6 cubes or how to pump a press for a month

kak-nakachat-press-za-mesyatsIf you are committed and
you want to quickly pump up the press in a month, all you need is
take a low-fat diet, get enough daily
cardio loads to get rid of excess fat covering your
belly, and perform at least 30 minutes a day of exercise,
aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

The rectus abdominis muscle is a shell that
extends from the sternum to the lower abdomen – there it is hidden
These coveted six dice press.

And as soon as possible to find them, cardio load will help you,
able to effectively reduce total body fat in
the body.


So, how to pump up the press for a month? 5 stages to success

1. Как мы уже написали выше, обязательно используйте
daily cardio training for at least 30 minutes,
чтобы уменьшить общий процент жира в the body. If you are yet
beginner, start with a half-hour session of low intensity,
for example, 15 minutes of unhurried walking, 10 minutes of jogging and
conclusion of another 5 minutes walk in order to put in order
your pulse and breathing.

After that, you can allocate another 5 minutes of time for exercises on
stretching the main muscle groups. Repeat this training plan.
daily, adding 5 to 10 minutes to the total amount of time
until its final duration reaches one hour.

Now you can dilute the training routine.
bike rides, cross-country walking,
running on a treadmill or swimming.


2. Чтобы накачать пресс всего за месяц, приведите в
order your diet by breaking the total amount of daily food into 5 –
6 receptions or simply adding to the three main portions 1 – 2
small snacking to keep blood levels constant
sugar and provide the body with fuel for training.

Avoid the temptations of using low-calorie diets, because
that the state of hunger makes your exchange slow
substances, which means that now with other things being equal your
The body will begin to consume fewer calories.

Also, if you consume less than 1000 calories per day, in
as a source of energy begins to be used metabolically
active muscle tissue. 3. ATыполняйте упражнения для
abdominal seven days a week, the duration of training
limited to the onset of muscle fatigue – the moment you
just can’t do more reps because you have reached
physical limit.

To successfully press the press in one month, there is very good
exercise with the use of the Swiss ball (fitball). For this
Lie on your back and lift both feet perpendicular to the surface.
floor. Pull in the belly as if you want to touch the navel
spine, and tighten the abdominal muscles.

Keep fitball in outstretched arms straight ahead. At the same time
lower your arms and legs to the floor, then exhale and return to
initial position. Repeat as many repetitions as you
you can.


4. Не забудьте включить в программу упражнений нагрузку
on the oblique abdominal muscles to maintain muscle symmetry.

The best option would be to use a special fixture.
by type “upper block”. Stand up right to do the exercise
sideways to the simulator, feet shoulder-width apart and take the handle
simulator in the right hand. At first, choose a small weight, order,
6 – 10 kg.

Strengthen the arm of the simulator by
diagonally from right to left, additionally turning the torso to the left.
Start with 3 sets of 20 repetitions and switch sides.

5. Для нагрузки на нижнюю зону пресса лягте на пол или
horizontal bench and place your hands under the buttocks palms down.
Raise both legs perpendicular to the floor, and then very
slowly lower down almost a few centimeters to
touch. Wait a pause for 5 to 10 seconds and slowly
вернитесь обратно в initial position.

Repeat the exercise until you feel tired, which
may occur, both after 10 and after 100 repetitions. AT
as weights for the legs or
place a heavy training ball (medball) between the ankles.

Tips and Warnings

  • For optimal results in the question of how to pump
    press for a month, eat low-fat foods and
    high percentage of fiber. Eat all the vegetables, fruits, lean meat
    and dairy products, unsaturated fats, such as olive and
    linseed oil. Avoid fried foods.
  • ATысокий темп проведения тренировок это конечно хорошо, но не
    for abdominal muscles. ATыполняйте упражнения для пресса медленно,
    controlling each movement of yours – this will save the lower
    part of the back surge. If you have a history
    any neck or back injuries, exercise under the guidance of
    an experienced coach.

Perfect press for the month – video instruction

It is also interesting: “The perfect belly or how to pump up the press for
week “and” How to remove the side of a man: a step by step

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