Whitening facial mask with quick effect:how does it work? Recipes whitening facial masks with quickeffect

Ср, 13 сен 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

On a date or important business meeting, a woman is important
to feel yourself confident. Makeup, hairstyle, clothes and, of course,
Perfect skin is what makes us strong. Whitening mask
для лица с быстрым effect освежит и сделает лет на несколько лет
younger woman of any age.


Принципы действия масок для лица с быстрым effect

High-speed whitening mask not only whiten the skin. She is
evens out the tone of the face, eliminates oily shine, will have a light effect
peeling and lifting. And all this – in one procedure. Active
mask components act quickly. But use the tool for
regular facial care, no matter how much you like the result,
can not.

The usual cosmetic mask works on the principle of accumulation. She is
gradually nourishes the skin with nutrients or medicinal substances,
acting gently and comfortably. In here are whitening face masks with
быстрым effect работают иначе: быстрее, жестче, глубже.

The effect of the procedure is instant.

• Restores natural complexion by improving
circulation. Dimness and yellowness disappear, become less
noticeable dark circles under the eyes.

• Lightening age spots and freckles.

• Purification of the upper layer of the skin (epidermis) from dead horny
particles. As a result, unhealthy greyish bloom disappears, pores
become less pronounced, face appears smooth and young.

• Easy contour pulling, sharp lines, smoothing
wrinkles – this is also one of the miraculous properties of active whitening

• Drying pimples and getting rid of greasy shine.
Some components of the mask cleans the pores well, eliminating black

Почему отбеливающая маска лица с быстрым effect оказывает
is a beneficial effect? Because in the composition of the funds –
strong substances that cleanse the epidermis, toning the skin,
filling it with the power of vitamins.

Components for a bleaching express mask

Some types of face whitening are used.
food, pharmacological products:

• lemon acid;

• cooking or sea salt;

• raw and boiled potatoes;

• walnuts;

• yeast;

• camphoric alcohol;

• butter;

• cream;

• honey;

• sauerkraut.

Since the impact of these substances is strong, then use
express mask is often forbidden: the skin will dry, there will be
irritations. In addition, you can not keep the composition too long
face – for the same reasons.

Terms of use of express masks

Домашние маски портятся быстро, поэтому хранить их can not.
An express mask is made half an hour before the publication. Important
understand that such compositions act quickly, but the effect of them
just as quickly fading away.

Be sure to do whitening facials with quick
effect по правилам.

• Prepare the compound immediately before application.

• Do not change the proportions of the ingredients indicated in the recipe.

• Before applying the mask, clean your face from makeup
in a way.

• When applying for the first time, be sure to take an allergy test.
Apply the product to the elbow crease or the inside of the wrist,
check for blemishes or burning.

• The maximum allowable procedure time is fifteen minutes. Then
rinse off with warm water. If the skin is beginning to pinch strongly, burn
immediately after application, rinse immediately.

• Do not use the product if the face has scratches, wounds,
opened pustules. Active компоненты маски проникнут сквозь
skin barrier and cause irritation, pain, burning, swelling.

The whole procedure will take no more than twenty minutes. Use
отбеливающими масками для лица с быстрым effect правильно,
targeted, do not make it a means of regular care. In that
case procedure will bring joy and satisfaction, and friends
envy the color of the face and your transformation.

Рецепты масок для лица с быстрым effect

The most common products become express means, in
blink of an eye transforming and refreshing face. Look in
kitchen cabinet and refrigerator, there will definitely be something
для прекрасной отбеливающей masks. Do not feed your skin overdue or
spoiled food: the effect may be unexpected and

Sauerkraut, Camphor and Yeast

For the preparation of the mask will need fresh yeast, not dry.
The mask will not only whiten, but will have an instant lifting effect.
Be sure to take this recipe into service – will not help out


• dessert spoon fresh yeast;

• three drops of camphor alcohol;

• A tablespoon of pickle from under sauerkraut.

Break off a piece of yeast the size of a small walnut,
put in a small bowl. Pour a tablespoon of juice from the can with
sauerkraut, stir. When the yeast is full, and the mass
will become homogeneous, add 2-3 drops of camphor alcohol. Neatly
spread the mass over the face without touching the upper and lower areas
century Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

Walnuts, butter, honey and yolk

The composition of this mask is saturated with useful substances
whiten as well at the same time nourishes the skin, make it velvety, tender and
very beautiful.


• five medium or large walnuts;

• raw yolk;

• a tablespoon of liquid honey;

• tablespoon butter.

Chop the nuts, crush the kernels in a mortar or rub into small
grater. You should get a pretty fat gruel. Honey melt over
boiling water. Separate the yolk from the whites and whip with a fork. Butter
dissolve in a saucepan. Connect the components, apply the mask on
face and neck.

Lemon and honey

This mask is well whiten dry face. Honey soften the sharpness
lemon and at the same time fill the skin with nutrients. Mask
It has a moisturizing effect, so it can be called


• half a lemon;

• two tablespoons (without a slide) of natural honey.

Squeeze two tablespoons of juice from a lemon. Heat honey to
he became liquid. Mix the ingredients, apply the mask on the face.

Turmeric and lemon

Очень эффективна отбеливающая маска для лица с быстрым effect
from turmeric and lemon. Do not overdo it: turmeric can give
yellowish tint to the face. Observe the proportions exactly.

• half a teaspoon of turmeric;

• a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Connect the components. Apply the paste on your face. Ten later
minutes rinse with plenty of cool water.

Orange, Olive Oil, Yolk

Try sweet citrus instead of lemon for
whitening In combination with yolk and olive oil is obtained
nourishing blend for dry skin.


• tablespoon olive oil;

• yolk;

• two tablespoons of juice of yellow orange.

Squeeze the juice by cutting the orange in half. Separate the yellow,
beat with a fork. Pour juice into the egg first, then oil. Stir
and use immediately.

Fresh cucumber

After such a mask, the face will be fresh, tender, pleasant to the touch.
Owners of delicate sensitive skin that is not suitable for
whitening lemon and salt, thus can lighten the face.

Cut the peel off the cucumber, remove the seeds. Pulp rub on small
grater. Приложите кашицу на все лицо, в том числе кожу century Can
make a compress, wrapping cucumber mass in cheesecloth.

Fresh potatoes, sour cream, olive oil


• large raw potatoes;

• teaspoon of olive oil;

• teaspoon sour cream.

Натрите картофель на мелкой grater. Mix with butter and sour cream.
apply on face. Raw potato juice perfectly bleaches.

With salt and lemon juice

Предлагаемую отбеливающую маску для лица с быстрым effect
best done with sea salt. It has a lot of mineral
skin-friendly substances. But simple table salt too
not bad cope with the task.


• a teaspoon of salt;

• a tablespoon of lemon juice;

• a glass of mineral water (pre-release the gas).

In the water at room temperature, add salt, stir. When
grains dissolve, add juice. Dip gauze or woven
wipe into the solution, slightly squeeze, put on face. Sure to
wash the mask with warm water.

With honey, cream and cucumber

Express aid sunburned skin, this mask is excellent
copes with an unsuccessful tan. If you need to urgently become
«белоснежкой», приготовьте такой состав:

• two tablespoons of high fat cream;

• half the average cucumber;

• tablespoon honey.

Grate the cucumber, separate the tablespoon. Mix with
honey and cream. Mass apply to face, rinse with warm water.

Thanks to the quick whitening that express masks give,
you can put your skin in order in a few minutes and feel
confident at a meaningful meeting.

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