When to resort to a cosmetic massagefaces? Recommendations for the implementation of cosmetic facial massage

Ср, 24 фев 2016 Автор: Александра

Look all well-groomed and young dream all representatives
fair sex, so in pursuit of beauty, most
используют различные cosmetologistsческие процедуры.

Приятный и свежий цвет лица, упругая и
подтянутая кожа — визитная карточка каждой женщины
and caring for their appearance men.

With the help of a facial cosmetic massage, it is easy to get rid of
fine wrinkles and prolong youth, so this procedure
enjoys such popularity in both sexes.

Regularly resorting to cosmetic massage
можно улучшить микроциркуляцию кровяного тока, и
enrich the tissues with oxygen.

Such a face charge helps: get rid of facial expressions
wrinkles, puffiness, age spots, acne and skin lesions
desired tone and healthy appearance. During the procedure
various manipulations are carried out in the neck area, which is ideal
подходит для избавления от второго подбородка и дряблости skin. This
universal procedure is performed as in conjunction with other
cosmetologistsческими манипуляциями, так и отдельно без них.

An example of a facial cosmetic massage in action

This type of massage helps relieve fatigue and tension in all
facial muscles, as well as provides full skin care
cover of face and neck. Профессионалы предлагают различные
методики по выполнению
массажа как в салоне, так и в
home conditions. For the reason that the skin on the face is very thin and
sensitive massage in this area is performed gently, without sharp
movements and pressure.

Observing all the rules when performing this type of massage
excellent results are easy to achieve, namely, slow down the process
aging and eliminate other skin defects.


Cosmetic face massage: to do or not to do

Eliminate skin and neck problems
easily with facial massage. Regularity
назначается индивидуально, в зависимости от
the complexity of the situation and the presence of defects on the skin. Before as
start the course of massage should be sure to consult
Is it possible for a specialist to undergo such procedures, and whether
contraindications, because of which the sessions are not recommended. AT
Depending on the skin problem present, the masseur chooses
specific technique, the most suitable for each case.

Indications for which this type of massage is recommended

• for the prevention and treatment of age
changes (dull and tired skin, in the presence of small facial

• in case of decrease in elasticity and elasticity of an integument
(with a slight sagging of the skin of the face or neck);

• for the treatment of acne and acne;

• to prevent problems with oily skin;

• in the presence of a second chin;

• to eliminate scars and scars;

• as a treatment for the effects of acne and traces of

• to get rid of wrinkles in the upper eyelids, and
folds under the neck.

Contraindications, in which case the procedure
it is forbidden to hold:

• aggravation of herpes sores or eczema;

• the presence of fungal infections on the skin of the face;

• if there are open wounds, pustules, scratches, cuts on the face,

• chronic dermatosis;

• at oncological diseases at any stage;

• in case of high blood pressure;

• when the left facial nerve is impaired;

• in the case of cardiovascular diseases in the acute stage;

• for acute viral infections;

• violation of blood clotting;

• with thin and fragile subcutaneous capillaries and vessels;

• after recent microdermabrasion or chemical
skin peeling;

How to do a cosmetic facial massage: preparation

Before the start of a facial cosmetic massage as in the office
specialist, and when performing the procedure independently (in
home) a preparatory stage. Not стоит
underestimate its importance, as the effect of the massage procedure
will be considered complete only if you perform a thorough
peeling the skin and steaming face. AT зависимости от типа
skin uses a variety of cosmetics to clean
the skin from the remnants of decorative cosmetics, dirt and skin
bacon It can be a gel, scrub or milk.

Preparatory stage. Cleansing skin with cosmetic

The specialist before the start of the procedure conveniently places the client
soft armchair. Next, using the scrub is performed
деликатная очистка кожи – удаляются мелкие и
horny particles. AT случае, когда у клиента жирный и проблемный
тип кожи могут использоваться cosmetologistsческие fundsа и настои
from medical herbs, a special skin for washing. For dry and
normal skin type in the preparatory stage apply lotions
or cosmetic milk.

Maximum effect with facial massage is achieved
thanks to the preparation of muscles, pores and blood vessels. After specialist
delicately cleaned the skin from the remnants of dirt, he dry
wipes his face with a cotton swab or cloth. Wet warming
и распаривание лица при помощи горячего влажного
a compress (using a terry towel) or steam
bath helps to maximize the preparation of the skin to
further stages. With such manipulations fully
facial muscles are relaxed, and pores and blood vessels expand.

It is wet warming that has one of the most important functions in
preparatory stage. This cosmetic manipulation helps
gently remove dead skin particles and gently softens
the skin, so that the massage is very comfortable. Not
it’s worth forgetting that when the blood vessels are dilated
warming and, in general, the cosmetic face massage itself is not carried out
recommended! Steam bath should be done no more than 5 minutes, and
wet warming (using a hot towel) – not
more than 2-3 minutes.

How to do a cosmetic face massage: sequence

Before you go to do it yourself
cosmetic facial massage is necessary to learn the main massage
line and perform actions strictly sticking to them. Equipment
performance is fairly straightforward, but requires prior study.
and preparation.

Instructions on how to properly massage the face

The main massage lines taken

• direction to the ears – from the wings of the nose, the central part
the chin and the corners of the mouth;

• direction to the temples – movements are performed starting from
the middle of the forehead;

• direction from the outer corner of the eye to the outer corner (by
areas of the upper eyelid), movements occur along the lower eyelid and in
reverse direction;

• direction from the neckline – you must move from the bottom
up, and on the sides of the neckline – from the top down.

The direction of the massage lines, which need to move
during self-massage

After the preparatory phase of cleaning and
steaming of the skin of the face is completed, you must:

1) gently lubricate the skin with massage oil;

2) Pads of the index, middle and ring fingers
lie in the middle of the forehead and lightly stroke the skin to the temples line
(the movements are repeated 5-6 times). Similar strokes are performed
with one hand, since if you perform the procedure simultaneously with two
this can lead to the formation of new wrinkles;

3) Simultaneously with two hands (from eyebrows to hair growth)
smoothing movements are performed;

4) Using the fingers of one hand, strokes from
temple to another temple (direction of movement on the forehead) – 10
once and vice versa (from another temple to the first point);

5) The thumbs of both hands rest on the chin, while others
fingers stroke the area from the cheekbones to the ears;

6) Performing stroking movements with fingers from the central
chin parts to ears;

7) The head is thrown back properly, chin
pulled as far forward as possible
top to bottom of the neck;

8) From the tip to the nose of the nose (along its back) with
fingers of both hands are stroked (repeated 6-8 times);

9) The finger is applied to the outer corner of the eye. Are performed
circular movements with the middle finger of the other hand over the upper eyelid,
then – to the bottom (repeat 10 times).

How to do a cosmetic facial massage: professional advice

Professionals recommend, before moving on to
self-fulfillment facial massage show
training video tutorials and “rehearse” all movements on the back
mate. Experts identify the main movements that
will be useful to everyone during the massage technique:

растирание — непрерывное давление на точки
persons performing at the patient’s pain threshold;

поглаживание — механическое действие руками,
implying constant pressure on the skin. It should not
exceed the severity of the brush;

вибрационные и ударные приемы — воздействия
on the skin with a changing rhythm. Similar movements are performed.
edge of the palm (longitudinally and transversely);

разминание — при помощи ритмично меняющегося
pressure of the hand affect the skin (from the minimum to
maximum pain threshold)

Experts remind that during the execution of the massage
the partner should not be hurt or uncomfortable. Equipment
Massage should be as gentle as possible for a person to feel
yourself comfortable. Everyone has their own skin type and sensitivity, so
This factor must be considered. Percussion and pressure
on the skin should be as delicate as possible.

Most often, with a classic facial massage, the procedure takes
about 15 minutes. Professionals after consultation with the client
assign the required number of sessions, it all depends on
�”Neglect” of the case and the presence of skin problems. Massage course for
(up to 30 years) includes 10 procedures, and for older patients about
15 In order that the skin of the face and muscles had time to relax
from the previous procedure you need to take a break between the massages
1-2 days. An interesting fact is that earlier in India and China
massage was allowed to engage only clergymen.

Depending on the type of skin problems and defects cosmetologists
There are such types of facial massage:

лечебный — эффективно борется с проблемным и
oily skin type. With the help of intense movements of both hands
blood circulation is improved, and the cells are better saturated

гигиенический выполняется для того чтобы
improve skin elasticity, and also give skin
healthy and well-groomed appearance. Beautician with this type of massage
resorts to movements along different trajectories;

пластический — результативно борется с
mimic wrinkles, as well as other manifestations of aging
skin. Equipment специалиста включает достаточно интенсивные и
pressing movements;

профилактический — действенно устраняет
морщины и повышает тонус skin. Equipment подразумевает использование
snow grains that are intensively rubbed into the skin of the face
or neck with stroking manipulations.

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