoo can be for your
carrier of this magical assistant. And vice versa – bad
deliberate decision to decorate your body with seemingly harmless
pattern can lead to very sad consequences. So that,
if you suddenly want to get yourself a tattoo, do not rush to go to
tattoo parlor – first carefully study the meaning of the chosen one

Magical “animal” tattoos

Images are very popular among magical tattoos.
animals. This body painting is suitable for men and women,
belonging to different age groups. Tiger.
Such a tattoo is of particular interest for people who are not
enough physical strength, courage. It is said that the tiger is a symbol
longevity. If you tattoo this animal, you
will be avoided by demons. You can also forget about ailments. AT это
believe the inhabitants of China. The Dragon. Regardless
colors such a hero of Chinese myths is a source of strength and
courage ATолк. This beast is positive
associated with courage and willpower, courage and determination.
If family values ​​are important to you, then this is your version of the magical

All about magic tattoos: successful and unsuccessful
Звезды: 6-конечная – татуировка для верующих
people, 7-ultimate – helps to improve in almost all
undertakings, 8-terminal – guarantees abundance and 9-terminal –
provides stability. Other Magic Characters
Цветок лотоса – самый известный, универсальный и
conventional symbol ATостока. This tattoo is the source
happiness, harmony and spiritual balance. Those who are engaged
spiritual cultivation, it is worth betting on a white flower.
Who lacks the passion and love should pay attention to the red

All about magic tattoos: successful and unsuccessful
Мандалы – очередной восточный символ, который
makes the carrier wise, creates an insurmountable barrier to impure
forces and attracts wealth.

Unsuccessful tattoos

Consider cases when tattooing is better.

– drawing, for example, a hieroglyph with an unknown meaning; –
art in one degree or another connected with the other world,
death; – тату религиозного значения; – коптский крест – символ и
death and life; – пентаграмма.

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