7 types of wives: which one is better and which one are you?

Sat, 19 Mar 2016 Our ancestors preferred to choose their own
the bride, guided by the ancient Vedic sources in which
seven types of wives are described in detail. Each one has
certain criteria: behavior, attitudes towards relatives and
character traits. Let’s look at it from the other side: how
do so to change your “type” and build really
promising and trusting relationship with her husband. Naturally on
different situations we also react in different ways, but there are common
trends that are characteristic of us in everyday life.


Type 1. Wife Thief

Such a wife is focused solely on her own problems.
She does not support her husband, does not respect his activities and hobbies.
Constantly criticizes and compares the spouse with others. She doesn’t
disdains to publicly show his superiority, pointing to her husband,
what and how to do. It comes to ridiculous – the wife wants a man
even talked and looked the way she wanted. She’s cooking
only those dishes that she loves herself. In general, by all means
trying to steal the individuality of her husband. Such a wife is very
she is easy on money and she misses them all the time. She doesn’t
thinking can spend all the savings on an expensive fur coat. the main thing
– pamper yourself dear, and the husband will manage.

Type 2. Wife Mrs.

The wife, who rules and commands, is such a tyrant. She is
requires strict execution of its orders – and there is always
who do everything for her. Such a wife does not consider it necessary to engage
economy, why? You can always have dinner at the restaurant. She is ленива,
likes to gossip and discuss friends. It is clear that the main object
for nagging her husband. She is обожает жаловаться на него и “мыть ему

Type 3. Killer wife

The most terrible type of wives. They do not love and respect the husband. For
such wives of treason is common. The wife-killer does not care about feelings
spouse and she does not even try to hide it.

Type 4. Mother Wife

Relationship with a woman will be a dead end for a man. She is кормит
husband puts it on, shows care and attention. But – as loving
mommy Total control, total disbelief in strength and intelligence
spouse. Such wives make all decisions on their own, try
save, are well managed. But the husband becomes weak and
infantile, although in fairness it must be said – well-groomed,
fed and warmly dressed.

Type 5. Wife – younger sister

Relations, characterized by admiration and kindness. the main role
belongs to a man. He is the strongest, most intelligent and most
best. But here, too, there are pitfalls: the wife respects
spouse, but not able to share with him their experiences and
feelings. There is no partnership and a man is once bored with this blind

Type 6. Wife-friend

Friendship is a good start to a successful marriage. It is always an exchange.
energies and mutual respect. For друга мы пожертвуем своими
ambitions, we will try to support him in a difficult situation and with
joy feed tasty. I want to comfort and reassure a friend, and he
disinterestedly and sincerely open your heart. Of course, quarrels
inevitable, but there is always the possibility of constructive dialogue.

Type 7. The servant wife

The Vedic concept recognizes this type of wife as the best. Servant wife
not a second-rate person. On the contrary, it is a woman who
will support her husband in any situation. She is никогда его не покинет, всегда
inspire and heed his advice. She is всегда будет рядом с ним
and the man knows this. Everything she does, she does in the name of love.
A husband of such a wife should be happy to meet a real one.
a woman who will serve him. As a woman. With love.


Raisa 09/07/2016 I saved my family with magic. Has found in
Internet site of Fatima Evglevskaya, I will not write a link here if
it will be necessary – you will find; contacting her through the mail, wrote her
the problem of my having someone, and Fatima calmed me
by the fact that it is not for long. Began to work magic, and after
two weeks my husband started home earlier, and then he himself confessed to treason,
I had a fight, but after a day I forgave. Everything worked out, and if
Fatima did not intervene, I’m even afraid to imagine how it all
it could have reached, but, thank God, everything was ok. Now in the plans
baby start. Nordique 03/30/2016 Type 7 …

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