9 natural remedies for the treatment of allergicrhinitis. Is it possible to cure allergic rhinitis without pharmacydrugs?

Чт, 07 июн 2018 Автор: Ярослав Гербов

Allergic rhinitis is common
a disease that affects about one billion people in our
planets per year and, depending on the season, approximately 20-40%
Russians This is a type of allergic reaction that occurs when
the immune system exaggerates the response to certain substances
we breathe in and the body releases chemicals
causing this reaction.

Common allergens that cause an allergic reaction:
pollen, mites and animal hair. Some people may suffer from
allergic rhinitis more often than others. Risk factors include
familial predisposition, other allergies, weak immune
system and exposure to cigarette smoke. Allergic rhinitis also
more common in women than in women.

There are two types of allergic rhinitis – seasonal (also
known as hay fever) and constant which can
occur at any time of the year. Symptoms include sore throat, dry
cough, headaches, fatigue, weakness, dark circles under
eyes. Allergic rhinitis can significantly affect the quality
patient’s life. You can reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis,
using chemicals, but it’s better to use homemade
natural remedies.


1. Saline solution

One of the first steps to treat allergic rhinitis is
removal of mucus by rinsing the nose with saline.
A 2014 study found that routine rinsing with saline
раствором может облегчить симптомы аллергического rhinitis.

Mix 1 teaspoon salt with a pinch of edible soda in two
cups of warm distilled water. Use a nasal flask and
Inject a small amount of this solution into one nostril.
Allow the solution to flow back through the other nostril or into the mouth.
Repeat the procedure with the other nostril. Spend a few
once a day until the situation improves. You can also buy
saline solution in the pharmacy and act in a similar way.

2. steam

Steam inhalation is a normal natural process that
Helps clear nostrils of excess mucus and other irritants.
It should also help alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis,
such as sneezing, runny nose and sore throat.

Pour hot water into a large bowl. Add 3-4 drops of any
essential oil. Cover your head with a towel and gently bend over.
over a bowl. Breathe deep for 5-10 minutes. Repeat this several times.
a day to complete recovery.

3. Ginger

Ginger is another helpful helper in combating allergic
rhinitis. It acts as a natural antihistamine and
облегчает симптомы аллергического rhinitis.

Mix a spoonful of grated ginger, a few clove buds and
a bit of cinnamon. All this boil in water for about 5 minutes, you can still
add honey and lemon juice. Drink this tea during the allergy season before
three times a day. You can also eat several times a day.
small pieces of ginger, you can also use ginger to

4. Cinnamon

If you need to alleviate allergies, you can try cinnamon. it
powerful antioxidant that acts as an anti-inflammatory
remedy and strengthens the immune system. Cinnamon relieves symptoms
allergic rhinitis, particularly nasal congestion, cough,
dry mouth and runny nose.

Mix 6 tablespoons of ground cinnamon and honey. Good
mix and store in an airtight jar. Twice in
day, in the allergic season, take one tablespoon of this
mixes. Another option is to drink a glass of warm milk daily from
cinnamon that will improve your immune system. you also can
use cinnamon while cooking write.

5. Garlic

Garlic contains the so-called quercetin (a powerful antihistamine),
which can be very effective in treating allergic
rhinitis. In addition, garlic has antibiotic
antibacterial and antiviral effects. It also strengthens
immune system and supports rapid recovery.

Eat 3 cloves of garlic every day to fight the symptoms.
аллергического rhinitis. you also can добавить свежий или сушеный
garlic in your daily diet. People who have been allergic to
past can use garlic for prophylaxis.
Consult a physician for proper dosing.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is another effective way to relieve allergies.
because of its antibiotic and antihistamine properties. He can
alleviate allergy symptoms such as frequent sneezing, stuffiness
nose, headaches and more.

Mix equal quantities of apple cider vinegar with honey and lemon
juice Take three times 0.5 tablespoons per day in allergic
season or until you feel better.

7. Nettle

Nettle was previously used as an antihistamine and
anti-inflammatory ingredient in alternative medicine for
treatment of seasonal allergies, including allergic rhinitis. Nettle
Provides quick relief from symptoms such as pledged
nose, sneezing and itching.

Add one tablespoon of dried nettle leaves to one
a cup of hot water. Cover and leave for 5 minutes. Then
add some honey. Nasal infusion 2-3 times a day
until the allergy symptoms disappear. you also can принимать
dietary supplements with nettle, but consult a doctor.
This herb can affect the medicines you take.

Примечание: крапива не подходит для беременных
women and children!

8. Probiotics

Пробиотики улучшают иммунитет и борются с rhinitis.

Buy high quality probiotics with 1-2 billion
organisms per pill. Take one tablet in the morning and one
in the evening for one to two weeks. Probiotic yogurts are good
to strengthen the immune system, which also helps in treating
аллергического rhinitis.

9. Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help reduce allergy symptoms. Besides,
This vitamin boosts the immune system. it предотвращает инфекции
and reduces the duration of the disease. Eat rich foods
vitamin C, such as lemons, oranges, broccoli, grapefruit,
Kiwi, potatoes, strawberries and tomatoes. you also can дополнить
vitamin C supplements. However, it is always better to consult with
a doctor

Additional tips

1. To relieve allergy symptoms, consume less fat and
more food rich in complex carbohydrates.

2. People suffering from allergic rhinitis can also help.

3. Reduce the amount of alcohol, coffee and dairy products in
for at least a few days.

4. Take a spoonful of flaxseed oil daily.

5. Avoid dust, mites and mold during the season.

6. Use air conditioning at home and in the car instead.

7. Use a homemade humidifier.

8. When you come home, take a bath or shower.

9. Check the pillow and blanket for ticks.

10. Keep your pets away from your bedroom.

11. Drink plenty of water every day to the body.

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