Variants of stylish images with a long skirt


  • How to wear a long skirt to the floor in summer / winter: basic rules
    harmonious image
  • Pleated skirt
  • Long pencil skirt
  • Denim skirt
  • Leather skirt
  • Chiffon skirt
  • Fashionable image with skirts of different colors

Despite the dominance of the mini all styles and cuts, occasionally still
manages to notice in the crowd a magical silhouette, reminiscent of the fact that
is real femininity. Of course, not all of us
decide to wear a long skirt – it looks too bright among
mini and midi.

Women with good taste or prone to creating stylish
images probably have an ankle-length skirt in their wardrobe,
allowing you to drive men crazy in a way that no one can do
mini skirt. For those who really want to wear this magnificence, but
Don’t know how, we’ll tell you what to wear with a long skirt so that
Look stylish and irresistible.



Choosing a decent companion for the skirt to the floor

A long skirt, unlike its short “relative”, is more
picky in the choice of “pair” – she will not tolerate sharp contrasts or
invoice mismatch. But skillful combination will allow you to create
unique wardrobe based on a long skirt – stylish,
luxurious and sexy.

What to wear with a long skirt? It all depends on the texture and
the style of the skirt itself – if it is made of thin and flowing
material like chiffon or crepe de chine, silk or organza, then its
can be combined with a monochromatic T-shirt or top of the color that
distinctly appears on the skirt fabric. This allows you to focus on
color and create a feeling of a single ensemble, but without the effect of merging
colors of a bottom and top in one color spot. But this is if
The fabric of the skirt has a pattern of several colors.

A white lace or silk blouse will also look beautiful
simple cut. She beautifully set off the skirt and bring it to the first

If the skirt is sewn from a monochrome, but thin material without a cover,
then you can choose a contrasting color for the top or the same, but two
tones lighter. If transparent fabric is planted on a cover of contrast
colors – you can light shade “sit down” on the dark, for example, if
light lilac on a dark lilac cover, the top can be made of
The fabric is the same color as the case.

What To Wear With A Pleated Long Skirt

Pleated does not go out of fashion, and a long skirt with such an invoice
looks very impressive and also makes the silhouette more slender,
pulls it out visually. In a pair of such a skirt is best to choose
simple fitting things of contrasting or neutral colors, you can
bravely enough, because this type of skirt is the most
suitable for evening, special occasions, walks and summer

What can I wear with a long pleated skirt? Long pleated
the skirt does not like a too bulky top with a square silhouette, but
voluminous knit sweaters, especially with asymmetrical
line bottom look very nice complete with flying skirt
Pleated chiffon on tall and very slim girls.

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Pencil skirt pair

If the dark skirt has a dense texture and straight cut, then you can
boldly combine it with bright tunics and blouses trimmed
fringe, sewing or leather.

  • Perfectly with a long straight skirt look curly blouses with
    uneven hem and flared long sleeves.
  • Skirts made of thick fabric look advantageous with transparent
    weightless blouses – as a more “heavy” option you can
    choose a shirt in a men’s style, jacket, cardigan or jacket.
  • Turtleneck in combination with a short jacket and beautiful jewelry
    will also be a great addition to a long skirt.
  • Depending on the situation, a long pencil skirt can be worn with
    sexy corset, sleeveless top, fitted

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Features of the combination of top with denim long skirt

What to wear with a long denim skirt? AT
In this case, the best choice would be a fitted jacket or T-shirt,
performed by “two”. Look great denim skirts with
shirts with rhinestones and sequins.

A long skirt made of wool with an A-shape can be worn in
pair with a cardigan or a silk blouse.

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How to wear a long leather skirt

The skirt of leather to the floor is not designed for everyday wear,
therefore, it must be combined with things that are suitable for her in status and
price category. It can be thin expensive cashmere
Angelina Jolie’s turtleneck from Mr. and Mrs. Smith,
thinnest silk blouse or fitted thin jacket

However, in the evening it is quite possible to play on contrasts and wear
thin lace or chiffon blouse, open cropped top or
Bustier, if the figure allows.

Leather – self-sufficient material, if you do not want to spoil
impression of a beautiful skirt, do not overload the image with details.
The color of the top can be any, as a contrasting shade of the skirt, and
complementary to it, the main thing is to keep the proportions and
the figure did not seem unduly monumental.

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Lightweight bottom material suggests not too much use.
thick fabrics for top.

In the summer, it can be a silk or cotton top, light
blouse shirt. When it gets cooler, complement the outfit will be able to
a lightweight unlined jacket or a thin knitted cardigan,
thin openwork jumper, blouse or deliberately rough leather

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The color of the skirt and its combination with the upper part of the set

In order to dress look organic, to a long skirt you need
correctly select the colors of the upper part:

  • With a long leopard skirt will be combined white, black,
    beige and gold color.
  • With a long green skirt a pair will be white, black, solid,
    Yellow, gold and lilac top, also look good
    shades of green, similar in color to the color of the skirt.
  • The easiest way to combine a white skirt is to wear it all,
    up to bright colorful blouses and tops.
  • The question of what to wear a long black skirt is solved the same way.
    This color accepts any color combinations.
  • The blue skirt can be successfully combined with white, black and
    silver shade.
  • If you think you are wearing a long gray skirt, stop
    on all soft and discreet pink shades.
  • Very obliging long red skirt. To her need to pick up
    contrast combinations or use discreet neutrals
    paints. This color of the skirt is the dominant set and does not require
    distracting add-ons.
  • It’s pretty easy to find a companion for a checked skirt. Need to
    just choose one of the colors that is present in the picture
    cells. It will look very stylish and harmonious, especially
    if the cell on the skirt is active, large and bright enough.
  • Fashionable striped skirt combine to match or contrast.
    Suppose a skirt with a wide white and blue strip will look beautiful
    with a bright red top – get a hint of a nautical style. And a long
    pencil skirt from “office” dark gray material in a thin white
    The strip will look stylish with both a white blouse and thin
    pullover or jumper of any soft and discreet shade.

Selection of shoes depending on the skirt

When choosing shoes for a long skirt you need to observe some

  • If boots or high boots are shod, the edge of the shoe should
    hide behind the skirt hem.
  • If the skirt is wide, then shoes look best on
  • If the skirt is narrow, it is better to shod in shoes or ankle boots, sandals
    with high heels to visually lengthen the silhouette.
  • Open summer shoes to a long skirt is chosen according to the principle
    matching texture – to light skirts take open sandals with
    a large number of straps, on the platform or on the heels in the form

Accessories, handbags, belts for long skirts:


Options for long skirts for full:

Thus, carefully picking up the top, accessories and shoes to
long skirt, you can achieve perfect harmony of the image and
originality of style.

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