Women look older on Wednesdays

Sun, Jan 24, 2016

Stressful situations at work and often violently held
Weekend affect the appearance of any representative
weak sex. Scientists have conducted research and found out the following.
fact: the most old women look on Wednesdays at 15.30.
This is explained by the fact that this particular moment is an indicator
minimum energy level and peak work stress.

As shown by testing, ordered one of the leading
manufacturers of artificial tan, almost 12% of women surveyed
They consider Wednesday as the most stressful day of the week. Interesting,
that Thursday was called the day when the chance is maximized
have sex. Naturally, after such a very pleasant
hanging out friday is called the happiest and most desired
day of the week.

This feeling is probably due to the fact that after Friday
come the long-awaited weekend. The study showed that
every fourth woman suffers from stress several times in
week, and 19% of them notice a strong decline at lunch on Wednesday

The condition is rather unpleasant and women try to overcome it,
eating sweets and snacks that increase energy and mood. AT
Wednesday at half past three, women are confident that they look
most tired and old. But you should not despair, because
Thursday is on, and, according to most of the ladies,
сексом — это лучший способ почувствовать прилив жизненных forces.
To reduce the fear of the environment, women should reduce the intensity
weekend booze because alcohol on sunday and saturday
tend to use 45% of test participants.

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