A little puppy had worms. whatdo how to identify and how to cure worms in puppies

Вс, 01 апр 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

Worms are very dangerous for the health of a puppy disease. They
infest the intestines and suck up all the nutrients and
vitamins needed by the body. The task of each owner of the animal
timely conduct prevention of worms.


What are the signs that can determine the worms in puppies

Probably, there is not a single animal that has not hurt at least once.
worms. But for a puppy’s growing body, they are especially

The first and most obvious sign that a puppy is infected
worms – it is much smaller than their peers. Have
pet weakly develop hind legs, so the gait changes.
The puppy walks as if staggering.

The digestive system also fails. Begin either
periodic diarrhea or vice versa constipation. Immune system puppy
infected with parasites weakens. He often begins to hurt the most
different diseases.

Symptoms by which you can determine the presence of parasites in
Puppy’s body:

– The appetite is constantly growing, and the baby’s weight decreases, he
becomes inactive;

– The protein of the eyeball grows turbid, acquiring a cyanotic rim;

– Animal hair becomes dull and disheveled;

– In the faeces mucus appears, blood particles sometimes and

– The appearance of allergic dermatitis and other skin

– Frequent bouts of coughing and vomiting, abdominal distention;

– From time to time the puppy will bite his ass if
look at the anal passage, you can see the eggs

What is dangerous worms infection

Even the smallest puppies can already be infected with worms.
These parasites are dangerous because they spread throughout the body.
an animal. Because of what he is sick at all at an early age
possible diseases.

Worms affect the lungs and liver, blood-forming organs and the brain,
the digestive system, skin, eyesight and other organs. If a
do not cure the baby worms will tangle in his tiny
intestines that can not withstand the pressure and burst. After
the event is very likely that the dog
will die.

Do not forget that an adult is at risk
owner of the dog or child who gave a puppy.

How can a little puppy get worms

The very first method of infection in the womb. Even if the puppy
born not infected with mother’s milk for sure
infection will occur.

Fleas – these insects are the first peddlers of flat worms.
Having infected with fleas, the puppy will lick and brush itself.
teeth wool. To him in the mouth always get a flea, which
along with the helminth will proceed straight to the intestines. No wonder
veterinary doctors along with the prevention of fleas spend and
treatment for worms.

Haveличная грязь так же является переносчиком яиц гельминтов. In
while walking the puppy can bring them on pads or under
claws. Therefore, veterinarians recommend after each
walking a puppy is sure to wash his paws. Dog owner himself
can bring parasites on your shoes, the baby will be enough
rub or lick your favorite shoe.

What helminths can puppies have?

In nature, worms exist a huge amount, but dogs
almost always infected with nematodes and cestodes.

1. Nematodes are called roundworms. Most often it is roundworm and
they parasitize in the small intestine of the dog. Adult parasite
grows up to 20 cm in length, the worms are coiled together,
which leads to rupture of the intestinal wall.

They могут проникнуть в поджелудочную железу и желудок. Have собак
severely infected with worms vomiting begins. Together with vomit
the weight will come out and helminths.

2. Cestodes are flat tapeworms. They своими крючками
dig into the intestinal walls and parasitize, sucking from the body
all nutrients. At the same time poisoning the dog with food
recycling their livelihoods.

The treatment period for these worms is long and difficult. In places,
where they were attached to the walls, ulcers had already formed. If a
puppy infected with cestode he will be aggressive and restless.

Treatment of puppies for worms

You should not wait when the puppy will have visible signs
diseases. Moreover, almost all newborns have already
infected with worms from the mother.

Veterinarians recommend at the third – fourth, not later than the sixth
weeks of life to hold the first anthelmintic treatment. Again
give the drug in seven days.

In the future, regardless of whether the dog is sick with parasites or
No, every three months you need to give funds from worms.

Before giving the puppy a medicine, consultation is necessary.
the vet. He will advise which is better and easier to accept for the baby. it
There are also sweet syrup and sugar cubes. Powders or drops,
smelling pills.

If a лекарство жидкое, его вводят в пасть с помощью шприца (без
needles). If a это таблетка или порошок, нужно размешать его чем-то
tasty for a puppy – a piece of meat or cottage cheese.

Preventive measures

It is better to prevent the disease than then treat. Haveхоженные щеночки
least of all sick. Dogs that get all the necessary
vitamins and minerals, eat right, have strong immune
system, it confronts various diseases.

It is necessary to teach a little dog from an early age not to pick up products
from the ground and do not drink water from puddles. Be sure to heat treat
meat and fish that are fed to the pet. Vegetables that add
dog in the food wash and pour boiling water.

If a приобретать глистогонное средство, оно должно быть
intended exclusively for dogs. No need to believe that
written by manufacturers on the packaging supposedly means universal
for all pets.

A week before the vaccination of a pet must be held
prevention of worms. Before mating and two weeks after
childbirth samochka need to give the drug from worms. Then her offspring
will certainly not be infected.

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