Whether to wash your face with tar soap: what’s in ituseful. Is it possible to wash the face with tar soap, will it helpacne?

Пн, 20 мар 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

In the fight for clean beautiful skin, all means are good. Special
if they are cheap and enjoy a proven track record

For example, tar tar soap for acne is one of the most
popular means of traditional medicine. And they can not be treated
only acne, but also more serious ailments.


What is it tar soap

The composition of the popular household chemicals includes birch
tar. This is a product obtained in the process of heating birch.
bark in a special distillation device. The output is
dark, almost black liquid oily consistency. Scientists
found in it an incredible amount of useful items (by
some calculations about 10 thousand). The tar has a characteristic
smell, which is not confused with anything else.

Most often, birch tar can be seen in the medical
means for the treatment of skin diseases, injuries, respiratory tract.
In its composition there are really unique

• toluene – the strongest antimicrobial agent;

• organic fatty acids that help the body recover
cellular respiration and blood supply to the skin;

• phytoncides with antibacterial antifungal

That is why tar is considered a means of helping to resolve
serious cosmetic problems. But can I wash my face
tar soap? The answer to this question – a little later. For now it is worth
take into account that as part of this popular and inexpensive
about 10 percent of household chemicals
tar, hence the effectiveness of the fragrant bar.

A modern product may include in its composition various
additional components. What exactly – the manufacturer decides. But
to solve the problem of acne any option. The main thing,
so that the tenth part of natural birch tar hit
on inflamed skin.

Useful properties of tar soap

Scientists have proven the beneficial effect of tar soap on
human skin. And all thanks to the combination
anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal and
antiparasitic properties. Birch tar is widely used in
traditional medicine and in its natural form, and as part of the finished soap.
Whether to wash face with tar soap is a question that is often
occurs in people who first heard about such a means of combating

Need to take into account some of the nuances. Valuable skin are
The following properties of this remedy:

• it destroys the causative bacteria by eliminating skin

• improves local blood circulation;

• accelerates tissue regeneration;

• dries pimples and prevents scarring of the skin;

• whitens freckles and hyperpigmented spots;

• reduces oily skin, tightens pores;

• обладает прекрасными дезинфицирующими properties.

With the help of tar soap, you can restore the skin after
burns or frostbite. In dermatology, it is used in
complex treatment of furunculosis, psoriasis, lichen rosacea, scabies,
fatty seborrhea, fungal infection. In some cases the remedy
may help with the occurrence of allergic urticaria.

Dermatologists talk about the following indications for
using tar soap:

• excessive sebum secretion leading to permanent
the emergence of comedones, purulent acne and acne;

• acne on the buttocks, back, legs;

• regular hair ingrowth;

• chronic skin ailments (including psoriasis and eczema);

• nail fungus on the hands and feet;

• fight against subcutaneous ticks, as well as prevention of demodicosis
(parasite infection).

Moreover, tar soap is used in gynecological
practice for the prevention of vaginitis, thrush, other diseases
mucous membrane of female and male genital organs. However before
what to use the remedy for therapeutic purposes, you need to get
consultation with the doctor and act on his recommendation.

Does Acne Relieve Your Face?

The skin on the face is more tender and sensitive than on other parts.
body. Aggressive components that make up any soap, she
can perceive without pleasure. However, tar soap for face
acne really works. It must be understood that this is not
about ongoing care, and about the temporary treatment of acne and other skin

Tar soap has a useful property. Presence of special substances
and fatty acids makes it foam in a good atraumatic peeling
– at the same time effective and soft. This foam can be good and
pretty deep clean your face. Given the beneficial properties of the product
simultaneously with the grinding can be obtained anti-inflammatory and
drying effect.

It is necessary to apply tar soap depending on skin type.
Special хорошо оно проявляет себя в борьбе с повышенным
oily secretion, so owners of oily skin can safely
use the power of birch tar. They have every chance quickly, in
2-3, maximum 4 weeks, get rid of black dots and narrow

But whether to wash the face tarry soap with normal or
combination skin depends on individual exposure
product on the skin. Acne and inflammation will pass, but the dermis, that is
the top skin layer may become very dry. To this
to avoid, you need to pick a product with additional emollients or
moisturizing ingredients. The same applies to owners of dry skin.
Sometimes it, too, may appear ulcers, scattering of pimples.
Tar soap will help get rid of them.

The method of application is simple:

• to wash the bar to lather in the hands;

• use your fingers to apply soap suds or on a separate sore
plot, or on the whole face;

• gently massage the skin;

• rinse with plenty of warm water.

Tar tar can be held on the face in the form of a mask. To
Soap components acted, it takes 15 minutes. After washing
A light moisturizing or nourishing cream can be applied to the face.
Use the tool until the problem disappears.

It is important that the number of washes should vary depending on
on what type of face you need to heal:

  • with oily, especially problematic skin, washing is carried out 2 times per
  • with normal and combined it is enough to wash with tar
    soap once a day;
  • if the skin is dry or sensitive, the number of procedures
    is selected individually. With a normal reaction – no more than one
    once a day, when drying – 1 time in 2-3 days.

To снизить возможный дискомфорт от мыльной пены, можно
soften the treated composition yourself. If the face is very
sensitive to washing, but try the tar in action
you want, you can mix the foam with raw egg yolk or white
clay, honey or cream.

Harm from the use of funds with tar

The main complaint about tar soap is a strong smell, from
which is impossible to get rid of and which cannot be disguised.
This is unpleasant, but not critical, especially if for the period of treatment
acne try to stay home more often. Volatile chemicals
contained in tar, do not weather out for a long time, but they provide
antiseptic effect.

The sharp smell of tar may be a contraindication
if it starts with a headache, insomnia, dizziness,
irritability. With such symptoms you can talk about
individual intolerance, you should find another way
getting rid of acne.

In addition, draining the skin with aggressive soap components can
cause immediate abandonment of its use. If on face
began to form large areas of peeling, not softened
moisturizer, then about tar soap as a means for washing
should forget. Natural tar contains phenols,
creosol, benzene and other potentially harmful to skin cells
substances. They can cause severe irritation.

The last thing worth knowing is about education at
the surface of the dermis strong film. It performs protective functions
but at the same time interferes with cellular respiration. It means that
simultaneously with the removal of inflammation on the skin and disappearance
pustulous complexion will deteriorate.

Is it possible to wash the face with tar soap, if the skin is
damage and microtrauma? It is possible, as there is in the tar
aseptic wound healing components.

When deciding to use tar soap on your face, consider how
undoubted benefit, and possible discomfort.

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