Your figure: in pursuit of the ideal

Sat, 02 Jul 2016 Beauty is individual. Perfection of form
depends on the constitution, and height, body girls: important not
centimeters, and the harmonious ratio of chest-waist-hips. However,
often even slender beauties resort to correction methods
figures. First of all, to eliminate the notorious “orange
корки», ведь целлюлит портит облик даже самой безупречной figures.
Consultant: Physiotherapist Evgeny Repko, professional
Health and Beauty Clinics Golden Medical
GroupЦеллюлит — хроническое заболевание подкожного
layer at which there is a violation of blood circulation, entailing
oxygen starvation, the formation of adhesions and dimples in the form of lemon
peel. With cellulitis, it is necessary to increase blood supply in
subcutaneous fat layer, improve access of oxygen, increase turgor
and skin tone. The treatment approach should be comprehensive, preferably
combine several different impact methods. it
will achieve high and most importantly – a long result.
Метод Elos«Золотым стандартом» в лечении целлюлита
today is the Elos procedure, by intensity
comparable to fitness, but effective
superior to any exercise and diet. Elos – apparatus,
designed by Israeli scientists combining infrared
light that nourishes the skin with oxygen and accelerates the splitting process
fat deposits, and the electrical energy that contributes
the formation of new collagen. And vacuum aspiration and roller
massage apparatus Elos have lymphatic drainage effect and
restore skin texture, increasing overall muscle tone. Elos
remarkable for splitting fat and increasing microcirculation
locally, precisely in those problem areas that need to be
correction. The procedure is safe and painless, there is only
slight tingling and warmth at the site of impact, and positive
changes are noticeable after the first
сеанса.ОзонотерапияВ дополнение к Elos-процедурам
It is worth going through several sessions of ozone therapy. itт безоперационный
the correction method used in aesthetic medicine is already on
over 30 years, carried out by injection: the doctor cuts in
buttocks, thighs, belly. Oxygen-ozone “cocktail” enriches
tissues with oxygen, thus contributing to the development of new cells,
elastin, collagen and resorption of fibrous membranes, which,
in fact, form “cellulite bumps”. Thanks to ozotherapy
manages to improve the metabolic processes in the skin and subcutaneous fat
fiber, adjust the silhouette, increase skin turgor and
get rid of stretch marks, flabbiness and irregularities. Surely
options and number of sessions depend on the shape and stage of cellulite,
comorbidities, patient age and skin properties. but
even a few procedures bring tangible
результат.ПрессотерапияПрессотерапия —
mechanical lymphatic drainage by compressed air
aimed at improving venous circulation and activating
the process of burning fat cells. During the procedure, the patient
puts on a special suit with a wide belt on the stomach and
thighs, and gloves on his hands. Through elastic cuffs
compressed air is supplied, alternately reinforcing and reducing
pressure. This alternation of compression and vacuum allows you to display
toxins from the body, normalize lymph circulation, eliminate
congestion of the extracellular fluid in the subcutaneous fat and
restore water balance – that is, get rid of the root causes
cellulite. As a result, problem areas significantly lose
volume and acquire attractive relief, and the skin becomes smooth,
smooth, taut. ОбертыванияВ качестве
the final stage of the program to get rid of cellulite is perfect
fit wraps. There are hot and cold wraps,
based on healing sea mud, clay, plant extracts,
seaweed, essential oils and even chocolate. The first is not recommended
do with varicose veins, and the second – do not apply to the abdomen
and hips in case of gynecological problems. Most effective
hot wraps are considered: they improve blood flow, promote
vasodilation, enhance metabolic processes. Under influence
�“Cold procedures”, capillaries and vessels, on the contrary, are compressed,
helping to eliminate toxins through the lymphatic system and remove excess
liquid. In addition, under the influence of cold, the body begins
actively break down fats. Depending on the severity
�”Orange peel”, wishes and individual characteristics
Patient doctor prescribes one or another kind of wraps, but often
suggests alternating “hot” and “cold” procedures – for
enhance effect. Some girls prefer to fight
cellulite on their own, however, to achieve persistent and pronounced
result can only be under the supervision of specialists who will make
individual treatment program will identify the main cause
the formation of “orange peel” and help prevent it
appearance in the future. A beautiful body is not the notorious 90-60-90, but
harmony of forms and velvety, smooth skin, and most importantly –
individuality and grace. So believed Leonardo da Vinci –
perhaps the best expert in the field of beauty and femininity.

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