10 things you need to buy to give. The mostthe best of what you can give a summer resident

Сб, 14 апр 2018 Автор: Динара

In the spring in gardens and country houses the new season opens. how
prepare for it in the best possible way so that everything you need is under
hand and had enough time and energy for the planned
are you doing

The answer to this question lies in the list of necessary



In the first place are electric tools, since they
significantly speeds up the work process and efforts. If
garden are engaged in planting, it is not possible without a car for
tillage – cultivator or motoblock. Rate it
acquiring and quickly tired elderly gardener, and young dad, from
which will remain time and effort on the kids after physical work.
This technique has several attachments, so you can: •
loosen the land; • plow the land; • remove weeds; •
fertilize the soil when processing. There are models on a gasoline engine, and
also operated from the electrical outlet and manual.

Grass Cutting Power Tools

Even if only grass grows on a plot, it needs time from
time to cut and weed from weeds. With this for a few
минут справляется мотокоса или триммер.Электрической косой
• подровнять газон;• скосить высокую и плотную
grass, thin shoots; • prepare hay. To a similar device are not terrible
hard to reach places with uneven surface. There are models that
supplied with additional nozzles. This allows you to increase
functionality: • cut branches at a height of 3 meters; • with help
blower to churn leaves from trees, sweep away sand and garbage; •
to elevate crowns and bushes; • loosen, dig and spud
small sites. The trimmer shaves off dead wood and growth, aligns
lawns, but it has less power and weight, compared to
oblique. Suitable for plots less than 10 acres and uneven

Brush cutter

To make the trees better bear fruit, you need to take care of them. Live
hedge, small bushes – all this requires trimming.

A good helper will serve as an electric brush cutter. Why such
technical progress is better than a regular pruner?

Mechanical pressure quickly tired hands, and
performance drops. The device with the drive allows you to do everything
quickly and effortlessly.

Useful for large plantations that can not cope
simple knife.

Garden shredder

The following electrical device, which is worth giving to the cottager –

Gardeners are usually considered superfluous; it is easy to manage.
compact device, but its features are invaluable. Autumn on the ground
branches and dry shoots accumulate.

Usually they are burned, but it is unpleasant and dangerous for the environment.

It is much more convenient to chop the garbage to the state of sawdust, which
used as mulch.

You can add rotten fruit and sluggish flowers, chop and
pile into pile for rotting. Get natural and harmless
fertilizer for which no one needs to pay.

Hammock, swing

Cottage – a place not only for work, but also for recreation. Scientists
advised to take a break every hour to improve performance

Even notorious workaholics will rest more often when they buy
для дачи красивый гамак. Alternative to hammock
garden swings under the visor, which have long ceased
to be a luxury item.

Today they are presented in several variations:
swing hammock, swing-chaise longue, swing sofa. All these items are not
only fit well into any design, but also serve it
decoration. And when children come to the garden – this is one of the ways
spend time and do not distract from the work of adults.

Pruning Shears

Even if only a couple of fruit trees grow in the garden, everything
Equally without a pruner can not do. This is one of the most sought after.

Summer resident can give an improved model with a comfortable and convenient
blade handle, which does not stick foliage and pieces

There are models with a ratchet, which makes it easy to cut thick knots.
Such scissors require a minimum of effort, help to cut faster.
The pruner is needed during: • sanitary pruning of trees; • collection
harvest • grass trimming.

Watering hoses

Any garden should be watered, and best done with no
watering cans and buckets, and hoses, moreover, such that never

This applies to reinforced or self-stretching models, their
no need to correct in places of the hall.

To increase functionality buy additional nozzles – pistols.

Electrodryer for vegetables and fruits

In the summer season, summer residents are engaged in processing berries and vegetables.
The disadvantage of canning is that most of the vitamins
collapses at high temperatures.

Save time mistress and quickly make a vitamin preparation
possible using an electric dryer. This thing is needed any
mistress who cares about healthy nutrition of the family and seeks
limit sugar intake. The device has trays in which
stack the fruit in whole or in slices. Electric heater
removes moisture, and the fan speeds drying.

Varieties pretty a lot, there are devices that do
dried fruits, dried mushrooms and vegetables. They cook pastila and
herbal tea.

Harvest baskets

If you presented a comfortable dacha with a basket, it will only

When it comes time to harvest, you need the right and
convenient packaging. A good option would be baskets of different sizes,
woven from willow vines.

They are well breathable, weigh little and withstand large
load, and fruits and vegetables do not deteriorate when in contact with the tree.

In addition, they are aesthetic and pleasing to the eye.

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