Useful qualities of burdock oil for eyelashes.Basics of safe and effective burdock oileyelashes

Сб, 12 ноя 2016 Автор: Юлия Еркова

Nature has always been able to take care of beauty.
human body. Natural products do not contain chemicals, are
only natural benefits for the body, therefore plant oils are so
are actively used in cosmetology. Репейное масло для eyelashes
значительно укрепляет их, ускоряет рост, делает eyelashesы гуще и


Насыщенный химический состав репейного масла для eyelashes

Burdock oil is extracted from plants familiar to all from childhood –
burdock. Its roots are excellent means capable
восстанавливать повреждённую структуру eyelashes, а также сами
follicles. Extracted from plants burdock oil has
numerous beneficial properties due to the rich
biologically active substances and vitamins composition. Into it
includes such substances:

1. Vitamins:

• витамин А или ретинол препятствует выпадению eyelashes, укрепляя
with hair follicles;

• Vitamin E tocopherol increases blood circulation, thereby
стимулируя замедленный или остановившийся рост eyelashes, а также
promotes active cell renewal;

• Vitamin PP Niacin has a healing effect on the internal
состояние eyelashes, улучшает клеточный иммунитет, блокирует
aggressive external attacks of various factors preventing
the subsequent development of various diseases;

• Vitamin C or ascorbic acid retains its natural color.
и его насыщенность, устраняет ломкость и делает eyelashesы более
thick and strong.

2. Trace elements:

• iron helps saturate cells with oxygen and all
essential nutrients prevents development
avitaminosis, the consequences of which may be loss
eyelashes, появление их ломкости;

• zinc stimulates hair growth, makes them thicker,
упрочняя их внешние границы, поэтому eyelashesы становятся гуще и
more voluminous, and look so even without the use of mascara;

• manganese acts in such a set of useful components
дезинфектором, защищающим веки и eyelashesы от существующих неприятных
and even dangerous diseases.

3. Organic acids include:

• oleic acid, which provides an active moisturizer
impact, providing ciliated bulbs missing
amount of moisture;

• linoleic acid, which has anti-inflammatory
воздействие на eyelashesы, также защищая их от внешних раздражителей и
development of diseases;

• palmitic acid, which gives the strongest oil to strengthen
воздействием на eyelashesы;

• stearic acid – it is natural
восстанавливающим средством ослабленных и истончённых eyelashes,
makes hair soft and velvety;

• ricinoleic acid, which is responsible for the activation of growth,
вследствие чего вырастают длинные и густые eyelashesы.

The multiplicity of useful components in the composition of burdock oil
makes the drug therapeutic. He is able not only to accelerate growth and
насыщать здоровьем eyelashesы, но и устранять множество различных
problems, also suitable for their prevention.

Применение репейного масла для eyelashes в домашних условиях

To use burdock oil gives maximum
performance, you must use it correctly. In that
simple and accessible step by step instructions will help:

1. The first step is to cast a small amount.
liquid in a convenient cup or saucer, so how to use oil
from the container in which it is sold (usually a 250 ml bottle)
not very comfortable.

2. To enhance the beneficial qualities of the composition can be slightly heated.
This can be done in a water bath, or in the usual way.
microwave, for example.

3. Для нанесения масла на eyelashesы нужно подготовить ватные
sticks or cotton pads. The consistency of the oil is liquid, therefore
наносить его нужно от середины eyelashes к их кончикам, равномерно
distributed over the entire length of it yourself. Need to avoid
skin contact areas and do not apply oil on self

4. To facilitate the daily use of oil, you can
use old brasmatic. Empty bottle and brush will need
wash thoroughly from carcass residues and fill with a syringe
burdock oil. Кисточкой наносить масло на eyelashesы намного проще
and more familiar than any other means at hand, moreover
the composition will not spread.

5. На eyelashesах масло должно находиться около 40 минут, после их
Expiration means will need to be removed. You can make it wadded
disc or napkin. To avoid the appearance of puffiness you need
thoroughly blot the eyelids, completely rid them of oil and not
allow him to stay on them all night.

6. Длительность лечения eyelashes репейным маслом составляет
maximum 30 days daily procedures.

Эффективные смеси на основе репейного масла для eyelashes

To enhance the beneficial effects on the cilia of the burdock, you can
create different combinations using other natural

1. A mixture of burdock with olive oil will help rejuvenate the skin.

2. Combination with almond oil will help to strengthen the structure
eyelashes и устранить existing damage, breakage.

3. The combination of burdock and fish oil is a powerful nutrient for
eyelashes средство, которое одновременно ещё и увлажняет

4. When adding vitamins A and E to the oil, the tool will become
natural antioxidant that will become a growth activator
hairs. Only 3 drops of each vitamin can provide
such an effect.

5. To restore damaged and weakened after
наращивания eyelashes можно применять смесь касторового и репейного
oils in equal shares. Increases the efficiency of adding juice
Aloe and Vitamin E.

Precautions when using burdock oil for

Those people who have vision problems and wear contact
lenses, you must remove these accessories during the procedure. Not
It is worth forgetting about this, otherwise, otherwise the lens can be
forever corrupted due to accidental contact with her liquid mass

При нанесении на eyelashesы следует быть предельно аккуратными,
after all, if it gets into the eyes, any oil provokes
unpleasant sensations and visibility, as if through a film. In that случае
rinse thoroughly with clean water.

It is advisable to avoid the ingress of oil when using
burdock on the mucous membranes and the skin around the eyes. It may become
cause of puffiness in the morning. But this phenomenon is just a question.
aesthetics, in terms of health, it is not at all scary, because in
The composition of the oil contains only natural ingredients that are not
cause harm. Quickly remove puffiness using
cosmetic ice or a special lifting cream.

Burdock oil can be used by people who do not have
аллергии или индивидуальной непереносимости его components. Burdock
not the most harmless plant and can cause swelling, itching, sneezing,
skin redness, rashes and other effects.

With burdock oil, you can safely experiment. It’s good
It combines with other oils, for example, almond or castor,
individual vitamins, but not with essential oils.

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