Why are hair split? Split Hair Treatmentthroughout the length and tips of the salon procedures and folkby means

WITHр, 27 апр 2016 Автор: Римма WITHергеева

Every woman wants to look perfect.

An important role in the harmonious image of the representatives
the fair sex is played by healthy silky curls.

Not all the ladies of nature rewarded with elegant hair, many to
suffer from a split hair problem.

To solve this problem helps competent integrated care.


Hair split across the length – why and what to do

The cross-section of the hair along the entire length indicates that they have
not enough moisture to maintain its structure in
healthy state. When the outer layer of the hair is destroyed, it
becomes dull, brittle. Such curls look sloppy and

Hair split along the entire length of the following

• frequent painting;

• perm;

• hair dryer, tongs, ironing;

• shampooing with chlorinated water;

• improper care (including use of
traumatic comb);

• bouffant;

• diet (lack of vitamins A, B, C, E);

• stress;

• temperature drops;

• bad ecology;

• lack of sleep;

• chronic diseases.

To stratification and fragility tend to hair more thin and
dehydrated. The split hair looks like a whisk. Dry
strands stand out against the background. As a result, the haircut looks
ugly and sloppy. When combing curls, they get confused and
break down. Unhealthy hair is especially noticeable when twisting strands.
hair in a harness.

Cosmetic hair treatments will bring only temporary
the result if the main cause of the section is not determined.
Additional examination of the body, including microscopy
follicles, allows you to identify the hereditary follicle hypofunction and
glands of sebaceous secretion, which negatively affects the state
hair. Spectral hair analysis helps to diagnose
metabolic imbalance in the body.

An integrated approach to the treatment of split ends

Experts point out that if hairs split, they need
complex treatment, which will not only eliminate
unaesthetic defect, but also correct the reasons.

1. Complicated cases require consultation trichologist.

2. Haircut. Split hairs must be cut off.
This can be done using therapeutic techniques such as
�”Hot” haircut. The procedure will solder the hair and stop
its further stratification.

3. Proper nutrition and intake of specially designed
витаминных комплексов позволят улучшить структуру hair. Curls
�”Love” dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, grains
porridge, seafood.

4. For the hair, prone to the cross section, you need to choose the maximum
safe combs. Wood ridges have proven their worth.
with rounded teeth and soft massages from natural bristles.

5. After shampooing, avoid intense exposure to
hair towel. This is very traumatic for them. Enough laid down
blot curls to remove excess moisture.

6. Aggravates the problem of splitting hair combing wet
strands. Weakened curls after washing need to be untangled with fingers and
let it dry naturally.

7. Lamination of hair prone to cross-section – it is covering them
airtight protective film. The procedure improves the structure
curls. Split tips are soldered, and scales are attached to
trunk hairs. The composition of the laminating agent is rich in beneficial
substances, proteins and vitamins that are beneficial
на здоровье hair. Strands after treatment are perfect
smooth, acquire a dazzling brilliance and volume.

8. Darsonvalization and mesotherapy also significantly improve.
structure, if the hair splits. After the course of procedures they are not so
badly broken and almost not confused.

After eliminating splitting hair, experts recommend
to resort to softer and safer hairdressing procedures,
avoid the action of aggressive factors on the scalp and hair,
use special shampoos and make masks for prevention
ломкости и тусклости curls.

Split ends of hair: causes

Onши волосы секутся на кончиках по следующим reasons:

• Hair nutrition with nutrients does not occur throughout

• Lack of micronutrients and vitamins.

• Dehydration. You should not take care of moisturizing curls.
just outside. Be sure to drink enough

• Weather. In the summer heat the hair becomes
dehydrated by exposure to ultraviolet rays.
In winter, curls are subject to the negative effects of wind and frost. Not
neglect the headgear. They protect the hair from dryness and

• Злоупотребление стайлинг-by means и приборами для

• Химическая завивка и окрашивание hair.

• Smoking, lack of rest, constant stress and excessive
eating sweets.

Split hair: treatment or haircut

If the hair is split, you can use the services of a hairdresser.
and make a haircut. Very popular with owners of dry
tips enjoys shearing hot scissors.

�Hot haircut

Традиционная стрижка часто нарушает структуру hair. They
become porous and brittle. Haircut same hot scissors
Experts positioned as an effective medical procedure. WITH
using a professional tool, the master solders a slice of each
hairs. The temperature at which the haircut is done, is selected
individually in each case. After such a treatment
Haircuts curls longer remain smooth and silky.

Hot scissors are chosen by ladies – owners of wavy or
curly hair, as well as those that often use straighteners and
curling iron for styling.

The benefits of the procedure are

• Hot tool solders porous hairs for a long time.
providing them a healthy appearance.

• WITHтрижка помогает отрастить длину.

• The procedure protects against possible damage to the structure.


• �Hot haircut — это длительная и кропотливая работа.
Notопытный мастер может повредить локоны.

WITHтрижка секущихся tips

If you have professional hair scissors, then cut
split ends can be yourself. The tool can be purchased
in a specialty store.

We take a small strand of hair and gently twist it flagella.
WITHреди торчащих волосков вам будет очень легко распознать секущиеся
the tips. After they are cut, you need to twist the flagellum in
opposite direction. We carry out such manipulations with all
curls. Color contrast will help to see unhealthy hair.
WITHветлые волосы лучше стричь на темном фоне, темные — на светлом.
The procedure will take from 10 to 40 minutes. Elapsed time depends on
количества поврежденных hair.

WITHалонное восстановление волос

As for the treatment of hair in the salons, the most popular
procedures are:

• biolamination;

• elumination;

• glazing;

• shielding;

• keratin recovery.

1. Биоламинирование представляет собой
hair saturation with beneficial substances: natural extracts and
squirrels. Active substances penetrate the hair structure, filling
cavities that form between scales. WITH помощью процедуры
You can regenerate dull, dry curls, return them beauty and
life energy.

For 2-3 months they get excellent protection from
adverse weather conditions, irons, ploek and hair dryers. WITHтоимость
biolamination 3-4 thousand rubles.

2. Элюминирование — это процедура щадящего
staining using reducing agents. Dye
�”Elumen” allows not only to strengthen the hair roots, but also
восстановить их структуру, убрать расщепленные the tips.

After the procedure, the hair gets rich deep color.
The effect lasts from one to two months. WITHтоимость элюминирования
is about 3 thousand rubles.

3. Glazing — это обработка локонов
special tool consisting of ceramides and glazes. If a
hair splits, then after the procedure they become more dense,
voluminous, obedient, shiny and healthy looking. Glazing
can be both colorless and color. The action is saved on
throughout the month. The cost of the procedure is about 2 thousand.

4. Экранирование волос — отличный метод
избавления от сухости и ломкости curls. The procedure involves
comprehensive treatment of hair and hair saturation
nutrients, moisturizing and giving them shine. Each
the hair is covered with a film that provides reliable protection
hair damage.

After shielding, the hair becomes stronger and more resilient,
They are soft to the touch and easy to comb. The effect keeps at least
of the month. WITHтоимость процедуры зависит от длины волос и колеблется от
2 до 5 тысяч rubles.

5. Кератиновое восстановление секущихся волос
acts on the structure of damaged curls at the molecular level.
Keratin, being the constituent substance of the natural healthy
hair, returns strands smoothness and elasticity. WITHпециальный
the composition is applied to the hair and forms a protective layer, which
reduces the impact on the curls of aggressive environmental factors.

Процедуру предпочитают делать обладательницы длинных hair. Her
стоимость начинается от 4 тысяч rubles. The effect is not less
three months.

Лечение волос народными by means

To help cut hair get a healthy look,
You can use more budget, but effective methods. Speech
is about the regular use of folk remedies.

Yolk mask

This recipe with regular use moisturizes, nourishes and
восстанавливает structure, if the hair splits. To prepare
mask will need:

• yolk of one egg;

• any vegetable oil;

• Iranian henna;

• cognac;

• honey.

One teaspoon of each component is mixed in
non-metallic capacity. WITHмесь наносим на корни волос и
распределяем по всей length. Put on a plastic cap and
we maintain a mask of 40 minutes. WITHмываем желтковую смесь водой с
regenerating shampoo.

Kefir mask

All dairy products perfectly heal hair.
Кефир нагреваем и наносим на всю длину hair. Also slightly
Massaging, rubbing into the scalp. After half an hour, repeat the procedure.
Put on a hat and hold the mask for another 30 minutes. My head is warm
water and shampoo.

Onion mask

The mask perfectly moisturizes the hair, making it soft and
elastic. For a vitamin mixture you will need:

• onion juice;

• egg yolk;

• olive oil;

• honey.

Mix thoroughly in a glassware one tablespoon
onion juice, extra virgin olive oil, honey. Add
single egg yolk. Apply onion mask on the scalp and hair.
Leave the mask for one hour. WITHпустя указанное время, смываем смесь
water with shampoo.

Herbal mask

This recipe should be used for very damaged.
ослабленных hair. The mask will require the following components:

• peppermint leaves;

• black currant leaves;

• raspberry leaves;

• cream;

• starch (you can use potato or corn

Crushed in a blender plant leaves combine with cream
(100 ml) and starch (2 tablespoons). Stir well until
obtain a homogeneous mixture. The resulting mass is applied at full length.
hair, gently rubbing. Keep the mask for 40 minutes. Then wash off
warm water.

Yeast Mask

This mask is made for the night. It gives amazing results in
виде мягкости и невероятного блеска тусклых посеченных hair. On
100 grams of kefir should take 1 teaspoon of yeast. Carefully
mix the ingredients and leave the mixture in a warm place for one
hour. Onносим на волосы и оставляем маску действовать на 30-40
minutes Carefully моем волосы под проточной warm water.

Pumpkin mask

For the preparation of this super-moisturizing mask will need such

• young pumpkin;

• olive oil;

• essential oil of ylang-ylang or basil.

On мелкой терке натираем тыкву. Add to the vegetable mass
tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of essential oil.
Carefully перемешиваем ингредиенты и наносим на hair. After 30
minutes wash off with shampoo.

Split hair oil: how to choose and apply

For the treatment of split ends in home cosmetology widely
natural vegetable oils are used. They обеспечивают
moisturizing and nourishing hair, strengthen and restore them.

When choosing oil, if the hair is split and weakened, experts
рекомендуют обратить внимание на тип hair. If a для сухих волос
almost all vegetable oils are suitable, oily hair is necessary
nourish with light oils so as not to make them heavy and not yet made
more greasy. These oils include almond, olive,
macadamia and argan oils.

WITHамые эффективные и доступные масла против сечения волос:

1. Касторовое масло. This product is lubricated
hair ends for the night. This is a wonderful remedy, how to treat,
так и для профилактики расслаивания hair. WITHмывается касторка с
Curls difficult, so this mask will require you to not only
regularity, but also patience.

2. Миндальное масло сначала втирают в кожу
головы и распределяют по всей длине hair. Leave the remedy
действовать нужно не менее чем на один hour. Onносить его следует на
wet hair, paying special attention to the split ends

3. Репейное масло наносят на кожу головы и
длину волос на один hour. To achieve the best effect
it is recommended to warm the hair with a warm towel. Burdock oil
питает волосы от корней до самых tips, возвращает им здоровый
shine and softness.

4. Льняное масло глубоко питает и увлажняет
hair. This product perfectly strengthens them, makes them resilient and

This is not the entire list of oils that are used for split ends.
hair. You can choose the best option for yourself only by

As you could see, if the hair is split, they need
comprehensive regular care. Beautiful hair requires to itself
constant attention. Only in this case the hair will be you
delight with elasticity, silky smoothness and dazzling

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