What can be loved about his manColour

Sun, Aug. 31, 2014

Предпочитая тот или иной Colour, мы выражаем свое настроение, даем
the opportunity for others to understand our psychological state, and
каком-то смысле Colour предопределяет наш характер. If you wish
a person is better to know, show curiosity, ask what
Colour он предпочитает?

Белый Colour во все времена выступал символом чистоты,
openness and innocence. It is associated with youth and simplicity.
If a man of mature age focuses on white – this is
testifies that he wants to achieve perfection, that
is in search of imaginary ideals that illusoryly recreated
his imagination. He probably wants to plunge into the years of carefree
youth White also speaks of a thirst for a calm and even life.

Красный — Colour энергии, бодрости. Special attention to him
give aggressors, people are impulsive and decisive, which is difficult
stay in one place and follow the usual life. This is a man with
high ambitions, he longs to receive from life as much as possible
pleasures. These are optimists who do not like monotony. They
meticulous and try to look soberly at life. If a
красный Colour предпочитают скромные люди, это свидетельствует о том,
that they cherish warmth, attention, care, and perhaps desire
hide real feelings.

Розовый Colour характеризует человека как романтичную,
dreamy and impressionable nature. Women giving away
preference for pink, crave an even and peaceful life. For them
the main thing is to be safe where justice prevails and
love. This, as a rule, people are charming and kindhearted.

Оранжевый Colour по душе жизнерадостным людям. They
energetic, talkative, trying to live a mobile lifestyle.
However, they have a tendency to dramatize events, they
authoritative among friends and they can rightly be considered the soul
the company. For them свойственна нерешительность и непостоянство,
however, they recognize the negative aspects of their character and
strive to fight them.

Желтый – олицетворяет свободу, жизнерадостность и говорит
about rich imagination. Желтый Colour акцентирует внимание на людях
eager for new knowledge and adventure. As a rule, it is peculiar
individuals with a positive mindset and holders of subtle humor. These
people are consistent in actions, logical and given to freedom

Зеленый Colour – символ жизни, умиротворения, гармонии.
Этот Colour преимущественно выбирают спокойные, творческие люди. They
communicative, but solitude – their element. They are characteristic
tact and modesty.

Голубой Colour говорит о самоанализе, консерватизме. People,
которые предпочитают голубой Colour, настойчивы, упорны в труде,
have a fairly high level of self-discipline. It is sensual
and sentimental natures. People around them appreciate them.
wisdom and strong willed spirit. These люди слегка подозрительны к
individuals with ardent temperament and in communicating with them show

Фиолетовый Colour подчеркивает личностную индивидуальность.
It is sensual особы, они остроумны и достаточно темпераментны. AT
society, such individuals like to take an authoritative position, this
hidden leaders, with pronounced artistry. If a к своей персоне они
do not receive due attention, irony or

Коричневый Colour характеризует человека как выносливого, с
conservative views, with the desire for freedom and
independence. AT диалоге они проявляют сдержанность, им не всегда
manages to skillfully express his point of view.

Серый Colour может говорить об осторожности и
caution, people who prefer gray are workaholics who
willing to work for the good of the company tirelessly. People young
age are characterized by some kind of alienation from life, they
repress their individuality. With age, they are wiser and calmer
experiencing the ups and downs.

Черный Colour воспринимается как отрицание своих взглядов
to the outside world. Человек, сосредоточенный на черном Colourе, стремится
disguise your true image, give it mysticism and

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