When and why not use mascara

Thu, 01 May 2014

Long thick eyelashes with twisted tips look
amazingly and favorably emphasize the beauty of the eyes. But nature is rare
who gives such a gift. Therefore, women are forced to seek
other ways in order to look attractive
This is what high-quality decorative cosmetics is meant for.

It is known that mascara helps to make eyelashes thick and long.
Manufacturers use reliable, proven manufacturing techniques.
Components. But there are still substances in the composition that
can cause allergies when it hits the mucous surface
eyes. The result is severe redness, burning,
tearing. This is why it is so important to know how to apply
mascara, and who should and completely abandon eye makeup.

First signs of an allergic reaction may occur.
due to individual intolerance to the components of the composition.
It does not matter here that a woman uses expensive or cheap cosmetics.
The situation is more influenced by external and internal factors.

If a person reacts to spring bloom with an attack of allergy,
the usual mascara can have exactly the same effect on its
an organism. Similar problems sometimes occur in women before
the beginning of the menstrual cycle or in the first days of menstruation. Doctors
Associate this with increased skin sensitivity. In such periods
it is advisable to replace the mascara with a hypoallergenic one or completely refuse
its use.

Many questions arise as to whether to paint
eyes during pregnancy and lactation. Really,
Among the common components included in the mascara, there are those that
may well harm the baby, however, their content is minimal,
therefore, they are not a threat. Adversely affect health
for a baby, they can only get into his body
through the blood of the mother or with breast milk. Therefore, pregnant and
lactating do not worry, they can dye their eyelashes, but
use only high-quality cosmetics. And whenever possible
do it as rarely as possible.

In women who use contact lenses for vision correction, do not
the appearance of an allergic reaction to mascara is excluded. Presence in the eye
the foreign object itself may already cause irritation and
redness of the mucous membranes, and the use of decorative cosmetics is also
enhance the effect. In this case, it is recommended to use the views
carcasses that can be combined with the wearing of contact lenses and
special eye drops.

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