A cat is drooling: causes, symptoms, treatment,prevention. Why do cats drool?

Ср, 21 мар 2018 Автор: Анна Зайцева

If a cat is drooling, it is always a signal for concern.
Independently identify the cause will not work, as factors
the occurrence of the disease is very much. The diagnosis is made only
a specialist, based on a series of tests and examination of a cat
a specialist.

Therefore, if a cat is drooling, it should be as fast as possible.
consult a veterinarian to prevent complications. AT
our article you will find answers to the most common questions about
possible reasons for understanding that a cat has an increased
salivation, and how to treat a disease.


Causes of increased salivation in cats

In fact, the factors affecting the disease are much more
than can be assumed. The most common:

Consequence of serious diseases

AT этих случаях слюна вязкая, прозрачная, изо рта кошки, как
usually a putrid odor emanates:

— ATирусные и инфекционные заболевания. ATозможно повышение
body temperature, discharge from the nose and eyes, reduced appetite,
the cat becomes lethargic;

— ATоспаление в ротовой полости. Ulcers on tongue and / or gums
cats, in the case of gingivitis and stomatitis possible bleeding

– Problems with the digestive tract. In addition to drooling, there may be diarrhea, vomiting,
loss of appetite;

– The presence of parasites in the body. AT большинстве случаев
increased salivation is accompanied by fetid diarrhea,
possible with patches of mucus;

– Oncological diseases. Joins apathy, loss
appetite, palpation can be observed neoplasms, in
depending on the location of the tumors.

Physiological factors

Saliva is viscous, rarely liquid. Transparent, no strangers
impurities. Putrid odor from the mouth is not observed:

– Overheating of the animal. The cat begins to breathe often, the tongue at the same time
stick out, saliva, as a rule, liquid, sometimes lethargy.
If this symptom is detected, the cat must be moved to
cool room, provide enough drinking
water. Favorable air temperature for cats is 25 degrees;

– Increased anxiety and fear of something. Usually this
occurs when transporting a cat in public transport or on
exhibitions. In addition to increased salivation, there may be
tachycardia and pupil enlargement;

– Excessive physical exertion, such as games. AT этом случае
the cat is breathing heavily, the tongue becomes bright red, stuck out

Other reasons

Saliva is in most cases transparent, without a putrid odor.
from mouth:

– Reaction to bitter, sweet or sour medicinal
drugs. Antibiotics usually give this reaction.
antiallergenic preparations and anthelmintics. AT этом случае
saliva is always abundant and frothy;

– Allergic reaction to products and / or medicinal
drugs. In addition to salivation, hair loss may occur,
frequent sneezing, as well as discharge from the eyes and nose;

– Poisoning with stale food or pesticides. Joins
vomiting, loose stools, apathy, loss of appetite. AT зависимости
from the type of poisonous substance, the cat can rapidly lose weight,
the body is dehydrated;

– Finding a foreign body between the teeth.

ATажно! If the cat is drooling, it can be dangerous.
the disease is rabies. AT этом случае слюна будет пенистая,
abundant. The animal behaves restlessly and tries to hide in
dark, secluded place. If this symptom is found,
immediately deliver the cat to the veterinary clinic.

Signs of increased drooling in cats

The common name for the disease is hypersalivation. The main features
which can be understood that a cat has excessive salivation,

– The cat often swallows saliva;

– It starts to wash too often and rub with a muzzle about

– Wool near the corners of the lips, on the chin and collar
constantly wet;

– Moist spots are noticed on the bench.

Diagnostics to eliminate dangerous diseases

To understand why a cat is drooling and to begin a course of therapy,
need to know the cause of the disease. To install it
The following actions are performed:

– Examination of the cat’s mouth to eliminate infections (gingivitis,
stomatitis, etc.);

– To exclude foreign bodies in the intestines and stomach, prescribe

— ATрач проводит тщательный визуальный осмотр животного методом

– Complete blood count, urine, possibly feces.

If these procedures are not sufficient for setting accurate
diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a biochemical blood test, PCR and
other procedures that will help establish the cause.

Treatment of increased drooling in cats

If the cat is drooling, the course of therapy is prescribed in
depending on the test results. Treatment is usually
It is based on:

– Elimination of symptoms;

– Enhance immunity;

– The treatment of the underlying disease.

Preventive measures

Prevention is based on the exclusion of factors affecting
the occurrence of hypersalivation in cats, namely:

– Elimination of dangerous items in the room that the cat can

– Preventive measures against viral and infectious
diseases (healthy food, regular vaccination and cleansing
organism from parasites);

– Cleaning the mouth of the animal, as well as the use of pastes for
wool removal;

— AT случае обнаружения подозрительных симптомов не откладывать
visit to the veterinary office;

– Follow the shelf life of products, do not give the cat
stale food;

– Exclude from the diet of the cat those foods that can cause

– Provide a calm environment for the animal, avoid stressful

This disease can be dangerous not only for a pet, but also
for a man. Because in the case of rabies, the cat
can transmit the disease to the owner through saliva that gets into
the wound of a man. That is why, to protect yourself in the first
turn the animal from complications when the first symptoms appear
consult your veterinarian.

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