We return beauty to dry damaged hair.masks at home. The best recipes masks for damagedhair

Сб, 09 дек 2017 Автор: Екатерина Мордасова

Many girls faced such a problem as
сухие безжизненные hairы.

Permanent entanglement, fragility, loss, and
sometimes even itching spoil not only the external attractiveness, but also
female self-esteem.

Fortunately, homemade masks from eco-friendly and
available components.


Reasons to use homemade masks against damage and
сухости hair

Существует огромное количество уходовых средств для hair,
aimed at eliminating excessive dryness and brittleness. but
You should know this type of care is appropriate if you:

• Have a dry skin on the head;

• Подвергали hairы один и более раз химическим завивкам или

• You often wash your hair with hot or hard water;

• Repeatedly use a hair dryer, curling iron or forceps without
prior application with thermal protection;

• Use detergents unsuitable for your skin type.

• Experiencing constant stress or overwork;

• Are subject to frequent physical or mental stress;

• Have internal diseases that contribute to
ухудшению состояния hair.

If you have one or more signs, it is worth
consider your attitude to lifestyle and health. Maybe have
the need to change your diet or sleep pattern to
get rid of internal causes. Masks will work many times better
состояние hair, если проблема касается преимущественно
aesthetic character.

Как безошибочно ухаживать дома за сухими поврежденными hairами
using masks?

Even if you strictly follow the recipe, masks do not always have
due action, and sometimes exacerbates the situation. Such situations
occur because:

• There is an allergy to the ingredients. Check
skin on the reaction is possible by distributing the product on the back of the head and leaving it on
20 minutes.

• The composition is made from poor quality or stale

• The mask is distributed in a thick layer, from which the pores on the scalp
clogged, and medicinal ingredients do not penetrate into the layers

• It is not the proportions of the mask that are taken into account, but the number of ingredients. In one
case may not be enough money, but in another it may be

• Маска нанесена на мокрые hairы, поэтому активные вещества не
penetrate the structure, and flow down the strands.

• Time constraints are not respected. If the mixture is not
to maintain – this will lead to the fact that the active components do not have time
act. If you overdo it – substances can be harmful.

Домашние рецепты масок: возвратим сухие поврежденные hairы к
of life

Mustard-egg mask

The mustard in the masks increases blood flow to
hairяным луковицам, что хорошо сказывается на укреплении корней и
улучшении всего состояния hair. The result is that curls
gain health, elasticity and radiance.

Two tablespoons of dry mustard diluted in a quarter cup
water. Separately, beat egg yolk. Mix mustard with yolk and
pour in 30 ml. burdock oil. Add to cooked mass
a teaspoon of vitamins A and E from ampoules.

Покрыть горчичной маской hairы. The duration of the first session –
15 minutes. Each time the procedure can be increased,
completing 1 hour. After exposure to active substances, mask
It is necessary to wash off with shampoo. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per
a week

Glycerin Mask

The glycerin-based agent softens and moisturizes brittle, dry
hairы. A positive effect on disobedient curls and eliminates
section of tips.

Heat a tablespoon of any vegetable oil and combine
с двумя столовыми ложками глицерина, pour in 30 ml. apple cider vinegar
or lemon juice. Creamy consistency lubricate the roots and
cover the remaining length. Wait 40 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
hairы с использованием шампуня. Frequency of use – 1 time per
a week

Sour milk mask

Домашний уход за hairами с применением кефира, сыворотки или
sour milk regenerates damaged roots and prevents
dropping out.

The easiest way to put a fermented milk product on curls and
rub into the roots. Do not rinse for 30 minutes. Use 2 times a
a week

Burdock and onion mask

Репейное масло в составе любой маски укрепит hairы и улучшит их
state. In conjunction with the bow and skate, the tool will awaken the sleeping
bulbs, relieve dryness and dullness.

To prepare you need: squeeze three tablespoons of onion
juice and mix it with three such spoons of burdock oil and
spoon brandy. The resulting liquid mixture to cover the entire length,
уделяя внимание сильно сухой части hair. After half an hour
wash your hair The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per a week

Henna oil mask

Pharmaceutical colorless henna is popular for its ability
накапливаться в hairе и утолщать его, благодаря чему шевелюра
getting stronger. Olive oil in turn
restore the structure and relieve the head from itching.

Take 30 henna and dilute to a creamy mass of small
amount of hot water or milk. Pour 2 tablespoons
olive oil. Mask curls from root to tip.
Wash off the composition in half an hour. Frequency of use – 2 times
a week

Milk mask

Milk has a beneficial effect on the structure of curls, fights with
damage and section.

Take 100 g of rye bread and pour half a cup of warm
milk Add a tablespoon of castor oil and infuse the mixture
20 minutes. Нанести средство на все hairы и смыть через 40 минут.
Наносить 1-2 раза в a week

Clay mask

Blue clay is rich in natural minerals that cope
with breakage and loss. The added vegetable oil will make
маску подходящей для сухих hair, а настойка арники восстановит
the work of the sebaceous glands.

A teaspoon of mustard powder combined with 2 tablespoons
blue clay. Dilute dry ingredients with a tablespoon
спиртовой настойкой арники и 2 столовыми ложками apple cider vinegar.
Полученной кремообразной смесью смазать все участки hair, обратив
special attention to the roots and tips. After half an hour wash your hair with
shampoo This mask is designed for the course: 8 sessions per month.

Beer mask

Thanks to the yeast, hops and malt that make up the beer, the masks
с пенным напитком укрепляют hairяные луковицы, возвращают им силу
and health. Compound beer with vegetable oils is capable of
разгладить непослушные hairы и избавить их от секущихся

In a half glass of beer add a teaspoon of olive or
almond oil. Stir until smooth. After
нанесения на hairы, выдержать пивную маску 20 minutes. Should
помнить, что темное пиво может окрасить светлые hairы. Use
не чаще 1 раза в a week

Mask with aloe

Aloe juice mask strengthens the roots, moisturizes dry
hairы и делает их более гладкими и послушными.

A tablespoon of aloe gel mix with the same spoon melted
honey and 20 ml castor oil. Stir until smooth and
смазать все hairы. По истечении 60 минут wash your hair

How to enhance the effect of home masks from damage and dryness

It so happens that applying a remedy is not enough to achieve
one hundred percent result. There are several subtleties
помогающих достичь максимального действия маски для hair. For
This is necessary:

• Create an additional thermal effect to help penetrate
целебным веществам вглубь hairа. Will fix the situation put on
head polyethylene cap prewrapped
heated towel.

• After маски тщательно промыть hairы с шампунем, можно 2

• For сухих hair использовать мягкие шампуни. They do not contain
компонентов, которые еще больше пересушивают hairы и вызывают

• Apply a hairbrush with sparse teeth. So composition
распределится равномерно, а hairы не запутаются.

• Add vegetable oils to masks for brittle curls. They
значительно усилят эффект для поврежденных, пересушенных hair.
Especially good are olive, burdock and castor.

• Rinse the hair with additional strengthening decoction of
herbs or water mixed with lemon juice or apple

Problem dry curls significantly worsen the life of modern
beauties. but правильный уход, который также включает домашние
masks from natural products will help to significantly change
состояние hair.

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