Useful properties of mummy for health and beauty.Useful properties of mummy, indications for use and recipes “onnote “

Пт, 26 авг 2016 Автор: Анна Онуку

About the beneficial properties of mummy man always knew.

It was noted that this substance has a reducing and
regenerative properties, effectively fights many ailments,
can be used for cosmetic purposes. Mumiyo – a unique natural
means with rich fortified and mineral composition.


The composition of the mummy

The composition of the mummy по сей день остается загадкой для ученых. In him
so many different components that highlight all the components
is impossible. It is known that the mummy contains a large amount
micro and macronutrients.

Organic substances such as oxides were noted in the composition.
metals, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential oils.
Surprisingly, the inorganic constituents in mummy are approximately 4
times more than organic. It is due to this feature
substance is so beneficial to the human body.

Of the inorganic compounds in the composition were

• magnesium;

• calcium;

• sodium;

• aluminum.

Low concentrations also contain such rare earths.
elements like strontium, cesium, chromium, rubidium. Beneficial features
mummy is beyond doubt, thanks to the versatile rich
the composition of the substance has a positive effect on the general condition
human body.

Beneficial features мумие и показания к применению

Beneficial features мумие позволяют усилить защитные барьеры
organism, strengthen the immune system, so that a person will
less susceptible to “attack” of infections of various origins.

General useful properties of mummy

1. Accelerates metabolic processes, removes accumulated toxins
and slags. As a result, the body is constantly cleansed, goes extra

2. Strengthens muscle and bone tissue.

3. Increases hemoglobin level in blood.

4. It has a tonic effect on the body.

5. Increases skin elasticity, reduces stretch marks.

6. Calms the central nervous system, helps to cope
with aching pain in the temporal region.

7. Compresses with mummy promote faster healing of wounds,
cuts, hematomas resolve.

What else gives a person the beneficial properties of a mummy? It is unique
the substance effectively fights many diseases and ailments, the sphere
The application is extensive.

Indications for use mumie

1. With cardiovascular diseases.

2. For any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and
biliary tract.

3. For diseases of the hearing, vision and respiratory

4. With skin and endocrine diseases.

5. With male and female infertility.

6. При заболеваниях нервной system.

7. With low immunity.

8. For the prevention of SARS, flu and other colds.

Beneficial features мумие в народной медицине

Mummy is very often added to the composition of drugs.
There are several recipes that are recommended to take note.
every hostess. Beneficial features мумие можно использовать и

1. Means for improving immunity

In a small container is placed 8 grams of mummy, is added to the same
a few drops of water. Everything is mixed until the formation of gruel. AT
the mixture is put honey (about 400-500 grams), all the time
shuffled. The resulting gruel must be eaten 3 times a day before
meal 1 tablespoon for 20 days. Thereafter
Be sure to take a week break.

2. Antiallergenic means

Beneficial features мумие могут использовать для себя и аллергики,
as the substance itself does not cause irritation, redness and itching.
If your skin has a rash, you can make an effective home remedy.
ointment. To do this, 8 grams of mummy is diluted with water to
formed a homogeneous non-liquid consistency. The resulting mass
applied to problem areas daily before bedtime. Positive
the dynamics will be noticed in 2-3 days.

3. Remedy for angina

Mumiye has anti-inflammatory and analgesic
properties. Taking a folk remedy based on it for sore throat,
throat is relieved, lymph node inflammation decreases and is relieved
pain syndrome.

It is necessary to dissolve 3 times a day, like candy, 3 grams of mummy.
ATкус не самый приятный, но оно того стоит. 3-4 days is enough
to achieve complete recovery.

4. The remedy for headaches

Natural remedy perfectly relieves migraines and
dizziness. AT стакан теплого молока добавляется 1 грамм мумие и
half a teaspoon of honey, everything is mixed, the drink is drunk
before bedtime. The course of treatment is designed for 20 days, because you need to do

Beneficial features мумие в косметологии

Mumiyo is considered an indispensable substance for the traditional and
traditional medicine. Its beneficial properties are used.
also in cosmetology for:

• removal of stretch marks from the skin;

• getting rid of black spots on the face and acne;

• solving the problem of oily scalp and hair;

• getting rid of cellulite.

Useful recipes

1. Remedy for acne

15 grams of mummy is diluted with water until the formation of a slurry, the mixture
Apply on face for 15-20 minutes, then carefully washed off warm
water The advantage of the recipe is that the effect is noticeable almost
instantly. After the first use the skin will look better
fresh, smart.

2. Nutrition and hydration of the skin

AT охлажденной кипяченой воде растворяется 1 шарик мумие.
The resulting mass разливается в формочки для льда и замораживается.
Every day in the morning with one cube you need to wipe your face. Mumie feeds
and moisturizes the skin, returns it a healthy glow and prevents
acne formation.

3. Remedy for cellulite and stretch marks

2 grams of mummy divorced 1 tablespoon of water. Received
the mass is mixed with a tube of ordinary baby cream. Mixture
rubbed into problem areas 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
Already after 2-3 days the effect will be felt. Mumiye returns the skin
elasticity and firmness, saturates it with missing vitamins and
prevents premature aging.

4. Hair product

ATолосы — одно из главных женских богатств. If you want
Give your curls health, strength and brilliance, you need to add
Mummy regularly in shampoo. You can also cook at home
nourishing mask. 2 teaspoons of honey mixed with 8 grams of mummy,
The resulting mass is applied to the hair and rubbed into the scalp.
Через 30 минут маска смывается проточной water

Mumiyo: contraindications

Mumiye strengthens the immune system of adults and children, favorably
affects the state of the whole organism. Special contraindications
No, because the agent does not provoke the manifestation of allergic
reactions. However, there are several nuances that you need to know.

1. When treating a mummy, it is imperative to take a break, since
the tool is addictive and will not give the desired

2. During pregnancy, it is desirable not to use the mummy as
cosmetic products and do not take it inside. AT этот период
woman’s body is rebuilt and his reaction to predict
is impossible.

3. Treatment of mummy is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

4. If a person decides to try people’s recipes
medicine on the basis of mummy, he must give up alcohol, since
substance is absolutely incompatible with it.

Beneficial features мумие неоценимы. Before starting treatment
It is advisable to consult with your doctor in order to avoid
unexpected body reaction.

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