50 secrets to help you become successfulrealized and rich!

Ср, 01 апр 2015 Автор: Элен Стельмах

Who among us has not dreamed of maximally revealing his
opportunities, skills and talents. I want to not only become “someone”, but
and swim in deserved luxury, comfort and adoration.

Some girls can only occasionally dream of beautiful
living in a fairy tale, and one day, will lose faith in the implementation of all

But more assertive and confident representatives
the fair sex will begin to go to trainings, to study the special
literature to learn treasured secrets that will help achieve
Desired – to become successful, rich and realized.

So is there any really working techniques that will help
do ambitious girls discover their potential? There are such secrets.
They are peeped by the great women of the past and present, who
reached incredible heights. They might not be believed, but they themselves
believed in themselves and their dreams! We will reveal to you the secrets of successful women,
who were able to overcome the circumstances, their own laziness and
disbelief in your own success. Follow at least some tips from
list, and your life will begin to change for the better. Gradually
it will become brighter, richer and richer. Well, if you decide
realize all the secrets of success, we are confident that we are still about you
will hear!

Secrets of success and wealth for women:

1. Consider problems as opportunities. That the rest
girls would be taken for failure or defeat, where everyone would drop
hands, do otherwise. You can always find a way out of difficult
situations and change minus to plus. Problems for successful girls –
these are opportunities to become better, stronger and smarter.

2. From any situation, take out the lessons and learn
experience. Each person or another circumstance should not
pass without a trace and get lost in the corners of memory, and leave
imprint on your character. Unbelievably useful skill
analyze and understand life, bringing with each of its episodes

3. Always take only measured, well thought out.
solutions. It is better to spend a few days on taking the necessary
reasonable decision, rather than make a mistake, spending time and
resources for corrections. Take every decision seriously, and
you will success and success in business!

4. Consciously build your own success. Most
girls can only wait for success and success, not putting and
the slightest effort to achieve them. Do exactly the opposite and all
forces rush to go towards their well-being and success.
Build your own path to abundance, wealth and prosperity.
Never expect that all good will come by itself, it does not happen.
Act and achieve your success!

5. Do not be shy of your fear, but overcome it. Even
the greatest and most prominent women in world history, so
same as we were afraid of something. But their great feature was that
desires were never shackled by fear, they knew him on time
to win Do not give a chance to fear and fears to break themselves, and not
reaching your success. Take control of your fear and
move on towards your dream!

6. Learn to ask questions correctly. This skill is useful in
career, and in creativity, and in personal life! Correct questions
can be considered as those who completely exhaust the answer and give
unambiguous idea of ​​the topic of conversation.

7. Never complain to anyone and do not “whine”. it
unconstructive kind of self-pity, which not only does not give
any positive fruits, but on the contrary, takes away your energy
and vitality! Why not spend it on accomplishments and
achieve success ?! Do not complain to anyone and never! And if you have
There are objective claims, feel free to submit them to court!

8. Never seek to place blame on anyone.
Take full responsibility for everything that happens in your
of life. You are the creator of your destiny and all its circumstances. All that
you thought, felt and did in the past, shaped your present.
Responsibility for your life focuses only on you. Your
success is in your hands!

9. Maximize your full potential! Perhaps the most
successful women and do not have outstanding talents and talents,
but each of them tries to maximize their skills and
skills. Be demanding of yourself and never regret yourself if
want to succeed and wealth. You are capable of fantastic
results, just set high standards for yourself!

10. Always be as productive as possible.
punctual and work hard with pleasure. Many women
pretend to be busy, busy, and hard working, but really
In fact, they are inefficient. Never sit back,
put yourself 100% at work and in business and waiting for you
overwhelming success!

11. Be mandatory and consistent. For women,
who want to achieve success and prosperity, there is no inappropriate
days, feeling unwell and mood. When you go to your goal and
dream everything else retreats on second plan. You have to do that
what needs to be done regardless of the lack of desire, strength and
inspiration. Lay one brick each day, and soon you
Build the whole wall!

12. Be ambitious. Each of the successful and outstanding women
I once asked myself this question: “Why not me?”. Give up
go with the flow of life as the vast majority of women.
Take hold of the helm of your destiny, and believe that you are born to
something meaningful and special. it даст вам силы и энергию на
implementation of the conceived.

13. Be clear about what you want to achieve. What kind of life do you want
to lead? What should it be filled with, who should be in it, and what
should you practice for your own happiness? Do every day
anything that brings you closer to your goal. All successful women
looked at their lives not from the outside, but actively built it
исходя из своих целей и desires. You can do it too!

14. Be the first to discover. Read the biographies of famous
women – they were looking for new ways, not imitating anyone else.
Come up with fresh ideas, not hackneyed projects, because only
originality and originality can pave the way to
own success and well-being!

15. Never delay your plans for later. So whole life
can fly in one moment if all the time to wait for something: beloved
a man, good ideas and projects, favorable circumstances and
decent authority. Do not wait! it никогда не поможет добиться
of success. It is necessary to act. Will master the road only going. But
proactive will bring results if
well thought out and planned. Do not act only for the sake of
actions, do not forget to think beforehand and weigh everything!

16. Surround yourself with “brothers” and “sisters” in spirit.
Like-minded people are a source of inspiration from which
draw new strength and energy for their own accomplishments. Besides
they are not only able to infect by example, but also help
implement a good project or idea. Cohesive team consisting
from like-minded people, capable of grandiose accomplishments!

17. Love the difficulties. Ordinary girls hate problems, and you
must understand that their character tempered. Way to success
woven out of difficulties.

18. Look at the world with optimism. It is very difficult to achieve what
or the fruits of success, if you pay attention, and even more
to focus on difficulties and problems. Be optimistic and
be able to consider your advantages in any situation. There is a benefit in any
circumstance, just not everyone knows how to see and understand.
If you want success, you will have to learn it!

19. Take a chance. All successful, famous and rich are accustomed to
that it is necessary to take risks in many areas of life:
financial, professional, romantic.

20. Turn to face problems. Successful girls never
Do not hide from the problems, they solve them.

21. Будьте архитектором собственной of life. Little guessing
desires and wait for a happy chance. Build your destiny with yours
actions yourself.

22. Alert events. Before the trouble happened,
try to predict it, and succeed will be at times

23. Keep emotions under control. Manage your feelings
will make you less vulnerable and pliable.

24. Improve the art of communication. Competent communication –
залог успеха в делах и в of life.

25. Make a plan of goals (in writing). When will you
consider another act, think about whether he will bring you closer to
вашему плану of life. With a clear plan in your life will be less
chaos, anxiety and confusion.

26. Learn continuously. The most successful women study
daily. It is foolish to assume that standard education is enough
для того, чтобы добиться of success. It does not happen. In order to
business was a success, you need to learn every day, even
every minute of your life! Make your life your main
a teacher. Be thankful for all the lessons and experiences, every day
become smarter and smarter, learn new things.

27. Become an exception. Do what others do not want or not
may, and you will overtake a huge success.

28. Realize the values. Full life begins where
There is a built-in system of values ​​and priorities.

29. Strive for harmony. it поможет обрести счастье на пути к
to success.

30. Keep discipline, develop self-control.

31. Be confident – it is an essential element.
of success.

32. Be generous and kind, help people. You will return
a hundredfold

33. Admit mistakes and be modest. Arrogance
pushes people away, and not recognizing your own blunders stops
self development.

34. Be free from habits that can enslave your

35. Keep yourself in good physical condition, it will increase your

36. Be hardworking and active. it один из основных
секретов любого of success.

37. Develop flexibility, and difficult situations will not be able to withdraw.
you from yourself

38. Be open to people.

39. Choose a social circle. Let him be energetic and
successful and not grumpy and unpleasant personalities.

40. Take care of time and do not waste it on useless activities. it
the most valuable human resource.

41. Swim against the current. Why do you need public approval,
if you do not see success?

42. Feel comfortable in any situation and company.

43. Set a high bar for yourself and match it.

44. Do not justify yourself. Go over the setback and go to
success and achievements!

45. Be able to distract and dispel your head.

46. ​​Do not limit your personality to just your career. Understand that
work is not you, it is just what you do.

47. Look for efficient roads, not just easy ones.

48. Do not quit started, be persistent. Don’t give up on
halfway, and you will certainly be waiting for success in your endeavors.

49. Develop as a person. Work not only on
professional achievements, but also take care of your
spiritual and cultural level. Many-sided personalities faster
достигают of success.

50. Do what you believe. Live and act, and smaller

And do not forget that …

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