Albanian pork – tasty, economical, a lot!The best recipes for pork in Albanian with mushrooms, onions, cheese,vegetables

Вт, 07 мар 2017 Автор: Марина Выходцева

Albanian pork is an original meat dish that
is something between a chopped cutlet and
chops. However, it always turns out delicious, very
economical and has a lot of variations. Here are the best of them.


Albanian Pork – General Cooking Principles

• Pork. Used pulp, preferably without fat and pieces
bacon The meat is cut into small cubes, but it can be thin

• Bow. Used onion heads. Onion is always cut
smaller than meat. In some recipes, it is ground to gruel,
which is also possible.

• Eggs. Always added, bind all the ingredients. 500 g
2-3 pieces of meat are used.

• Flour, starch. Make the mass thicker, also serve as binders
components. One thing may be added.

• Mayonnaise, sour cream, cream. Not always added. Improve
taste, make a lot like a dough, help to combine

• Butter. Used for frying. You can take any. Minced meat
typed in a spoon, laid out in the preheated fat, preparing
semblance of chops or fritters.

Albanian pork with onions and eggs

A classic Albanian pork recipe that allows you to
a small amount of meat to cook a lot of juicy and fragrant


• 400 g pork;

• 3 bulbs;

• 2 eggs;

• 3 l. sour cream;

• 3 tablespoons of starch;

• 1.5 tablespoons of flour;

• butter, salt and pepper.


1. Cut the pork into small cubes, shift the pieces of meat into
a bowl.

2. Peel the onions, chop them a little smaller than meat.
It is advisable to make thin pieces so that they are fried and not
crunched. Shifts to the meat.

3. Now add eggs, starch, spices and sour cream.
Stir. Leave for an hour to marinate pork.

4. We evaluate the consistency. If sour cream is thin or onion is too
juicy, add flour. It should make a kind of meat

5. Pour an oil layer of about 4 mm into the pan, put on
the slab.

6. Spoon spread pancakes from the meat mixture, level the layer,
so that they are the same thickness everywhere. Fry.

7. After pork is browned on one side, its
need to flip. Covering the pan, bring the meat to
ready a few minutes.

8. Remove from the pan, prepare the next batch.

Albanian Pork with Mushrooms

For this meat in Albanian need fresh champignons. Or
use any other mushrooms to your taste, but the forest will need
boil it.


• 0.5 kg of pork;

• 2 spoons of mayonnaise;

• 1 onion;

• 250 g of mushrooms (champignons);

• butter;

• 2 eggs;

• 3 tablespoons flour;

• black pepper, paprika, seasonings for meat;

• salt to taste.


1. Cut the mushrooms in small pieces. Put it in the pan with
a spoon of butter. First we boil water from the mushrooms, then lightly.
fry. Cooling down.

2. Cut the meat into cubes. Chop even smaller one large onion.
If the heads are small, then take two.

3. We combine with warm, but not hot mushrooms.

4. Next, add mayonnaise and spices, stir.

5. Beat the eggs with a fork, also send to the meat with mushrooms and
falling asleep flour. You can take some of the starch.

6. Give the minced meat with mushrooms to stand a little, marinate.

7. Heat the oil in a skillet.

8. Spoon recruit the cooked mass, prepare
pancakes chops, as was done in the previous recipe.

Albanian pork with cheese and garlic

For the preparation of fragrant meat in Albanian can be used
absolutely any cheese, but better than hard. Another recipe feature
— нарезка мяса straws.


• 300 g pork;

• 1 onion;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 70 grams of cheese;

• 2 eggs;

• butter;

• 2 spoons of mayonnaise;

• 3 tablespoons flour;

• spices.


1. Режем мясо тонкой straws. Well, if the pork will be lightly
frozen or just chilled, it will be easier to do.

2. We rub cheese roughly, we add to meat.

3. Chop the onion very finely, you can kill with a blender, send to
the rest of the ingredients.

4. Peel, chop the garlic and also shift to the meat.
Add salt, pepper if desired. Tasty and beautiful is obtained
pork with turmeric, paprika. Stir the dry mixture.

5. Eggs combined with two spoons of mayonnaise, shake, add
to pork and stir.

6. At the very end add flour. Stir.

7. Put the meat for 2-3 hours to marinate in the fridge, then
fry chops, as was done in the recipes above.

Albanian Pork with Eggplant

Recipe for meat in Albanian, which is prepared with eggplant and onions.
Dish economical, but very tasty and juicy. Garlic preferably not
exclude, it turns out much tastier.


• 1 eggplant;

• 250 g pork;

• 1 onion;

• 3 eggs;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 3 tablespoons flour;

• 3 sprigs of dill;

• oil and spices;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream.


1. We start with eggplant. Cut into cubes or fine straws and
Sprinkle with salt. Stir. Leave a quarter of an hour to
get rid of bitterness.

2. During this time you can chop the onion, chop the garlic and
cut into small julienne pork. If you cut the eggplants
diced, then the meat also means so.

3. Put spices in the meat, add sour cream, pour in the flour and

4. At the end break the eggs, shake it all together. Reserve on
table so that the mixture is marinated a little.

5. Rinse the eggplants. Gently squeeze so as not to
damage the pieces.

6. Heat up a couple of spoons of butter, put eggplants and on a strong
on fire, fry for two minutes;

7. Now you need to cool the eggplant so that it does not seal.
яйцо и не разжижил dough. Then we put everything together

8. If you have time, then let the mixture still stand. If not, then
proceed to frying. Spread a spoon on the pan chops
arbitrary size and fry on both sides until cooked.

Albanian pork in the oven

The recipe for low-fat pork dishes, which is prepared in the oven and
does not require as much oil. Many people like this option
cooking, so as not to stand at the stove.


• 600 g pork;

• 2 onions;

• 1 egg;

• 120 g of flour;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 3 ложки sour cream;

• spices.


1. Pork for this recipe can be cut into cubes or
соломкой, скидываем в a bowl.

2. Onions are peeled, cut into several pieces and mashed
blender. It should make gruel. You can immediately grind
peeled garlic cloves.

3. Перекладываем лук к мясу, stir

4. Now add all the other ingredients on the recipe. Flour
There is more, because with onions the mass will turn out to be thinner. Put spices on
свое усмотрение, тщательно все stir

5. Put a silicone mat or spread out a sheet on a baking sheet.
parchment. Lubricate with a few drops of vegetable oil.

6. Выкладываем ложкой мясо в виде chops. Not necessarily their
make thin, you can make thick patties. Increase only
time for preparing.

7. We put in a heated oven to 190 degrees. Bake for half an hour.
We look at readiness. If necessary, we increase the time.

Albanian pork in the oven с секретом

A variant of appetizing pork in Albanian, and even stuffed! On
really just need one fresh tomato. Similarly, it will be possible
take a slice of cheese or ham, bacon, to whom what filling
like. But with tomato, the meat is even juicier and tastier.


• 400 g pork;

• one onion;

• one egg;

• a tomato;

• 3 tablespoons of starch;

• ложка sour cream;

• spices.


1. Cut the meat, sprinkle with spices, add an egg and a spoon
sour cream. Stir, let the pork marinate.

2. Clean the onion, twist or rub. Must
get gruel. If there are pieces, they can burn in
the oven. Stir together with the meat.

3. Помытый помидор режем кружками по количеству chops. Can
put another filling inside or combine a tomato with a slice of cheese.
But the slice should be thin.

4. Lubricate the silicone pad or paper, put a thin layer
meat, then a tomato or other filling, and also cover the top
meat mixture.

5. We form all the chops in this way.

6. Send the baking tray to the oven, bake for 30-35 minutes at 200
degrees Can сверху сбрызнуть маслом, чтобы корочка была
more beautiful.

Albanian Pork with Pickled Onions

Spicy pork recipe for which pickled onions. Such
the dish turns out to be interesting in taste, many people like it more.


• 2 bulbs;

• 0.4 kg pork;

• 2 spoons of mayonnaise;

• spices;

• 3 eggs;

• 1.5 tablespoons of flour;

• vinegar;

• 1.5 tablespoons of starch.


1. Лук режем кубиками, скидываем в a bowl.

2. Connect 80 ml of water, 50 ml of vinegar, 1 tsp. Sahara
and mix well. Fill the bow, leave for half an hour.

3. During this time, you can marinate the meat. We cut it with ordinary
slices (cubes or straws), add mayonnaise, eggs, flour with
starch. But you can take one thing.

4. Pepper and salt mince, carefully stir and set aside.
side, let him marry a little too.

5. Onions we merge in a colander. Reserve on несколько минут, пусть
water will drain well. Then shake the last drops and pour to

6. It remains only to mix everything well and you can proceed to
cooking! Fry in the usual way in the oil in a pan, as it is
made in the recipes above.

Albanian Pork – Tips and Tricks

• The meat will turn out beautiful and ruddy, if the pork is “tinted”
turmeric, paprika or other spices.

• If the stuffing turned out to be thick and does not spread over the pan,
add in it another spoonful of sour cream (mayonnaise, milk), but by no means
case of no water.

• Albanian meat can be made relatively dietary if
cook from lean pork without fat on a dry frying pan with
non-stick coating.

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